模拟联合国大会 草案模板

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《模拟联合国大会 草案模板》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《模拟联合国大会 草案模板(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、东北师范大学第五届模拟联合国大会决议草案(中文决议草案委员会:社会,人道主义和文化委员会议题:武装冲突下的国际难民问题起草国:中国,美国,法国,乌干达,南非,沙特阿拉伯 ,巴西附议国:日本,韩国 ,埃塞俄比亚,刚果金,德国,英国,加拿大,澳大利亚,印度,塞尔维亚,土耳其,阿富汗,以色列,挪威,格鲁吉亚草案编号:1.1回顾其以往签订的条约及各项相关决议,包括联合国难民认定议定书、联合国难民认定公约、日内瓦公约以及第 1265(1999)号决议、第1612(2005)号决议、第 1674(2006)号决议,深信解决武装冲突下的国际难民问题对于维护世界和平,促进人类文明的进步有重大意义,确认此问题的

2、有效解决将对世界各国的发展以及相互之间的合作与交流起到积极的作用,强调在联合国的框架下解决此问题,并赞赏联合国有关机构在之前为解决此问题所作出的贡献,欣见各国在解决该问题上所作出的努力,认定应在遵守联合国宪章及世界人权宣言相关条款下,各国应团结合作致力于武装冲突下的国际难民问题的解决:1 建议在解决武装冲突下的国际难民问题中各国应做到标本兼治,既要治标,积极保护和救助现有难民;更要治本,消除战乱,发展经济,具体开展下列工作:a.各国共同呼吁更多的宗教关怀与民族和解,避免由宗教争执与民族矛盾引起的武装冲突,并通过和平谈判解决争端。若和平谈判难以实现,则在不干涉内政的前提下,坚持以联合国为中心,维

3、和部队帮助各冲突发生国的政府解决动乱;b.成立政策性开发银行,专门负责筹集资金对难民地区进行人道主义援助,各国应以政府的形式参与其中:i 呼吁各国对于非洲的难民问题予以资金支持,同时对于难民国如何更好的建立基础设施和医疗保障体系提供技术上的支持;ii 要求各国给予中东国家大力支持(包括资金,基础建设,难民点安置方案,及医疗卫生,安全),着重点是难民安置国与难民国;2、呼吁各国尊重难民的人权,已获得其合法权利的保护,a. 强调各国应以立法的形式保障难民正当权利;b.重申世界人权宣言和公民权利和政治权利国际盟约有效性;3、支持联合国难民署的工作,并应充分发挥联合国难民署在解决难民问题上的建设性作用



6、会为适龄儿童接受教育做出应有贡献。Draft ResolutionCommittee: Disarmament and International Security CommitteeT o p I c: Denuclearization of Korean peninsularSponors: America, England, Iseal , Ukraine, South Africa , Russia, Brazil ,Korea, GermanySignatories: JAPAN , INDIA, BRAZIL, AUSTRALIA, Libya ,CUBA,PAKISTANReca

7、lling its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 (1993), resolution 1540 (2004), resolution 1695 (2006), and, in particular, resolution 1718 (2006),1874(2009), as well as the statements of its President of 6 October 2006 (S/PRST/2006/41) and 13 April 2009 (S/PRST/2009/7),Reaffirming

8、 that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security, Expressing the gravest concern at the nuclear test conducted by the Democratic People Republic of Koreaon 25 May 2009 (local time) in violati

9、 of resolution 1718 (2006), and at the challenge such a test constitutes to international efforts aimed at strengthening the global regime of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons towards the 2010 NPT Review Conference, and the danger it poses to peace and stability in the region and beyond, Stressin

10、g its collective support for the NPT and commitment to strengthen the Treaty in all its aspects, and global efforts towards nuclear non-proliferation and recalling that the DPRK cannot have the status of anuclear disarmament, and nuclear-weapon state in accordance with the NPT in any case, Deploring

11、 the DPRK announcement of withdrawal from the NPT and itspursuit of nuclear weapons, Underlining once again the importance that the DPRK respond to othersecurity and humanitarian concerns of the international community,Underlining also that measures imposed by this resolution are not intended to hav

12、e adverse humanitarian consequences for the civilian population of the DPRK,Expressing its gravest concern that the nuclear test and missile activitiescarried out by the DPRK have further generated increased tension in the region and determining that there continues to exist a clear threat to intern

13、ational beyond, and peace and security, Reaffirming the importance that all Member States uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,.National organization,1Demands that United Nations(1) Playing a pivotal role preventing the nuclear proliferation,(2) Acting on the histo

14、ric resolutions the UN passed like Resolution 1874, resolution 1718 (2006)(3) Giving international pressure on the countries that break the rules and developing nuclear weapons or test nuclear weapons illegally,2. Calls for the Security council(2) Strengthening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,(

15、3) Responding and determining as necessary as its role when violations of nuclear peace threaten international security,3. Requires that the International Atomic Energy Agency (the IAEA) (1) Strengthening the international nuclear inspections,(2) Preventing the illicit trafficking and smuggling of n

16、uclear materials and weapons,(3) Strengthening the institutions to help prevent nuclear materials from falling into the hand of terrorists,(4) E xpanding the resources and authorities it needs to meet its responsibilities4. To be fair,build a supervision to regulate the two nations relationships, to the reduce of nuclear weapons ,stop the future military test without qualification and take the denuclearization of the D.P.R.K .Demands to Natio


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