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1、新编大学英语复习资料Unit 1humanities 人文学科royal adj 王国的,王室的;高贵的 n 王室成员loyal adj 忠诚的,忠心的,忠贞的 n 效忠的臣民quarterfinal 四分之一决赛1) semi-circle 半圆 2) semi-detached 半分离3) semi-finals 半决赛4) semi-annual 半年5) semi-retired 半退休6) semi-automatic 半自动7) semi-professional 半职业8) semi-conscious 半清醒9) Semi-tropical 亚热带10) semi-litera

2、te 半文盲chargeIts a double room really, but Ill only charge you single.The airlines charge half price for students. 要价, 收费fully charged 使充电控告,指控,指责 charge sb. with convict证明有罪;宣判有罪 convict sb. of He has twice been convicted of robbery.wishful 主观愿望的, 一厢情愿的admiration 钦佩,赞美,崇拜Appreciation 欣赏,感谢,评估Affecti

3、on 喜爱,慈爱glance: look at someone or something quicklyglimpse: see by chance, just for a momentglare: 怒目而视,强光Reward 报酬,报答,酬金,赏金awardvt. 授予,奖给,判给(比如勋章,衔头)n. 奖品,裁决Prize 奖赏,战利品,奖项(比如学业,工作表现)up and down adv.上下ups and downs n. 盛衰,沉浮,起伏now and then :sometimes, not often 频率on and off:from time to time 断断续续的

4、(某段时间的持续)状态here and there:in different places (有范围的)far and near: everywhere (无明确范围的)Unit 2 mannersacquire 获取democratic adj 民主的,民主政体的;democracy n 民主be destined to 命中注定的be destined for a place 以。为目的地的disintegrate vt 使某物碎裂 vi 碎裂,崩裂make strides in 在。上面有进展aware (adj.)be aware of .; be aware that awarene

5、ssraise peoples awareness of the significance of takeaway 外卖餐馆,外卖食品make a blue joke 开下流的玩笑blue movie 黄色电影blue music 蓝调 忧伤的音乐blue words 脏话blue blood 高贵的,贵族的blue Monday 闷闷不乐的周一red figure 赤字black tea 红茶红糖 brown sugarred-eye 熬夜航班,红眼航班She was running to catch a red-eye to New York.green-eyed 嫉妒,眼红新手 gree

6、n handwhite coffee 加牛奶的咖啡Would you like black or white coffee? 要不要加牛奶white lie 善意的谎言white-collar 白领white man 白种人;忠实可靠的人white elephant 累赘The new office block has become an expensive white elephant.过奖了!I am flattered.您先请!After you.我请客!Its on me.;It s my treat.请便,别客气!Be my guest.久仰大名!Ive heard so much

7、about you.听你的!You are the boss.我们该走了。Wed better be off.谢谢款待 Thanks for your hospitality.请留步!不用送了!I will see myself out, please.1) gathered up2) helpout3) committed( commit: do (sth. bad or wrong)4) acknowledge5) derive from(得到 ,导出,源于)6) was destined to ( be destined to do / be destined for a place)7

8、) inhabited8) observed(观察,研究,遵守(法律,习俗)9) indications10) chasing1)acquisition、requisition 区别Require;requirement 要求,必要条件,必需品,资格requisition 征用,征调,请购单2)inhibited;inhabit 区别Inhabit 居住于,存在于 Inhibit 抑制,约束3)striving(努力奋斗的现在分词)、strides ( make strides in ) stripes 的区别Stripe 条纹 例子:The American flag has 13 stri

9、pes.check 格子 例子: checked curtains Strive 努力,奋斗strive to do / for sth. 努力做。事4)hand down 遗留,传递hand over 交付,交出,交给U4affectionate 深情的,挚爱的,有感情的sociable 随和的,友善的,好交际的aggressive 有进取心的,行动积极的;侵略的,好争斗的,爱打架的fun-loving 爱玩乐的,风趣的respectful 有礼貌的,恭敬的studious 好学的,用功的,仔细的athletic 体格健壮的,行动敏捷的Crisis n 危机,危难时刻Emphasis 强调d

10、iagnosis 判断,诊断,结论hypothesis 假设,假说,前提 thesis 论文,论点,论题,命题Understand、misunderstand;Judge、misjudgeLeading、misleading;pronounce 、mispronounce ;Fortune、misfortunemis- 是 wrong, bad 的意思constitute1)组成,构成,形成Alaska is the largest of the 50 states that constitute the USA.2)建立,成立(常以被动态出现)The federation was const

11、ituted in 1949.admit1) 承认He admitted his guilt.2) 允许进入, 批准加入A group ticket admits six people to the zoo and museum.The Baltic States were admitted to the United States in 1991. admissionWe attached a condition to his admission to our school.闲人免进。No admission except on business.not so muchas.与其说是不如说是

12、与其说是生气,不如说我是伤心了。 I dont feel so much angry as sad.They are not so much friends as lovers.1) associate联系,联合,联想v. associate withn. 合伙人,伴侣adj. 联合的,合伙的,非正式的2) appreciative(感激的,有欣赏能力的,表示赞赏的be appreciative of .3)commit做(错事)n. commitmentbe committed to 托付,保证,承诺,承担义务He said the government remained committed

13、 to mittedadj. 忠诚的,坚定的commitment (承诺,献身,承担义务)4)particular特别的;详细的;独有的;挑剔的(be particular aboutparticularized vt. 列举; 逐一叙述;详述; 特别指出5)intensifyvt.& vi. (使)增强,(使)加剧;增加(照片图象)的对比度;变强或增强 intensity(不可数) 强烈;(感情的)强烈程度;强度;烈度 The pain increased in intensity.6)appliance运用,器具,器械,装置;家用电器7) relation / relationshipre

14、lations(人、团体或国家之间的)联系,关系,往来relationshipn. 友情关系,浪漫关系;血缘关系be related to10)exact准确的,精确的,严密的,精密的vt. 要求,苛求,强求exacting 费劲的;需细致小心的;(标准)严格的;(对别人)严格的 exactness (正确,准确)superficial 表面的, 肤浅的,一知半解的interval 间隔,幕间休息 , 中场休息The trees stood at regular intervals.England were two goals behind at the interval.assume: vt

15、. 取得(权力);承担,担任;假设,假定;呈现 n. assumption U5 happiness1) speculations (思考,推断)2) exploded3) sex/gender4) economy节约;经济;理财(economics 经济学,国民经济情况economical 节约的;经济的)5) typicalbe typical of 是的特点Rainy days are typical of the spring in Guangdong.6) personal control7) optimistic8) extroverted 外向的,喜欢社交的9) changes/

16、 fluctuates (波动,起伏)10) genetic makeup 基因构造11) close relationships12) marriageengender 引起,造成well-being 幸福,福利,生活安宁myth 谜,神话,虚构,奇人奇事give a clue to 提示trait 特点,特性set point 设定点,调节点alternativen. 二中择一,可供选择的事物,取舍adj.不寻常的;两者择一的,替代的 alternative questionsreflection:1)She stared at her reflection in the bedroom mirror.(反映出来的)影像2) The re


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