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1、Proper namesGuilin Institute of Tourism 桂林旅游高等专科学校Guilin Institute of Tourism was founded in 1985, said in the beginning of guilin tourism college, the school is located in the international tourist city landscape jiatianxia guilin, resorts luan, yanshan two campuses, covering an area of 1885 mu.Sch

2、ool has eight series, two college.Other sets and d international education cooperation, facing the whole country recruit students existing students nearly more than 8700 people.A total construction area of 370000 square meters.桂林旅游高等专科学校创办于 1985 年,始称桂林旅游专科学校,学校坐落在山水甲天下的国际旅游名城桂林,拥有骖鸾、雁山两个校区,占地 1885 亩

3、。学校有八个系,两个学院。另设有维伯国际教育合作部,面向全国招生现有在校生近 8700 多人。总建筑面积 37 万平方米。1、School Gate 学校大门Design concept 设计理念Rush!Gate-crashers celebrated all over the world.Cultivate ones morality, aspire to, dedication, innovation is our motto闯!勇闯天下。修身、立志、敬业、创新 是我校校训2、Galloping Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow 马踏飞燕1、Roman

4、tic, Galloping Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow on the coordinates of latitude and longitude of the earth is guilin2、the part marked theme is the representative of Chinas tourism image, horse step, well embodies the characteristics of tourism;3、signs of virtual space as continuous GuiLinJi xiufeng

5、 mountain, and like a magnificent water-eroded cave, as well as the cross river modelling books, good embodies the characteristics of guilin;4、the image of the symbol in the book reflects the school characteristics;5、logo is blue and green color in the guilin tourism concept of color;6、signs of a ga

6、lloping horse full of healthy vitality, implication of guilin institute of tourism school forge ahead, fashionable endeavor, geared to the needs of domestic, towards the world1、风月无边、马踏飞燕踩的地球的经纬度就是桂林的坐标2、标志主题部分是中国旅游的代表形象马踏飞燕,很好体现了旅游特点;3、标志的虚空间部分有如连绵的桂林奇山秀峰,又如瑰丽的溶洞,以及下边江水造型的书本,很好的体现了桂林特点;4、标志中书的形象体现了学

7、校特点;5、标志中蓝绿两色是桂林旅游的概念色;6、标志中飞奔的马充满健康活力,寓意桂林旅游高等专科学校锐意进取,时尚奋进,面向国内,奔向世界3、Golf Court 高尔夫球场Professional golf management and services since its inception, the talent training quality well received by the industry, graduates in short supply, and a lot of golf enterprises established stable cooperative re

8、lations高尔夫经营管理与服务专业自开办以来,人才培养质量深受业界好评,毕业生供不应求,与很多高尔夫企业建立了稳定的合作关系4、Administrative Building 行政楼Important departments have set up a school in the administration building, there are a lot of important meeting and award ceremony is held in the multi-function hall学校重要的部门都设立在行政楼,有很多重要的会议、颁奖典礼等活动都在多功能报告厅举行5

9、、International Education 国际交流学院Our school is in guangxi area early recruit employ foreign teachers and students of colleges and universities, has been very active foreign exchange activities.In recent years, the education internationalization road become the important strategy of school development,

10、 international communication has made many important achievements and breakthrough.我校是广西区内较早聘请外籍教师和招收留学生的院校,对外交流活动一直非常活跃。近年来,走国际化办学道路成为学校发展的重要战略,国际交流工作取得了很多重要成绩和突破。6、Library 图书馆Graphic information center is a new library in our school, there is a sound library facilities.The collection is very big,

11、can meet the demand of the students knowledge.Spacious and comfortable interior design can give students build a good learning environment.With spacious conference room can hold important meeting图文信息中心是我校新建的图书馆,里面有健全的图书设施。藏书量很大,能够满足学生的知识需求。室内设计宽敞舒适,能给学生营造一个良好的学习环境。里面还有宽敞的会议室,可举行重要的会议7、Baseball Court

12、 棒球场The baseball and softball team of our school is great, the coach, won the good results in many games, baseball and softball game here will be held我们学校的棒垒球队很棒,教练也好,在很多比赛中获得过很好的成绩,这里也会举行棒垒球比赛8、Playground 操场Winter games will be held here in October each year, some of the physical education is also

13、here, students will also be running here at ordinary times每年十月份会在这里举办冬季运动会,一些体育课也在这里进行,平时同学们也会在这里跑步9、Gym 风雨操场Rain playground is also a basketball court, in addition to the students play basketball at ordinary times, take basketball here on physical education of students union, here a year would have

14、 the basketball match, a few small game will also be selected here风雨操场也是篮球场,除了学生平时打篮球外,选修篮球的学生会在这里上体育课,这里每年也会举行篮球比赛,一些小比赛也会选在这里10、Tennis Court 网球场Students can play tennis here like tennis爱好网球的学生可以在这里打网球11、Volleyball Court 排球场Each year, held here volleyball match每年都会在这里举行排球比赛12、Teaching Building 教学楼T

15、he building is divided into travel and travel frequently floor, is equipped with modern multimedia classrooms, language lab, conference room, dance room, piano room, etc. Teaching hardware facilities.There is also a teaching building is being built.Teaching building in the distribution of each depar

16、tment department office and some of the associations office教学楼分为旅博楼和旅勤楼,都配有现代化的多媒体教室、语音室、会议室、舞蹈房、钢琴房等教学硬件设施。另外还有一栋教学楼正在修建中。教学楼里分布有各系部的办公室和一些协会的办公室13、Piano Room 琴房Is mainly used in the performance art of student learning, provide them with perfect teaching facilities主要用于艺术表演系的学生学习,为他们提供完善的教学设施14、The Brigades Floor 旅齐楼Brigades floor is tour guide system, tourism and leisure management department, business department, performance art training floor, main is to let s



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