模块7 第三单元 课文解释

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《模块7 第三单元 课文解释》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《模块7 第三单元 课文解释(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、模块 7 第三单元 课文解释一、 标题 effect affect 区别及用法effect,consequence,result 这三词作为名词在一起比较的一般含义是由某种原因所产生的结果。effect 和原因的关系是立刻性的,即马上可以看到的The drug has had an immediate effect on the patient. 此药对病人立刻产生了效果。consequence 和原因的关系没有那么紧密,并非马上可以可见。You should be responsible for all the consequences. 你应当为这一切后果承担责任。Do you know

2、what the consequences of your action will be? 你知道你的行为将会产生什么后果吗?The consequence was that he caught a bad cold. 结果是他得了重感冒。result 虽然和原因关系密切,却不是立即可见,而是最后才能显示出的。比方某人头部受到沉重的一击,马上产生的脑震荡(此为 effect)。脑震荡后他的身体渐渐垮了(即consequence),最后不能从事正常工作了(即 result)When the first radio messages have been received, the results

3、of the trip will be announced immediately. 当收到第一批无线电信息时,这次太空之行的结果将立即公布出去。His limp is result of a car accident last year. 他的跛足是去年一次车祸所致的结果。cause and effect 因果motive and effect 动机和效果One of the side effects of this drug is the easiness of habit-forming. 这种药的副作用之一就是容易上瘾。be of no effect 无效, 没有作用, 不中用in e

4、ffect 正在实行The old system is still in effect. 旧制度仍有效。in effect 实际上 He is, in effect, my rival. 实际上他是我的竞争对手。take effect 开始实行;开始生效The medicine quickly took effect. 药很快见效了。 The contract takes effect as of October 1.本合同从十月一日起生效。to. effect 大意是That is what he said, to that effect. 那便是他所说的话, 大意是如此.I have re

5、ceived a cable to the effect that . 我收到一封电报, 大意是说.。He called me a fool, or words to that effect. 他叫我呆子或诸如此类的话。vt 实现The reform was effected. 改革实现了。effect a cure 治愈effect ones purpose 达到目的 effect a cure 治愈The reform was effected. 改革实现了。bring into/ to effect 实行, 实施, 使生效, 实现carry into effect 实行, 实施, 使生效

6、, 实现put into /to effect 实行, 实施, 使生效, 实现bring effect 实行, 实施, 使生效, 实现carry to effect 实行, 实施, 使生效, 实现go into effect 开始生效, 开始实施for effect 做样子, 为了给人良好的印象, 装门面have an effect on/upon 对.有影响; 对.起作用, 产生效果二、 Im speaking for the pro-Internet side.a) speak for : speaking on behalf of b) Mr. Jim, speaking for the

7、 club members, started the meeting.c) argue for oneself/ a sided) No excuse, dont speak for yourself.三、 (P34. Line 4) analysis n. 分析,解析 复数 :analyses We agreed with his acute analysis of the political situation. 对政治形势的深刻分析。(1) In the final/last analysis I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of t

8、he play.(2) 最终/归根结底, 我们认为我们都同情剧中的女主人公。(3) analyse vt. 分析 We must try to analyse the causes of the strike.研究罢工的原因.(4) analyst n. 分析家,分解者 ,分析者四、 The first is its value for people who are looking for information. (P34.Line5) value n. 价值, 重要性a) This book will be of great/little/no value to the young gen

9、eration.b) Will the value of house continue to increase?c) be good/excellent value for money 很划算 be bad/poor value for money 不划算d) good value for moneye) invaluable= priceless valueless= worthlessf) value sb/sth. value the chance/ ones privacy vt. 尊重, 珍惜g) value sth. at. money v. 估价, h) He valued th

10、e house for me at 20000 pounds. 那栋房子他替我估价两万英镑。i) Some of us value peace and comfort very highly. Others value pleasure and excitement. j) 我们有些人非常重视安宁与舒适,有些人重视快乐与刺激。五、 When people are in need of informationa) be in need of : need sth. badlyb) All those students are in great/desperate need of mental a

11、djustment.c) in need : lacking ( money/ food)d) Volunteers are sent to care for the victims in need. e) theres no need (for somebody) to do somethingf) Theres no need to feel sorry for him. He is beyond cure. g) Need I say,= Obviously, I am extremely sorry to hear the bad news of your father.六、 from

12、 current affairs and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research a) affair : a) public or political events and activities:b) They were accused of interfering in Chinas internal affairs.c) public/foreign affairs d) b) things connected with your personal life, your financial situation e

13、tc: e) I am not prepared to discuss my financial affairs with the press.f) business:七、 commerce, tradea) We do business with a number of Italian companies. b) set up/start up in business八、 uncountable work that you do as part of your job:a) on business; business trip/meetingb) what someone should be

14、 involved in uncountable(1) Its none of your business how much I weigh.(2) Whos that girl you were with? Mind your own business (3) Are you going out with Kate tonight? Thats my business (九、 uncountable things that need to be done or discussed:(1) Okay, lets get down to business十、 affair affairs mat

15、ter business(1) We youth should care for home and international _ .(2) Mind your own _ .(3) A student should have a good habit: _ before pleasure.(4) Again, there is another _ to consider.(5) The minister deals with important _ of state.十一、 (P34. Line) acquire v. 获得,取得,学到(知识, 技能)a) I look on it as a

16、n opportunity to acquire fresh skills. 我把这当作是一次学习新技能的机会.b) acquire a taste for 开始喜欢上This beer isnt bad. Im beginning to acquire a taste for it. c) be an acquired taste 是后来慢慢喜欢上的 Abstract art is an acquired taste.d) acquisition n. 获得 ,所获之物十二、 (P34. Line 14) claim v. 要求,请求,主张,声称,说明,断言a) He claimed (that) he was innocent. b) claim to do/ be something c) No responsible physician will


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