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1、 七年级下册期末单选专练( )1 There _ five apples and an egg on the table. A is B has C are ( )2 I found a small boy _ in the corner. A crying B cried C cries ( )3 What do you usually do _ Sunday afternoon? A at B in C on ( )4 She often helps her mother _ the housework. A do B does C did ( )5 _ did you go last S

2、unday? I went to the park. A When B How C Where ( )6 She didnt go to the movies _ she was very busy. A and B so C because ( )7 Thank you _ coming to my birthday party. A for B with C of ( )8 _ the weather there? Its windy. A Whats B Hows C Wheres( )9 Look! The boys _ in the river. A swimming B is sw

3、imming C are swimming ( )10 These books are _. Give them to _, please. A Jim, he B. Jims, him C. Jims, his( )11 What does he _? He is kind of short. A like B look C look like( )12 They had great fun _ tennis. A play B to play C playing ( )13 Everyone _ music in our class. A like B likes C liking( )1

4、4 Its time for supper now. lets _ it. A stop having B stop to have C to stop to have ( )15 My brother _ medium height. And he _ a medium build . A is, has B. has . has C. has, is ( )16 When _ he _ to Yibin? - Last week. A does, go B did, go C did, went ( )17 She often helps her mother _ dinner. A co

5、ok B cooks C cooking ( )18 Its time _ dinner. A have B to have C for have ( )19 I dont like koalas _ pandas. A and B or C but( )20 He _ to a movie last night. A goes B is going C went( )21. _ hot day it is ! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( ) 22.Which do you like _, pandas , deer or tigers? A. go

6、od B. well C better D. best( ) 23. I want to travel to some _.A. places of interest B. place of interests C. places of interests D. place of interest()24. _ you dance ballet when you were four years old? A. Can B. Could C. May D. Should( ) 25. Here is the weather report _February,20th._ some big cit

7、ies. A. in; for B. for; in C. on; in D. on; for( ) 26.Tom cant play _piano, but he can play _ tennis. A. / ; the B. the ; / C. / ; / D. the ;a( )27. I hope _ to my birthday party tomorrow.A. to come B. she can come C. her to come D. she come( ) 28. My bedroom is _the _floor. A. on; second B. in; sec

8、ond C. on; two D. at ;two ( ) 29. How often does Daniel swim?-_A .In the swimming pool. B. An hour. C. Twice a week. D. At school.( ) 30 .What about _ a boat ?. A. row B. rowing C. rows D. rowwing( ) 31. When you enter the room , you should _ your shoes. A .put on B. put off C. take off D. take down

9、( ) 32 ._is going to plant trees next SundayA . They each B. Each of them C. Each of they D. Each of we( ) 33. Where does Zhang Lin want to go _a trip? A .to B. on C. for D. with( ) 34. Tom _ an umbrella _him when he went out last night.A. takes; about B. taked ; about C. took; with D. take; about(

10、) 35. I met Miss Wang at the station _ a rainy evening. A. in B. from C. at D. on ( ) 36. _ is the highest temperature, do you know?A. How many B. How much C. What D. How( ) 37 Here are your football shoes. _, please. A. Put them away B. Put it away. C. Put away it. D. Put away them.( ) 38. Is the w

11、eather in England the same _ in Australia ?A. as; to B. as C. as that D. as much as ( ) 39. How do you go to work? I usually go to work _.A. by a car B. in a car C. on a car D. by cars( ) 40.There is _ with my kitchen fan.A. anything wrong B. wrong anything C. something wrong D. wrong nothing41. -Wh

12、at does your mother do? -_.A. She works in the hospital B. She is at home C. She is singer D. She is reading42. My aunt has a _ daughter. A. two years old B. two-year-old C. two year old D. two -year old43. How about _ computer games. I think its fun. A. playing B. play C. plays D. to play44. Whats

13、your friend _? Smart and shy. A. doing B. from C. like D. likes45. After school, Roy found a purse _on the ground. A. lieing B. lie C. lying D. to lie46. We had great fun _English this term. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learns47.Thank you for _ CCTVs “Around The World” show. A .joining B. joi

14、n C. to join D. joined48. Everyone in our class all _our teachers. A. like B. likes C. are liking D. liking49. Stop _ . Be quiet, please. A. talk B. talks C. talking D. to talk50. Sandy always _ a red dress and white shoes. A. wears B. in C. with D. on51. What did you do on vacation? I _.A. go shop B. went shop C. went shopping


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