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1、新概念大学英语(一到四册)最全课后完整答案(前五单元课后 III,IV,完形填空)第一册第一单元 1. The years he spent in the countryside proved to be a(n) _ regarding experience.2. You can learn a lot from this online course. It is designed to help communicate people communicate better through speech and writing. 3. Over a third of the populatio

2、n was estimated to have no access to health service.4. Asking too many personal questions during an interview can lead to a(n) embarrassing situation. 5. Dont just complain about whats wrong with it; suggest some positive ways to solve the problem.6. No one in the class could match Johns hard work a

3、nd commitment to study, which is why the professor liked him. 7. The website allows you to take a(n) virtual tour of the well-known city which was there about 2,000 years ago. 8. Those who dare not answer questions in a traditional classroom can easily enjoy the benefits of online courses. 9. He cou

4、ldnt join the police because he was below the minimum height allowed by the rules. 10. Many new opportunities will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.IV. 1. After twenty years as a chain smoker, Mr. Nathe has given up the habit. 2. I hope that our talk has given you som

5、e insights into the kind of work that weve been doing. 3. It was clear that much of what he said was far from the truth. Anyone with common sense would have a hard time believing it. 4. You have to be patient with small children, since they cannot tell the difference between right and wrong.5. Hard

6、as they tried, the newspaper reporters couldnt get access to the building where the murder had taken place two hours before.6. He was so ill that he was unable to keep up with what was going on. 7. The time has come for us to reap the benefits of the strong foundations we laid in science and technol

7、ogy. 8. He wished to have the opportunity to participate in the sports meet. 9. Even though they are poor, they are against the plan to trade land for goods and money. 10. Im doing this to create circumstances under which we can communicate with each other easily. Vocabulary第二单元1. If the bike _appea

8、ls_ to you that much, why not buy it? You just got paid yesterday.appeals2. He managed to hide his _identity _ and moved to a new town where people would not know him.identity3. All of your _concern _ was for nothing, because I was safe all night.concern4. It was worse than horrible; the smell in th

9、e room was so _disgusting_ that it actually made me sick.disgusting5. I wasnt quite angry, but I was a little _upset_ when my noodles were cooked poorly.upset6. Modern music may have a negative _influence_ as well as a positive one on teenagers.influence7. He has made an _offensive_ remark that ange

10、rs all of us.offensive8. On hearing the news, the mother _burst_ into tears and rushed out of the room, followed by a few other people.burst9. I bought some computer paper, but when I got it home I found it was the wrong stuff.10. I want you to be very _thorough_ when you look in the park for the mi

11、ssing woman so you wont miss her.1. Sandys father could not stand the offensive music, so he asked her to turn it _off/down_.2. I cant turn the tap _off_, and theres water all over the floor.3. He is busy _ usual, giving lectures and working on the textbook.as4. She asked the students who were worki

12、ng in the dark classroom why they hadnt turned the lights _.on5. Sinking in the sand, he reached _ his friends hand, but it was too far away.for6. Teachers may exercise more influence _ their students than parents.on/upon7. The rock and roll music appeals especially _ young people.to8. Id like to ta

13、lk your offer _ with my wife before deciding whether to take it or not.over9. The money offered may not be much, but _ any case Ill take the job.in10. Perhaps listening to light music may get rid _ some of the knots in your stomach.of第三单元Unit 103AIII. 1. _ I was very unhappy with what he had said, b

14、ut I didnt show it.Inwardly2. I deeply _ to inform you that we cannot accept such conditions.regret3. He translated books not only from English, but also, on _, from French.occasion4. The young couple _ about the high cost of visiting Eplained5. He had repeatedly _ her to come to the United States t

15、o join him, but she refused to leave her homeland.urged6. Government officials visited the flood area on Thursday morning to _ the relief efforts.coordinate7. He showed great _ in signing the agreement, but he finally did it.reluctance8. Driving his new red sports car, he was sure his neighbors were

16、 looking at him with _.envy9. You will have to _ yourself to a completely new life in the United States when you get there.adjust10. We were _ to hear the news that the well-known writer, in her late eighties, was still writing a book.amazedIV.1. They engaged _ a serious discussion for several hours without reaching any important decisions.in2. We hope all children can live in


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