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1、返老还童( The Curious Case of Benjamin Button )貌似是一个荒诞的科幻片,讲的是男主角本杰明出生时是一个老头,生命从耄耋之年开始,随着时间的流逝越来越年轻,最后以婴儿结束,他的生命就像放倒过来放的录影带,讲述着他的生命历程和感悟。The movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button sounds to be a grotesque fiction which tells that the Hero Benjamin was aged when he was born; life began from an old age

2、; with time flying he became younger and younger; in the end his life ended with a baby; his life looks like a reversing vedeo-tape which narrates his life journey and restrospection.影片的背景跨度一战二战到当代,以女主角黛西在生命的最后一刻的回忆的方式向观众细细道来。他们的经历似乎能给人生命的安慰,人生的思考和爱情的哲理。The movie,with its background lasting from the

3、 1st world war to the 2nd world war to modern,reflects its theme toward audience by recalling in the last life moment of the heroine Daisy in details. Their experience appears to give us the comfort of life, the consideration of life journey and the philosophy of love.生命的安慰:the comfort of life生命来自于偶

4、然,偶然中男主角出现在中产阶级家里,偶然间他是出生来就让人害怕的小家伙,天生就是满脸皱纹,严重的关节炎,皮肤松弛,患有白内障,简直满身都是老年病。在被其父亲抛弃后本杰明被一黑人夫妇收养,这位象征母爱的黑人妇女将每个生命都看做是上帝的儿女,生命生而平等。自本杰明站起来的那一刻她就认为认为本的生命就是个奇迹并鼓励着奇迹变成现实。的确,每个生命都是奇迹,每个人的道路都有各自的特别,平淡的生命呈现不同的存在形式,“有人唱歌,有人跳舞,有人是艺术家,有人被雷击 7 次依然好好生活”每个的存在就是奇迹,只愿我们能好好好珍惜我们的天赋和使命!Life originates from accident. It

5、 is by accident that the hero falls down to a middle-class family. It is by accident that he is born of being feared. It is by nature that he is harrassed by many illnesses chararterising old age such as wrinkles in full face,heavy joint inflammation,loose skin,and cataract. Benjamin,deserted by his

6、 father,is adopted by a black couple. The black woman symbolizing maternity considers every life to be the offspring of God and life is born equal. The moment Benjamin stands up ,she holds his life to be a miracle and encourages it to come true. To be sure,every life is a miracle;every one has his o

7、r her own particulars in his or her life journey;an ordinary life bringing to play of different existences like someone singing,someone dancing,someone being an artist and someone living well after seven thunder hits. 人生的思考:the consideration of life journey与阿甘的经典语录相似,本片中充斥着这样的句话“你永远也不会知道下一步将发生什么”,在安

8、排上导演也在强化这个主题,在牧师突然死去,本杰明出海,女主角黛西的车祸等等中始终贯穿着这个主题,特别是黛西车祸时本的五分钟的陈述和思考。结合我们周围的生活,事情的发生往往也是这样,这个世界的偶然和必然充斥在我们身边,我们和周围的一切都发生着联系,周围的点滴变动可能对我们的影响是致命的,但没人能完全把握这个变化的规律。人能做的就是好好做好身边的事积极对待可能的不幸。黛西车祸后也沮丧了一段时间,但长期的伤悲是没意义的,唯有能做的就是继续生活。上帝把她再上台跳舞的门关掉了,但她开了个舞蹈培训班还回到了真爱身边。Similar to the classical language of Agan,the

9、 movie is filled with one word that you are uncertain of what will happen next. In arrangement the director has also put an emphasis on the theme which has been knitted in the process of the sudden death of the priest,the off-sea of Benjamin and the traffic accident of the Heroine Daisy. The theme i

10、s specially protruding a five-minute statement and deliberation of Benjamin after Daisyaccident. Combined with life around us,things always happen like this. The world is full of many accidents and inevitables which surround us. We are not isolated with the rest of the world. The tiny changes in the

11、 all directions might be fatal to us. But no one can cammand the changing law. What you can do is to do what you aught to do and positively respond the misfortunes. Daisy has been grooming for a period of time, but it is no significance for a long term. What she can do is to continue living. Althoug

12、h God closes the door to her another dancing on the stage,she opens a dancing training class and the true love returns to her.爱情的哲理:the phylosophy of love本杰明与黛西的爱情十分脱俗,十分精彩,甚至在我们面前显的不可思议,这也是生命的奇迹之一。The love of Benjamin and Daisy is very refined and wonderful,even incredible. It is one of the miracle

13、s of life.在他们少年时,本杰明 40 多岁的外貌,而黛西是亭亭玉立,这时杰明虽爱而拒绝。In their teenagers,Benjamin looks more than 40 years old,and Daisy stands slim and charming. At the moment Benjamin inspires affections to her ,but rejects loving in fact.两人到了 30 多岁时,正好是彼此外貌相当的时候,那时,爱如火山一样热烈喷发,爱的激情,燃烧着他们如花的岁月,谱就的是一首缠绵悱恻的爱情长诗。爱情,开花结果,美

14、妙异常。假如时间就这样停顿的话,就是唯美的典范。When both of them reach more than 30 years old and have the same physical appearance,their love erupts like volcano,the loving passion burning their blossoming hearts,which compiles a tangling and echoing love poem. Love blossoms and bears fruits,dreamy and wonderful. If time

15、 stops at this moment,this love should be considered as an aesthetic paradigm.可是,本杰明却不得不思考,他不能伴同女儿长大,他反而会越来越小,这样就不能给孩子一个正常的家,一份长久的爱。为她们母女准备好足够的经济保障后,他开始浪迹天涯。这样的决定,不是深爱,怎么做的到?此时,爱情已经成熟。那些明信片就是见证,无论他到天涯海角,都会将深沉的父爱,用一张简单的明信片,寥寥数语传达。However,Benjamin has to ponder over that he can not grow up with his da

16、ughter,instead, he will become younger and younger. In the light of this,he can not give her child a decent home and a long-lasting affection. After getting ready for adequate econonmic surpport for his wife and child,he began to hang around.how can such a decision be made if not in deep love? From now on,love has become mature. The postcards are the witness. No matter where he goes, he will convey the deep fatherhood love to them in fewer words by a simple postcard.再相遇时,黛西已经老去,本杰明却



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