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1、八年级上册复习提纲 2M8 Accidents1. on the phone 通过电话通话(on 表示“通过”)2. look pale 看起来很苍白此处 look 作为半系动词,后跟 adj. 常见的半系动词有 tastesmellsoundfeel.Eg:The music sounds good. The food tastes delicious. The sofa feels comfortable. 3. listen 听( 强调听的过程,后接宾语时需加 to,即 listen to)hear 听到( 强调听到的结果,后接 do 或 doing)Eg:We should liste

2、n to the teachers carefully.I hear someone singing in the next room. (我听到有人正在隔壁房间唱歌)I hear someone sing in the next room. (我听到有人在隔壁房间唱歌)4.appear(v.) 出现 appearance(n.) disappear(v.) 消失 Eg:He suddenly disappeared in front of us.5. hit 撞击;打 Eg:The bus hits the bridge. He hits me on the head.此外,hit 还可以作

3、名词,表示“轰动一时的成功” Eg:His song made a hit.6. be glad to do sth 很高兴去做 sth Eg:I am glad to see you again.7. in time 及时 / on time 准时,按时Eg:(1) I hope you can come back in time. (2) Please hand in your homework on time.8. fall off=fall down from 从摔下来你 fall asleep 入睡 fall into 掉入fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 fal

4、l behind 落在后面9. the risk of 的风险 side by side 肩并肩 pay attention to 注意(to 是一个介词,后接名词或 doingEg:We should pay more attention to developing economy.10. sometimes 有时 some times 几次;几倍sometime (将来或过去)某个时候 some time 一段时间Eg:He sometimes sends me an e-mail.Remember it some times, or you will forget it.Lets hav

5、e a party sometime next week.I will stay with you for some time.11. pick up 捡起,拾起( 代词只能放中间,名词放在中间或后面均可)pick sb up (开车 )接某人 Eg:After school, his father drives his car to pick him up everyday.12. call sb. call up=ring up 打电话给某人 call on 拜访某人Eg:Call me up tomorrow. / I called on my grandparents yesterda

6、y.14. take photos 照相15. hide 隐藏 hide up 包庇(坏人)hide sth from sb 瞒着某人某事 hide out 躲藏Eg:-Why did the policeman catch the man just now?-He hid up the murderer.She hid her brothers death from her parents.16. throwthrewthrown 扔;抛 throw away 抛弃throw about 到处乱扔 throw at 向扔去Eg:Dont throw about the waste paper

7、.The naughty boy throws at the dog a stone.17. As he was lying there in great pain, Henry suddenly remember the photo.lie 此处为不及物动词,意为“ 躺”。其过去式、过去分词分别为 lay,lain ;现在分词为lying。 He was lying on the bed. lie 的其他用法: 不及物动词,意为 “说谎”。过去式、过去分词均为 lied;现在分词为lying。lie to sb 向 sb 撒谎 Eg:Dont lie to me.不及物动词,意为“位于” 。

8、此时其过去式、过去分词分别为 lay,lain;现在分词为 lying。Shandong lies in the east of China. 山东位于中国东部。18. hurry up hurry to do sth 此处 hurry 为动词 in a hurry (hurry 为名词)19. as 当时=whenwhileasas 与一样 not assoas 与不一样asas possible 尽可能=asas sb cancouldas soon as 一就Eg:He is as tall as me. /We should study as hard as possible.I wi

9、ll call you as soon as I get home. 20. send sth to sb=send sb sth show sth to stb=show sb sth21. on ones way to 在 sb 去路上 get in the way 妨碍in this way 用这种方法 by the way 顺便问下 in a way 在某种程度22. take off (飞机)起飞;脱下(衣服)make a decision to do sth. =decide to do sth. 决定做某事语法全解:when 和 while 都表示主从句的动作或状态同时发生,但二

10、者意义不尽相同。1. when 引导的从句可表示时间点,也可表示时间段,从句的位于动词既可以是延续性动词,也可以是非延续性动词;while 引导的从句通常表示时间段,从句中宜用延续性动词作谓语。They arrived while we were watching TV.2. 含有 when 引导的时间状语的主从复合句,如果主句用过去进行时,从句应该用一般过去式,表示一个动作正在进行的时候另一个动作发生,强调后一动作发生的突然性。We were watching TV when suddenly the lights went off. 3. 当主从句的动作都是延续的或同时发生,主从句都用过去

11、进行时的时候,从句多用 while引导。They were reading while we were writing .4. 如果表示从句的动作在主句的动作“之前”或“ 之后”发生时,多用 when,不用 while。此外,when 还含有“at the moment “的意思,此时引导的句子不能放在句首,也不能用 while来替换主谓一致判断法主谓一致是指在一个英语句子中,主语和谓语在人称和数上要保持一致,这种一致性体现在联系动词 be 和助动词 do, have 的人称和数上,以及实义动词的第三人称单数上1. 不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式2. 动名词或动词不定式作主语时,谓语动

12、词用单数形式3. Eitheror : neithernor: not onlybut also: 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词与邻近的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。M9 Population1. The population of China is about 1.37billion.The population of sp is. 表示 sp 有多少人。此外用 sp has a population of也可以表示 sp 有多少人。形容人口(population)多少用 big/ large 或 small, 当 population 作主语时,谓语动词用单数询问某地有多少人口有

13、两种表达方法:1. Whats the population of 2. How large is the population of 注意:询问某地有多少人口时不用 how many 和 how much hundredthousandmillionbillion 等前有数字,用单数形式 three hundredhundredthousandmillionbillion 等后有 of,用复数形式 thousands of2. noise (n.) 噪音 noisy(adj.) 吵闹的 make noise 发出噪音voice 指嗓音(人说话或唱歌) sound 指一切声音3. prepar

14、e 准备 prepare for 为做准备 prepare to do sth 准备去做某事.Eg:They are preparing for the New Year.We prepare to go fishing next weekend.4. report 报告;报道 make a report 做报告 reporter 记者,通讯员notes 名词复数形式 “笔记 随笔” make notes 记笔记5. such as for example 例如,比如(注意范围区别)too much+不可数名词 too many+可数名词 much too+形. 太Eg:I like frui

15、t, such as apples, bananas.I have too much homework to do today.That dress is much too long for me.There are too many people in the shop on Sunday. 6. one fifth 五分之一分数的表达法:分子在前,用基数词;分母在后,用序数词。当分子大于 1 时,分母需要用复数 如:two thirds7. hang on a minute. 稍等8. quiet (adj.) 安静的;宁静的 quietly(adv.) 安静地quite ( adv.)相当,十分Eg:Please keep quiet, my father is sleeping now.She is quite beautiful in that red coat.9. close to=next to 靠近,挨



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