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1、Unit 3 Computers听说训练Part A模仿朗读请听课文录音,并跟读课文,注意语音、语调和停顿Part B角色扮演角色:Mrs. Green and Mr. Pat 情景:Mrs. Green 向 Mr. Pat 询问有关计算机的信息。任务:请你扮演 Mrs. Green,根据中文提示提出问题。请你的同桌扮演 Mr. Pat,根据课文内容回答你的提问。1最初的计算机出现在什么时候、什么地方?_2谁把计算机改建成分析机?_3. 谁是真正的计算机之父,是 Charles Babbage 还是 Alan Turing?_4网络最初出现在什么时候?_5可以把计算机安装在火箭上吗?_考点聚焦

2、一、写出下列单词的变化形式1计算 v._;计算器 n._;计算 n._2使简化 v._;简化 n._;简化的 adj._3智力;聪明;智能 n._;智能的,聪明的 adj._4私人的,个人的 adj._;亲自地;就本人而论 adv._5运用,申请 v._;运用,申请 n._;申请人 n._6金融,财经 n._;金融的,财经的 adj._7逻辑,思维方式 n._;合逻辑的 adj._;合逻辑地 adv._;不合逻辑的adj._8出现 v._;出现,外貌 n._;消失 v._9.探索,探究 v._;探索,探究 n._;探索的,探究的 adj._ 活学活用用所给单词的正确形式填空1According

3、 to a recent research,dolphins are much more _ (intelligence) than other animals.2The _(apply) forms should be _(simplify) to make things simple.3I cant see the _ behind your argument. Please make it more _ because anything _ will cause confusion. (logic)4_ (person) speaking,its worth all the effort

4、s. 5The earth is nothing but a very small planet in the endless_ (universal)6Use a _ to _ the cost of the vacation so that we can make a budget by_ (calculate)7The _ (technology) progress is changing our life.二、翻译下列必背短语1在某种程度上_2依看;据认为_3从时候起_4结果_5处理;安排;对付_6弥补;补足;整理,编造_7毕竟_8看守;监视_ 活学活用根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰

5、当的短语完成下列句子1The cunning fox _ (to invent a story in order to cheat or entertain sb.) a very moving story about his misfortune.2You need to think about how to _ (to handle;to solve) the problems you accidentally caused.3He was determined to study hard _ (since then)4I dont really want to go out._ (any

6、way),it is getting darker and colder.5_ (to some extent),the teachers learn more in the teaching than the students.6_(as time goes by),scientists have known more about cancer.三、完成句子1她英语讲得很好,现在能与外宾交流了。(so.that.)_ _2汤姆犯了个严重的错误,结果丢了工作。(as a result)_3无论如何,我今天必须完成工作。(anyhow)_ 4她说她不喜欢它,但我个人认为它 很好。(persona

7、lly)_5他们去游泳,让我看着衣服。(watch over)重点句型I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. (P18)我发展缓慢,差不多两百年后,查尔巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。句型:It takes/took some time before.过了多长时间才模仿造句(1)过了很长时间救援队才赶到灾区。_(2)过了三年,他才找到女儿。_轻松走近高考阅读理解CA great loss-

8、Shirley Temple dies at 85February 12,2014BY DERRIK J. lANG, Associated PressShirley Temple Black,who died on February 10th at age 85,wasnt just a child star. She was THE child starthe sweet little girl whose shining smile helped illumine some of the darkest days the US has known during the Great Dep

9、ression.Its hard today to imagine the super star Shirley was once “Americas Little Darling”. She sang and danced her way to the top of the box office in such films as Bright Eyes, Curly Top and Heidi. By 1940, she had appeared in 43 films. Temple teamed with Bill Robison in four movies, and their da

10、nce on the stairs in The Little Colon is still a legendary film moment.In the 1930s, her name on a movie introduction assured (保证) a packed house. She inspired dolls, dresses, disheseven a drink (alcohol-free, of course).US President Franklin D. Roosevelt once famously said that “as long as our coun

11、try has Shirley Temple, we will be all right.”Unlike so many of todays child stars, Temple didnt end up with her name appearing across the headlines for bad behaviors. Instead of getting her photos on front pages or struggling with drugs and alcohol, Temple went on to a second career in diplomacy (钋

12、交) , including presidential appointments as ambassador to Ghana.She surprised a lot of people who doubted her with her grace, knowledge and eagerness to serve. In fact, her career in public service (20 years) was longer than her career in movies (19). The role she valued most, however, was as wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.The world has lost a treasured Hollywood legend. But her movies will allow that


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