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1、 1 / 3The Captain: Good morning, welcome to Titanic. And now we are about to start on our journey. Come on lads,SPEED UP!船长:早上好,欢迎搭乘泰坦尼克号。我们即将启程。全速前进!The Sailor:Yes sir, SPEED UP!船员:全速前进!Aside: The great ship, Titanic, which was called of “the ship of dream”s,ailed for New York from Southampton on A

2、pril 10th 1912. She was carrying one thousand three hundred sixteen passengers. At that time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable.旁白:巨轮“泰坦尼克号”1912 年 4 月 10 日从南安普顿起锚驶向纽约。船上载有 1,316 名乘客。当时,这艘船不仅是造船史上建造的最大的一艘船,而且也被认为是不可沉没的。Aside: The hero

3、named Jack Dawson is a penniless artist who won his third-class ticket in a poker game. The heroine called Rose Bukater is a rich girl, but she is bound by various powers. She trapped in a loveless engagement because of her mother is facing finance ruin. They first met each other in the bow .They fi

4、rst met each other in the bow. And then, they fell in love.旁白:男主人公名叫杰克道森,是一个穷光蛋。女主人公名叫露丝凯特,是一个富家小姐。但她被各种各样的权利所束缚着。他们第一次在船头相遇,在此之后,他们相爱了。场景一( At the ball 在舞会上)Carl: Rose this ball is pretty good, isnt it.卡尔:露丝,这个舞会非常棒,不是吗?Rose: Yes, well definitely.露丝:恩,很不错。Carl: Our wedding will be much better than

5、this ball, Rose. Were going to marry very soon. I hope our marriage can be perfect.卡尔:我们婚礼会比这个更好。我们很快就会结婚了,我希望我们的婚姻会幸福。Rose:marriagemarriage Oh! Sorry Carl, I am tired. I want to get some rest.露丝:结婚结婚哦!抱歉卡尔,我很累,我想休息一下。Carl: All right. Enjoy yourself. See you latter.卡尔:好吧。好好休息,我等会来看你。 (卡尔走,在旁边)Jack:

6、Hi, Rose. You look beautiful tonight. Can we have a dance?杰克:露丝,今晚你很漂亮,和我跳个舞,好吗?Rose: No, Jack. I need rest.露丝:不,杰克。我想休息一下。Jack: Rose, you look you are in trouble. I can see you.杰克:露丝,你似乎遇到麻烦了。我能看透你的内心。Rose: What?Jack: You are not happy, I know how the world works. You dont love Carl, Right?杰克:其实你并不

7、快乐。我了解这个世界是如何运转的。你并不爱卡尔,不是吗?Rose: Sorry, Jack. You cant say that. Its impolite.露丝:对不起,杰克。你不应该这样说,这非常无理。Jack: Listen, Rose. You should find your own way杰克:听好了,露丝。你应该寻找自己生活的方式Rose: Its not your business, Jack. Mr. Dawson, I have to leave.露丝:这不管你的事杰克道森先生,我要离开了。Carl: Rose. You must be loyal to me.卡尔:露丝,

8、你必须对我忠诚! 2 / 3Rose: What? I cant understand you.露丝:什么?我不明白你说的什么。Carl: Listen. Now youre gong to marry me! You cant fall in love with others, with that man!卡尔:听好了。现在你要和我结婚了!你不应该爱上别人!Rose: So, Mr. Carl. Why do you think I would marry you? I love you? No, no Carl. you just cant give the real love that

9、Jack had given to me. I have no choice but to marry you just because of you can help my family Carl, I cant feel your love. I dont want to be like this. I want a bright future. I want to live my own life.露丝:既然如此,卡尔,你认为我为什么嫁给你?我爱你?不卡尔。但是你并没有给我真正地爱。我别无选择,只有我和你结婚才能挽救我们的家族。卡尔,我实在感受不到你的爱。我不想继续这样下去,我希望享受自

10、己的生活。场景二(在船头 In the bow)响音乐Rose: Hello Jack. I change my mind. They said you might be 露丝:杰克。我改变主意了。他们说你在这Jack: Shh Give me your hand. Now close your eyes. Go on! Step upDont peak.杰克:嘘 把你的手给我。闭上眼,快点!上去不要偷看。Rose: Im not.露丝:我不会偷看的。Jack: hold on, hold on. Do you trust me?杰克:抓紧了,你相信我吗?Rose: I trust you.露

11、丝:我相信你。Jack: All right. Open your eyes.杰克:好了。睁开你的眼睛。Rose: Oh! Oh Jack! I am flying Jack! I am flying!露丝:噢!杰克,我在飞!杰克!Aside:That day was the last time Titanic ever saw the daylightThe Sailor:clear.The Captain:YesThe Sailor:I do not think I have ever seen such a flat calm,like a mill pond.Not a breath

12、of wind,it will be the bergers harder to see The Captain: (呼出一口气)well,I am off .Maintain speed and heading.he Sailor:Yes sir.(大屏幕显示几小时以后)The Sailor:Is anyone there?The Captain:Yes,what dou you see?The Sailor:Iceberg,right aheadThe Captain:Thank you(船长会议室)The Sailor: Titanic will founderThe Captain:H

13、ow much time?The Sailor:An hour.Two ,atmost.(大屏幕显示:In an hour or so)Aside: Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic. A huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look out. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of

14、ice. Titanic was sinking rapidly. Seconds later, the water is filled with hundreds of screaming, thrashing people. Jack and Rose drift in the black water. Jack is clinging to the piece of wood that Rose is lying on.The temperature had drop to 3 / 3near freezing and latter the ocean was completely ca

15、lm.旁白:泰坦尼克号起航后的第四天,它正行驶在北大西洋冰冷的海面上。突然,瞭望员发现了一座冰山。泰坦尼克号突然转弯,紧贴着高出海面 100 英尺的巨大冰墙擦过去。泰坦尼克号正在急速下沉。不到一会,海面上挤满了数以百计的人。杰克和露丝漂浮在水面上。杰克双手支在露丝的木板上。Rose: Its getting quiet.露丝:安静下来了。Jack: Its just going to take them a couple of minutes to get the boats organized.杰克:还有几分钟,他们就能把救生艇练好 Rose: I love you, Jack.露丝:杰克,

16、我爱你。Jack: Dont you do that. Dont you say good bye. Not yet. Do you understand me?杰克:别,别那样。不要说再见。还不是时候。你明白吗?Rose: Im so cold,露丝:我觉得很冷。Jack: Listen, Rose. You are going to get out of here. Youre going to go on. Youre going to make lots of babies and you are going to watch them grow. Youre going to die an old, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. Do you understand me?杰克: 听我说,露丝。



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