2014高考英语(北师大版)总复习课件 Unit 16 Stories

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1、Units 1618Unit 16 Stories基础知识梳理词汇梳理1. _ n. 受害者2. _ n. 长篇小说家_ n. 小说3. _ vt. 保护;保存_ n. 保护;储存4. _ v. 目击_ n. 目击者,5. _ vi. 发生6. _ adj. 原作的;真正的7. _ n. 纪念碑;纪念堂8. _ adj. & n. 典型的;性格;特点_ n. 人物;角色9. _ vi & vt. 聚集;采集10. _ n. 悲伤;难过_ adj. 悲伤的;难过的11. _ n. 同情12. _ vi. 爆炸;冲;闯,13. _ n. 重要性;意义_ adj. 重要的;有意义的14. _ adj

2、. 反常的_ adj. 标准的;正常的15. _ n. 艰难;困苦16. _ n. 起源;开端;祖先_ adj. 原创的;最初的17. _ vt. 使泄气;打击_ vt. 鼓励;激励18. _ n. 遭遇;遭受_ vt & vi. 遭受;受苦19. _ adj. 令人钦佩的;极佳的_ vt. 钦佩;羡慕;欣赏,20. _ adj. 极为严厉的;严重的21. _ adj. 引起麻烦的_ n. 麻烦22. _ n. 限制_ vt. 限制;约束23. _ adj. 直截了当的;坦率的24. _ adj. 宝贵的;热衷的25. _ adj. 渴望的;热切的26. _ adj. 逐渐的27. _ v.

3、扩大;扩充_ n. 扩大;扩展,28. _ adj. 复杂的_ n. 复杂29. _ adj. 明显的;显而易见的30. _ n. 温暖31. _ n. 突破;重大的发现32. _ adj. 不确定的33. _ adj. 讨厌的;令人厌倦的_ v. 讨厌;厌倦;厌烦,34. _ adj. 笨拙的;难看的35. _ adj. 紧张的36. _ vi & vt. 鼓掌37. _ adj. 头晕目眩的38. _ vt. 放弃;遗弃,自我校对1. victim 2. novelist; novel 3. preserve; preservation 4. witness; witness 5. occ

4、ur 6. authentic 7. monument 8. characteristic; character 9. gather 10. sorrow; sorrowful 11. sympathy 12. burst 13. significance; significant 14. abnormal; normal 15. hardship 16. origin; original 17. discourage; encourage 18. suffering; suffer 19. admirable; admire 20. severe 21. troublesome; troub

5、le,22. restriction; restrict 23. straightforward 24. precious 25. eager 26. gradual 27. expand; expansion 28. complex; complexity 29. apparent 30. warmth 31. breakthrough 32. uncertain 33. tiresome; tire 34. awkward 35. tense 36. applaud 37. dizzy 38. abandon,短语梳理1. _ 出现2. _ 从前3. _ 堵住;封锁4. _ 从某种程度上来

6、说5. _ 侧身6. _ 在去的路上7. _ 断绝关系;分成小部分8. _ 既然;由于9. _ 以命名,10. _ 偶然遇见11. _ 支撑起12. _ 依靠13. _ 理解;弄清楚;算出来14. _ 以结束;以告终15. _ 特别;尤其是,自我校对1. come into view 2. once upon a time 3. block out 4. in a way 5. on ones side 6. on ones way to 7. split up 8. now that 9. name after 10. come across 11. hold up 12. count on

7、 13. figure out 14. end up 15. in particular,重点知识探究重点单词1. abandon vt. 放弃;遗弃 n. 放纵Jackson has abandoned his old car.杰克逊把他那辆旧车扔了。Im sorry I abandoned you like that.很抱歉我那样突然抛下你走了。We will never abandon our principles.我们应该坚持原则。People were shouting and cheering with abandon.人们兴高采烈,纵情欢呼。,知识梳理with abandon 纵

8、情地;放任地abandon oneself to 沉湎于;陷入abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事,巧学助记,探究练习Because they were fearing further attacks, most of the population had _ the city.A. expanded B. abandonedC. fled D. escaped,【解析】 B 考查动词辨析。abandon表示“抛弃;遗弃”。而expand是“扩展”;flee和escape表示“逃跑”时是不及物动词,后面应该接介词from,再接宾语;用作“逃避”之意时是及物动词。,2. preser

9、ve vt. 保护;保存We must preserve our natural resources.我们必须保护自然资源。The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.成立这个协会是为了保护濒危动物不至于灭绝。The vase has been preserved intact.这个花瓶保存地完好无损。,发散思维preserved adj. 受到保护的preservation n. 保护;保存,探究练习Unfortunately, many peacekeepers, who are devoted

10、 to _ peace in Haiti lost their lives in the earthquake.A. sparing B. reservingC. protecting D. preserving,【解析】 D 句意:不幸地是,许多在海地致力于维护和平的维和人员在这次地震中丧生。spare“挤出;匀出”;reserve“保留;预定”;protect“保护”,preserve peace“维护和平”,符合句意。,3. witness v. 目击;作证 n. 目击者;见证人She was a witness of the incident. 她是事件的目击者。He gave wit

11、ness on behalf of an accused person.他为被告作证。I witnessed the accident. 我亲眼目睹了这场事故。No one could witness that he was present.没有人能证明他在现场。,知识梳理witness for 作证;为作证witness against 作不利于的证词witness to 为作证;出庭证明in witness of 作为的证明,巧学助记,探究练习The book was written in 1946, since when the education system _ great chan

12、ges.A. witnessed B. has witnessedC. had witnessed D. saw,【解析】 B 由句中的时间状语since . 可知,此处应该用现在完成时,故选B项。witness表示“见证”之意,相当于see。,4. occur vi. 发生;存在;被想起;被想到;浮现(+to)I hope this wont occur again.我希望不要再发生这种事情。The word “gratitude” did not occur in his words.“感激”两字在他的话中是见不到的。Earthquakes occur frequently in this

13、 area. 这一地区经常发生地震。Do giraffes occur in Africa only?长颈鹿是不是只在非洲才有?It occurred to me to visit my teacher.我想到要去看看我的老师。,知识梳理sth. occur to sb. 某人突然想到某物It occurs / occurred to sb. that 从句 的念头突然浮现在某人的脑海中,探究练习 Why are you so late? I was on the way when it _ to me that I had left my notebook home, so I had to

14、 fetch it.A. occurred B. hitC. happened D. reminded,【解析】 A 考查了sth. occur to sb. 表示“某人突然想到某事”之意。句意:当我在路上的时候,我突然想到我把我的笔记本忘到家里了,所以我不得不回家去拿。hit“击中”; happen“发生”; remind“提醒”,均为干扰项。,5. tremble vi. 颤抖;发抖 n. 震颤;发抖;震动The room is warm now, but he is still trembling.房间里现在暖和了,但他仍然哆嗦。There was a tremble in her voice. 她声音颤抖。His voice trembled with anger. 他的声音因愤怒而发抖。,


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