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1、新视野大学英语第一册教案教研室: 教师姓名:课程名称 新视野大学英语 授课班级授课内容 Unit Five 授课学时 6 periods教学目的 1. To grasp the main idea of the text 2. To develop reading skillsreading for major details.3. To master the key language points and grammatical structures4. To be familiar with the problem-solution pattern教学重点 Key sentence pat

2、ternsBe infected with; in place of; suffer from; hand out; regardless of;Guard against; wipe out; distract sb. From; sign up for;Grammar 被动语态 非限定性定语从句Structured writinga general point supported by a problem-solution pattern教学安排 Periods1-2(90mins)1. Lead-in Activities2. Vocabulary Enrichment 3. Text

3、structure AnalysisPeriods3-4(90mins)1. Language Points 2. Text Discourse 3. MemoryPeriods5-6(90mins)1. Reading Skill: Reading for Major Details 2. Grammar: the Attributive Clause.3. Guided Writing1. Assignment教学方法 主要采用任务型教学法:让学生在课前了解一些关于艾滋病的蔓延以及预防的知识,可以采用课堂讨论方式加强语言技能的训练。作业 1. Self-study with the hel

4、p of the website. 2. Ex. VII, VIII and IX. In the text book3. Translation and after-class reading4. Preview of Section A ,Unit 6辅助手段 笔记本电脑, MP3 Lecture NotesPeriods 1-2 (90mins)Section A The Battle Against AIDSI Lead-in Activities (30mins)1. Background Information1)AIDS & HIV: Acquired Immune Defici

5、ency Syndrome, is a disease which destroys the natural method the body uses to protect against other diseases. It is a disease caused by the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), but AIDS is different from HIV in that the former usually causes death while HIV may lead to AIDS. HIV is spread in three w

6、ays :(1) contact with infected blood; (2) sex; (3)mother to child. AIDS usually develops in four stages: In the first stage, there is only infection by HIV and antibody (抗体) production; (2) In the second stage, the lymph nodes (淋巴结) enlarge(肿大); (3) In the third stage, an infected person may begin t

7、o have such signs(症状) as tiredness, fever and night sweats; (4) In the last stage, AIDS is diagnosed when a person develops certain uncommon, life-threatening illness.2) the federal governmentThe federal government in the United States is a national republic whose members are elected to hold office

8、for a limited period of time by citizens over 18 years of age. This republic has an elected president who is head of the nation as well as head of the federal or national government. 3) a state governmentA state government is the political structure that includes an area of land, citizens, and an el

9、ected governing body with the right to control and change all powers within the state that are not given by constitution to the federal government. Fifty state governments exist in the United States.2. Questions for discussion1) Show the Ss some pictures and let them talk to each other about the top

10、ic on the screen. 2) show Ss the video of the Special Report given by George W. Bush on Global AIDS Act and lead Ss to have the fast reading of the following text.II Vocabulary Enrichment (50mins)1. acquire: vt. 1) 获得;取得She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study.她认真学习而精通英语。Some people

11、go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to impress the society.有些人回到学校去接受教育,是想再取得一个学位或一张文凭,以增强自己在社会上的地位。acquire: vt. 2)拥有;得到Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in born.抽烟喝酒往往是一种后来习得的嗜好,并不是生来就有的词 语 辨 析 acquire, obtain, gain, Get, acquire 表示通过努力

12、或积累而获得才智、经验、能力、荣誉、财富,强调的是通过逐步的、持续的、缓慢的过程来获得某物,已经获得就永久保持。obtain 为正式用语多指凭努力或恳求 “得到”或“找出”某物,强调愿望得以实现。gain 为正式用语,指通过努力或拼搏得到利益或有价值的东西。get 为口头用词,含义丰富,指通过某种手段或方法拥有某种东西,既可以指积极努力地去获得,也可指被动的得到,后可接双宾语。2. immune: a. 1) (常 against, from, to 与连用)免疫的;免受伤害immune from taxation taxes 免税be immune to all pleas 不容申辩immu

13、ne: a. 2) (常与 from, to 连用)被豁免的The criminal was told he would be immune from punishment if he helped the police. 罪犯被告知说,如果他协助警方,就可以免受惩罚。immune from criminal prosecution.免于刑事诉讼 3. infect: vt. 1)传染;使感染One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon infected other children. 班上的一个孩子发烧了,不久他就传染上了其他孩子。

14、If your eyes are infected, you must go to an oculist.如果你的眼睛受到感染,就要去看眼科医生。infect: vt. 2)感染;影响Marys high spirits infected all the girls in the class.玛丽振奋的精神感染了班上所有的女孩子。he infected the whole class with her laughter. 她的笑声感染了全班同学。4. constitute: vt. 1)构成:构成 部分或成分;组成Correct grammar and sentence structure d

15、o not in themselves constitute good writing.正确的语法和句子结构本身并不能构成一篇好文章7 days constitute a week七天构成一星期constitute: vt. 2)制定;建立;设立;任命The new government constituted new traffic regulations新政府制定出了新的交通规则。The mayor constituted Mr. Bush as the chairman of the parliament.市长任命布什先生为议会的主席。5. alarm: n. 惊慌;警报raise th

16、e alarm 发出警报They heard the fire alarm. 他们听到了火警警报。alarm: vt. 使惊慌,使恐慌My mother was alarmed when I fell over. 当我跌倒的时候,我妈妈很惊慌。We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest. 森林失火使我们大为惊慌。词 语 辨 析 Alarm, fear, dread三个词均为名词,作“ 害怕,恐惧 ”alarm 指由于危险的突然出现而产生的惊慌失措或恐惧。The explosion caused the alarm. 那次爆炸引起了恐慌。fear 比较广义。 The knight felt no fears in the battle. 那武士在战斗中毫不畏惧。dread 指由于预知某一不愉快的事情或令人害怕的事情而产生的恐惧。例如:He


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