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1、第一讲plus pls prep. 加上One plus one is two. 一加一等于二。minus mains prep. 减去Ten minus two is eight. 十减二等于五。multiply mltiplai v. 乘Four multiplied by two is eight. 四乘二等于八。divide divaid V. 除Six divided by two is three. 六除以二等于三。doze off 打瞌睡She dozed off in the class yesterday. 她昨天在课上打瞌睡了。original ridnl adj. 原来的

2、,最初的The original price of the coat was 100, but the shop cut it down by 30%.这件外套的原价是 100,但是商店降价了 30%。parade preid n. 游行More and more people joined the parade to celebrate carnival. 越来越多的人加入游行中来庆祝狂欢节。.circus s:ks n. 马戏团You can find clowns in a circus. 马戏团里有小丑。mow mu v. 割(草、麦)I hate mowing the lawn. 我

3、讨厌剪草坪。lawn l:n n. 草坪argue :gju: v. 争辩,争吵She is arguing with Bill about the matter. 她在跟 Bill 就这个问题进行争辩。fishing rod 钓竿court k:t n. 球场There is a large tennis court near my house. 在我家附近有一个大型网球场。ketchup ketp n. 番茄酱I like eating potato chips with ketchup. 我喜欢就着番茄酱吃薯条。tuck in 安顿某人睡觉Honey, its bed time, Ill

4、 tuck you in. 亲爱的,该睡觉了。我来安顿你睡觉。injection indekn n. 注射The nurse gave me an injection. 护士给我打了一针。liar lai n. 说谎者,骗子giggle gigl v./n.咯咯地笑Everyone started to giggle except him.除了他每个人都开始咯咯地笑起来。landlord lndl:d n. 房东tenant tennt n. 房客colleague kli:g n. 同事I get on very well with my colleagues. 我和同事们相处得很好。rec

5、eptionist risepnist n. 接待员promote prmut v. 提升,升职He likes to read biographies of great men to promote himself. 他喜欢读伟人传记来提高自己。employee emplii: n. 雇员The firm has 1000 employees. 这家公司有一千名员工。constant knstnt adj. 不变的,不断的I hate his constant absence. 我讨厌他常常缺席的行为。idler aidl n. 懒散者suitable sju:tbl adj. 合适的The

6、se films are suitable for adults only. 这些电影只适宜成人观看。label leibl n. 标签direction direkn n. 方向,说明Follow the directions that your doctor gives you. 请遵医嘱。cut down 砍倒,减少We should stop cutting down trees without limitation. 我们应该停止无限制地滥伐树木。belong to 属于This beautiful garden belongs to the Smiths. 这座美丽的花园是属于史密

7、斯一家的。第二讲first name=given name 名family name=surname=last name 姓club klb n. 俱乐部He joined a tennis club last week. 他上个星期加入了一个网球俱乐部。Danish deini n./adj. 丹麦人(的) ,丹麦语(的)Copenhagen kupnheign 哥本哈根(丹麦首都)poem puim n. 诗歌theme i:m n. 主题The theme of the poem is love and peace. 这首诗的主题是爱与和平。roller coaster n. 过山车ca

8、rve k:v v. 雕刻hard h:d adj./adv.坚硬的,辛苦的,困难的;努力地Teeth are very hard. 牙齿很坚硬。shape eip v. 塑造,使成形The children are shaping a snowman. 孩子们在堆雪人。while wail conj. 然而,而I like green tea while she prefers black tea. 我喜欢绿茶而她更喜欢红茶。remain rimein v. 保持,仍是Ten years has passed and my mother still remains young. 十年过去了,

9、我妈妈仍然年轻。enough inf adj./adv. 足够的;足够地I dont have enough time to finish the work. 我没有足够的时间来完成工作。besides bisaidz prep. 此外,除以外I visited the Summer Palace besides the Great Wall. 除了长城之外我还参观了颐和园。amazing meizi adj. 惊人的,很棒的She has an amazing memory for number. 她对数字有惊人的记忆力。all around 周围,到处All around the moun

10、tain there are wild roses. 山上到处都是野玫瑰花。catch fire 着火The wooden house caught fire last night. 这间小木屋昨晚着火了。be used to do 被用来Pens are used to write with. 笔是用来写字的。fabulous fbjuls adj. 极好的fantastic fntstik adj. 极好的,难以置信的wonderful wndfl adj. 精彩的I watched a wonderful football game last night. 我昨晚看了一场精彩的足球比赛。

11、terrific trifik adj. 极好的;可怕的disgusting disgsti adj. 令人厌恶的The durian has a disgusting smell. 榴莲的气味很恶心。boring b:ri adj. 枯燥的,无聊的awful :ful adj. 糟糕的,可怕的I had an awful experience yesterday. 我昨天有一件可怕的经历。awesome :sm adj. 了不起的,精彩的;可怕的be used to do 被用来conversation knvseinn. 对话第三讲toddler tdl n. 刚学走路的小孩mask m:

12、sk n. 面具You can wear a mask to cover your face so that he wont recognize you. 你可以戴个面具遮住脸,这样他就认不出你了。imitate imiteit v. 模仿mean mi:n adj. 吝啬的,小气的fatal feitl adj. 致命的This kind disease is fatal. 这种疾病是致命的。deft deft adj. 灵巧的She has got deft hands. 她有一双灵巧的手。smug smg adj. 自负的A smug person always thinks that

13、he is the best. 自负的人总认为自己是最好的。coach kut n. 教练dead-line 截止期original ridnl adj. 原来的,原始的survive svaiv v. 生存,幸存fade feid v. 凋谢Most flowers fade in winter. 大多数花在冬天会凋谢。tyre tai n. 轮胎flatter flt v. 赞扬,称赞offspring fspri n. 后代raw r: adj. 未加工的,生的ban bn v. 禁止Smoking is banned here. 这儿禁止吸烟。sleeve sli:v n. 袖子fra

14、gile frdail adj. 易碎的,脆弱的butcher but n. 屠夫,肉贩peep pi:p v. 偷看She peeped at his diary, which made him very annoyed. 她偷看他的日记,这使得他非常生气。dismiss dismis v. 解雇He was dismissed by his boss yesterday, 他昨天被老板解雇了。wreck rek n. 残骸avoid vid v. 逃避,避免She gets up early every day to avoid the rush hour. 她每天早早起床以避过高峰期。m

15、ournful m:nfl adj. 悲伤的charge t:d v. 开价,控告,充电The shop assistant charged me 100 dollars. 店员开价 100 美元。precise prisais adj. 精确的symptom simptm n. 症状temper temp n. 脾气She has got a good temper; everyone in the class likes her. 她脾气很好,班上每个人都喜欢她。strike straik n. 罢工farewell fewel n. 告别desperate desprit adj. 绝望的He was nearly desperate when he heard the bad news. 当他听到这个坏消息的时候几乎绝望。absent bsnt adj. 缺席的,不在的No one is absent except him. 除了他没有人缺席。shadow


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