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1、雅思培训丨雅思大作文评分标准朗阁雅思培训中心 刘雅敏很多考生在写作上为了追求“高大上”的表达方式,却在内容和逻辑上作出让步,这其实是捡了芝麻丢了西瓜,要知道逻辑才是雅思作文评分标准中的灵魂Coherence and Cohesion(以下简称 CC)。无论中文文章还是英语作文,逻辑性是读者能否理解文章内容、明白作者意图的关键,所以考生在备考过程中务必重视自己文章的逻辑性。然而中文逻辑和英语逻辑的表达是有很大区别的,中文讲究“形散神不散”,而英语则看中“形不散神也不散”。举例来讲,中文会说“因为我昨天喝大了,所以今天上班迟到了”,然而英语语境是不会出现类似逻辑的,为什么呢?这句话貌似合理,事实上

2、存在严重的逻辑漏洞,只不过中国人说话委婉含蓄,听者不去细究罢了。因为有很多可能性,比如由于“喝得过大了”而酒精中毒直接进了医院输液,所以不能准时上班,或者与“喝酒”没有关系,虽然喝了,但迟到原因是闹钟电池没电了,所以睡过了头,故迟到。既然中英文逻辑差异如此大,考生如何才能在 CC 这一评分标准上保证分数呢?笔者认为主要可以采取两种手段:“形连”和“意连”。“形连”是指形式上的衔接,主要是指连接手段的使用,而“意连”的意思是“内容上的衔接”,是指前后文在内容上前后呼应。“形连”主要有八种逻辑顺序,也就有八类逻辑衔接手段:举例论证、对比论证、因果论证、递进论证、假设论证、类比论证、目的论证、以及下

3、定义。接下来笔者将重点阐释这八类论证方式的衔接手段:一、举例论证衔接手段:For example, For instance, To illustrate, As apt illustration, such as, like, including.范例:Rather, teachers and parents can use a variety of methods to discipline their young charges, such as detention, withdrawal of privileges, and time-out. (C10T1)前面一组衔接手段放在句子开

4、头,后面接句子,“such as”、“like”、以及“including”放在句子中间,后面加词。另外,“For example”和“For instance”使用频率过高,建议读者使用“To illustrate”和“As an apt illustration”。事实上,考官范文中,在举例时,直接使用连接词的情况不多,而是通过其它方式(比如表语从句:A typical case is that.)直接摆出例子,自然流畅,值得推荐。比如剑十范文:What would a Japanese tea ceremony be without its specially crafted teapo

5、t, or a Fijian Kava ritual without its bowl made from a certain type of tree bark? (C10T3)二、对比论证衔接手段:however, While, Whilst, Whereas, Conversely, Oppositely, Rather, Instead, By contrast, In contrast, On the contrary, Compared with, In comparison with, 让步状语从句。范例:Once the age of reason is reached how

6、ever, a child can be rewarded for good behavior and discouraged from bad. (C10T1)以上连接词主要放在句首,连接两个完整的句子。说到对比转折,读者可能第一反应是“but”。不过首先,从其中文意思“但是”就可以看出,与“however” (“然而”)相比,该词语气较强,而且其用法较为固定,只能用于句中,远没有“however”灵活。三、因果论证衔接手段:“因为”:because, since, as, for, in that, now that, as a result of, because of, due to,

7、 thanks to, owing to, on account of, in view of, in (the) light of, 原因状语从句。“所以”:so, hence, thus, therefore, As a result, Resultingly, Accordingly, As a consequence, Consequently, give rise to, contribute to, lead to, result in, cause, trigger, incur, generate, engender, set off, stimulate, provoke,

8、结果状语从句。范例:The spread of multinational products can often bring in its wake(带来的结果) a loss of jobs, as people turn to buying the new brand, perhaps thinking it more glamorous than the one they are used to. (C9T3)“因为”一组中注意“because”后面一般跟主观原因,“since” 和“as”后面往往跟客观原因,由于大约 70%以上的文章都是议论文,所以客观论证是主体,即很少会出现主观原因

9、,“because”用的时候要留神。“For” 可作为连词跟句子,表示“因为,原因是”,但与其说因果关系,不如说“For”后面的内容更像是对主句信息的补充。此外,“now that”和“in that”译成中文,是“既然”,仔细揣摩,是有“因为”的意味,但很明显,这两个短语都包含很强的委婉语气,使用时应注意语境。“所以”一组中“therefore”中文意思是“因此”,而不是“所以”(“so”), 语气较正式,故建议用在结尾段中较合适。另外,“consequence”译为“后果”,故“As a consequence”和“Consequently”含有语气,后面适合加不好的结果。与前面的“giv

10、e rise to”、“contribute to”、“lead to”、“result in”、“cause”不同,从“trigger”到“provoke”这一组动词都有“刺激了”、“激发了”的意思,适合用在因果关系较弱的语境中。四、递进论证衔接手段:(1). Besides, In addition to, In addition, Additionally, Furthermore, Whats more, Whats worse, To make matters worse, Worse still,(2). Firstly, / In the first place, / First

11、 of all, / At first, / At the beginning, / To begin with, / To start with, / Initially, (3). In the meantime, / By the same token, / Simultaneously, /At the same time, / Meanwhile,范例:First, it is true that it is only those who reach the very top of their profession who can get these huge salaries .

12、Furthermore, the majority of stars do not hold their top positions long. (C7TB)第 1 类是“进而”、“另外” 的意思,其中 “Whats more”中的“more”可根据具体语境换成“better”、“worse”等形容词的比较级,使得和语境更贴切。第 2 类是指“第一”、“第二”等,以上给出了 “第一”的表达方式,要注意表达的“多变”,切不可“firstly”, “secondly”, “thirdly”一套用下来,需进行“混搭”,比如: “Initially, . In the second place, .

13、In addition, .”。第 3 类中的“Meanwhile”除了“与此同时”的含义,其前后连接的两个句子含有对比意味,使用时需注意。五、假设论证衔接手段:If, On condition that, Provided that, Providing that, Suppose, Supposing,Once, as long as/so long as, in case, for fear范例:If the relentless of international brands into every corner of the world continues, these bland p

14、ackages might one day completely oust the traditional objects of a nation. (C9T3)这一组连接词的应用较容易,即条件状语从句的使用,由于出错率低,笔者比较推荐这种论证方式。不过,若多次出现,要尽量避免重复使用“If”, 剩下的几种表达方式基本均可替换它。六、类比论证衔接手段:Similarly, Equally, Likewise范例:To see the same products in shops the world over is boring, and does not impel visitors to o

15、pen their wallets in the same way that trinkets or souvenirs unique to the particular area too. (C9T3)该类连接手段用于将相似的事物拿来做比较,以体现这一类事物的某一特征或作者对于一个问题的某种倾向。七、目的论证衔接手段:for the purpose of, for the purpose that, in order to, so as to, 目的状语从句。范例:In order to be a good member of any society the individual must

16、respect and obey the rules of their community and share their values. (C8T1)该论证方式主要指目的状语从句,所以衔接手段就是目的状语从句的引导词,以及表目的的介词短语。八、下定义衔接手段:This means that.范例:. To be a valuable member of any community is not like learning a simple skill. It is something that an individual goes on learning throughout life and it is the responsibility of every member of a society to take responsibility for helping the younger generation to become active a



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