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1、(A 卷) 第 1 页 共 5 页1韩山师范学院 2009 年专升本插班生考试试卷英语/英语(商贸英语)专业 基础英语 试题 (A 卷)题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 评卷人得分(请将答案写在答题卡)I. Match each word with its definition: 10%Words:1) jumble2) executive3) squirt4) synthetic5) frown6) croak7) snatch8) engrave9) feat10) parallel11) menace12) ventilate13) flurry14) stanch15

2、) seethe16) yearn17) overhaul18) integral19) spawn20) corrodeDefinitions:a) to examine or go over carefully for needed repairsb) to be violently excited or agitatedc) a person concerned with making and carrying out decisions esp. in businessd) unwanted things for salee) to speak in a low, rough voic

3、e as if you have a sore throatf) an action needing strength, skill or courageg) cause air to enter and move aroundh) to have a strong desirei) to bring into existence, esp. in large numbersj) to become worn away, esp. by chemical action over a long periodk) dependably loyall) necessary (to complete

4、sth.), which cannot be left out(A 卷) 第 2 页 共 5 页2m) not naturally produced, artificialn) to cut words or pictures on metal, wood, glass, etc.o) running side by side but never getting nearer to or further away from each otherp) to force out in a thin fast streamq) to bring eyebrows together in anger

5、or effortr) to take someone or sth. away from a place by forces) sth. or someone that is dangerous or threateningt) sudden confusion or excitementII. Fill in each blank with the derivative of the words in parentheses. 10%1) Engrossed in her sorrow, she was totally _ of her surroundings. (oblivion)2)

6、 Unskilled _ of victims who have suffered neck injuries can cause serious damage. (extricate)3) His _ from the club hurt him very much. (exclusive)4) Clear logic can help you to _ a skein of thoughts. (entangle)5) I feel a sense of _ when my friends refused to support me. (betray)6) They found a _ t

7、emple in the mountain. (habitation)7) His writings were composed without deliberate _. (obscure)8) They confessed, but only under severe _. (constrain)9) Their _ of the book is that it is beautifully written. (assess)10) The polices _ (intervene) broke up the fight.III. Fill in the blanks with prepo

8、sitions or adverbs. 8%1) The audience was so stupid that it seemed impossible to get _ to them by mere language. 2) In the end the long hours of work, combined with domestic worries, got him _. 3) She had to take _ the dress a few inches at the waist. 4) I reckon that she has taken _ too many respon

9、sibilities.5) When we are eating fish, we need to look _ for bones. 6) Please look _ it that it doesnt happen again. 7) At the end of each lesson the teacher will run _ the main points.8) The new clock radio has run _; we must change the batteries.9) The teacher kept Tom _ because of his sloppy work

10、.10) When will the next American moon-shot come _? 11) The school has turned _ some very good scholars.12) Dont forget to turn _ all your camping gear before you leave.13) Ive made my choice and I will hold _ to the end.14) The bandits held _ the train and robbed the passengers.15) The event came _

11、as he had predicted it.16) Jobs are hard to come _ when so many people are out of work.IV. Paraphrase the following sentences. 21%1) In 1991 the World Wide Web debuted, instantly bringing order and clarity to the chaos that was cyberspace. (A 卷) 第 3 页 共 5 页32) It was a swelling feeling of rage and m

12、isery and protest that expressed itself in the thought. 3) The poison sac of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it. 4) He resolutely drove the compulsive thought out of his mind, but it kept edging its way in again with alarming persistence. 5)

13、But in cold blood I could think of no practical substitute for these dramatic punishments. 6) There was a gasp of horror from the onlookers, and the slayers took a grip on their clubs. 7) The tendrils of desire unfold their clasp on the outer world of objects, withdraw, shrivel up. Wishes shrivel up

14、, turn black, die. V. Use the words given in parentheses to translate the following sentences. 21%1) 自从他生意失败后遍一蹶不振,目前对他来说最重要的是振作精神。(brood/ pull)2) 10 前很少有人意识到我们已经走向一个知识经济的时代,一个信息即成功的时代。(way)3) 至于日趋严重的空气污染问题,这是全人类共同面临的一种威胁,这一严酷现实必须引起所有人注意。(as/notice)4) 我们不能姑息任何人的有害社会秩序的行为,不管他是谁,不管他来自何处。(injurious)5)

15、我真的很怀疑经过处理的引用水能够提供人体健康所必须的矿物质。(essential)6) 除夕夜晚的大街小巷里,到处是身着节日盛装,燃放烟花的孩子。(let)7) 我们学校强调学生全面发展,鼓励学生培养健康的个人爱好。(attach)VI. Choose the best one to complete each sentence. 8%1) Having been _ for three weeks, the escaped murderer was caught at the airport yesterday.a. on the run b on the flight c in an es

16、cape d in a fling2) The woman could see by the gun in his hand that the robber _ business.a. meant b did c had d wanted3). It was nine years ago _ Sir Alfred returned from America.a in which b at which c that d since4). The brain needs (a) _ supply of blood.a. continual b continuous c incessant d eternal5). Dont deviate from the subject _ discussion.a. under


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