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1、- 1 -重点复习书本 18 单元 P124,125 两页(加粗部分那些段落,考定义,复习资料 1-2 页) ;书本 21 单元 P144145 固废处理方法、垃圾焚化,填埋技术特别是 P145 第二、三段,复习资料*页;书本 23 单元 P156,第三段,噪声控制室负责尖端的技术,复习资料*页。 书本 26 单元 P169 第二部分 Operational Procedures,环境影响评价的步骤,考其中的 1、2、3、4 等小点。Unit 18Sources and Types of Solid Wastes 固体废物的来源和种类Knowledge of the sources and t

2、ypes of solid wastes, along with data on the composition and rates of generation, is basic to the design and operation of the functional elements associated with the management of solid wastes. 了解固体废物的来源和种类,以及其数量组成和产生率,是设计和管理相关固体废物的基本运作条件。Sources of solid wastes 固体废物的来源Sources of solid wastes are, i

3、n general, related to land use and zoning. 固体废物的来源,一般来说,与土地使用和划分有关。 Although any number of source classifications can be developed, the following categories have been found useful 虽然许多废物的来源分类可以发展,以下是已被发现有用的分类方法 (1)residential , 住宅(2)commercial, 商业(3)municipal, 市政(4) industrial, 工业(5)open areas, 开放地区

4、(6)treatment plants, 处理厂 and (7)agricultural. 和农业。Typical waste generation facilities, activities, or locations associated with each of these sources are presented in Table 1. 典型的废物是发电措施,人类活动,或与这些来源相关的每个地点见表 1。The types of wastes generated, which are discussed next, are also identified. 对产生的废物,这是接下去

5、要讨论的种类,也被识别了。Types of solid wastes 固体废物的种类The term solid wastes is all-inclusive and encompasses all sources, types of classifications, composition, and properties. 固体废物一词是全部包括所有废物的来源,分类,组成类型和属性。Wastes that are discharged may be of significant value in another setting, but they are of little or no v

6、alue to the possessor who wants to dispose of them. 被丢弃的废物,在另一个环境可能具有重要价值,但是对于愿意处置它们占有者来说,它们很少或者没有价值,To avoid confusion, the term refuse,often used interchangeably with the term solid wastes, is not used in this text. 为了避免混淆城市垃圾一词,经常使用这个词,代替固体废物,而不是使用本书的。As a basis for subsequent discussions. 作为今后讨论

7、的基础。 It will be helpful to define the various types of solid wastes that are generated. 这将有助于确定不同类型固体废物的产生。It is important to be aware that the definitions of solid waste terms and the classifications vary greatly in the literature. 重要的是要知道,固体废物的术语的定义和分类在不同的文献中差别很大。Consequently, the use of published

8、 data requires considerable care, judgment, and common sense. 因此,在公布的数据的使用时需要相当谨慎,判断和常识。The following definitions are intended to serve as a guide and are not meant to be arbitrary of precise in a scientific sense. 以下定义的目的是作为一种指导,是不是为了准确任意科学概念。Food wastes 食品废弃物Food wastes are the animal, fruit, or v

9、egetable residues resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and eating of foods (also called garbage ). 食品废弃物是动物,水果或蔬菜制备,烹饪,和食用的食品残留物的造成的(也称为垃圾) 。The most important characteristic of these wastes is that they are highly putrescible and will decompose rapidly, especially in warm weather. 这些废

10、物的最重要特征是他们很容易腐烂,并会迅速分解,特别是在温暖的天气。Often, decomposition will lead to the development of offensive odors. 通常情况下,分解会导致产生异味。In many locations, the putrescible nature of these wastes will significantly influence the design and operation of the solid waste collection system. 在许多地方,这些废物腐烂的性质将大大影响设计和固体废物收集系统

11、的运作。 In addition to the amounts of food wastes generated at residences, considerable amounts are generated at cafeterias and restaurants, large institutional facilities such as hospitals and prisons, and facilities - 2 -associated with the marketing of foods, including wholesale and retail stores an

12、d markets. 除了在住宅产生的食品废物的数量,还有食堂和餐厅也产生的相当数量食品废物,大型机构的设施如医院和监狱,以及与食品的销售相关设施,包括批发和零售商店和市场。Rubbish 家庭垃圾Rubbish consists of combustible and noncombustible solid wastes of household, institutions, commercial activities, etc., excluding food wastes or other highly putrescible material. 家庭垃圾包括可燃和不可燃固体废物,其来自

13、家庭,机构,商业活动等,不包括食品废物或其他高度容易腐烂的材料。Typically, combustible rubbish consists of materials such as paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles, rubber, leather, wood, furniture, and garden trimmings. 通常情况下,可燃垃圾,包括材料例如: 纸,纸板,塑料,纺织,橡胶,皮革,木材,家具和庭院修剪物。Noncombustible rubbish consists of items such as glass, crockery,

14、 tin cans, aluminum cans, ferrous and other nonferrous metals, and dirt. 不燃垃圾包括如玻璃,陶器,铁罐,铝罐,黑色金属和有色金属等物品,和泥土。Ashes and Residues 灰烬和残留物Materials remaining from the burning of wood, coal, coke, and other combustible wastes in homes, stores, institutions, and industrial and municipal facilities for pur

15、poses of heating, cooking, and disposing of combustible wastes are categorized as ashes and residues.从木材,煤炭,焦炭,和家庭其他可燃废物燃烧剩下的材料,商店,机关,以及工业和市政设施取暖,做饭,产生的可燃废物处置被归类为灰烬和残留物。Residues from power plants normally are not included in this category. 发电厂的残留物一般不包括在这一类。Ashes and residues are normally composed of

16、 fine, powdery materials, cinders, clinkers, and small amounts of burned and partially burned materials. 灰烬和残留物通常是由细微的,粉状物料,炉渣,熟料,和少量烧焦的和部分烧毁材料组成。Glass, crockery, and various metals are also found in the residues from municipal incinerators. 玻璃,陶器,以及各种金属也从市区焚化炉的残留物中被发现。Demolition and construction wastes 拆除和建筑垃圾Wastes from razed buildings and other structures are classified as demolition wastes. 建筑物被夷为平地,及其他废物被列为拆除废物。 Wastes from the construction, remodeling, and repairing of individu



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