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1、编号:Ea028 主备人: 使用时间: 月 日 教研组长: 教务主任: 班级:高一( )班 小组: 姓名Green Olympics; Peoples Olympics; Hi-tech Olympics 1英语 必修 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games 学案 学习目标:引导学生发现本单元重点语言结构,让学生自己发现并感悟相关的语言规律,培养他们的语感。学法指导和使用说明:借助知识讲解,理解例句并尝试总结知识结构。完成相关习题。完成时间 25 分钟。激情投入,快乐学单词1. compete vi.比赛;竞争联想拓展compete with 与竞争compete for 竞争以

2、获得compete with/against sb. for sth. 为得到某物与某人竞争compete in (a game, a match) 参加;在方面竞争be in competition with sb.和某人竞争competition n.比赛;竞争competitor n.比赛者;竞争者competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争力的 易混辨析compete/contestcompete 表示“为了争得名次、奖金,合同等” ,并不含有将对手征服的意思。contest 所表示的竞赛可以是友谊赛,也可以是有敌意的竞赛,旨在比试技能、能力、力气、耐力等,此外还可以表示赢得选举。H

3、e believed that nobody could _ him. 他认为没有人能和他竞争.More than 1,000 _ took part in the _ to _ for the first prize. 1 000 多名选手参加了争夺一等奖的比赛。He has now _ in two Olympics.他已经参加过两届奥运会了。 高手过招(1)单项填空 Our athletes will some games, such as running and wrestling. They have the hope to get some gold medals. A. comp

4、ete B. compete in C. Join D. attend (2)用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 compete with/ compete against/ compete for/ compete in Its difficult for small markets to big ones.Will you the 100-metre race?The two athletes will the gold medal.2. admit vt. 承认联想拓展be admitted as . 被接受为 be admitted (to/into) 被准许进入admit (to) st

5、h./doing 承认某事 /做过某事预习案编号:Ea028 主备人: 使用时间: 月 日 教研组长: 教务主任: 班级:高一( )班 小组: 姓名Green Olympics; Peoples Olympics; Hi-tech Olympics 2admit that 承认admit sb./sth. to be 承认是It is/was admitted that 普遍认为He was admitted as a member of the basketball team. 他被接受成为篮球队的一名队员。Only 200 children were admitted to/into th

6、e school every year._Will you admit having broken the window? 你承不承认你打破了窗户?They freely admit that they still have a lot to learn.他们坦率承认,他们要学的东西还很多。He admitted his words to be mistaken.他承认自己的话错了。高手过招(1)单项填空Little Tom admitted _ in the examination, _that he wouldnt do that in future. A. to cheat; to pr

7、omises B. cheating; promised C. having cheated; promising D. to have cheated; promised(2)完成句子 他供认驾驶了这辆没有保险的车。He the car without insurance. 幸运的是,去年他被一所名牌大学录取了。Luckily, he a key university last year.3. replace vt. 代替;取代;替换常用结构:replace sth. 代替;取代replace sb. as 取代某人而成为replace sb./sth. with/by 用替换,以接替Tea

8、chers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. _She replaced her husband as the local teacher. 她取代丈夫成了当地的老师。I replaced the worn-out tools with/by new ones. 我用新工具来替换那些磨损不堪的旧工具。联想拓展in place 在适当的位置 out of place 在不适当的位置in ones place=in the place of 代替 take the place of=replace 代替;替代take pla

9、ce 发生;举行 take ones place 就位,就座instead of 代替;而不是(介词短语)With everything in place, she started lessons.一切就绪,她开始讲课高手过招Bob is ill today. Who can him in our football match? 编号:Ea028 主备人: 使用时间: 月 日 教研组长: 教务主任: 班级:高一( )班 小组: 姓名Green Olympics; Peoples Olympics; Hi-tech Olympics 3A. Replace B. take place C. in

10、stead of D. in the place of 4. marryv. (和某人)结婚;嫁;娶;把嫁给常用结构:marry sb. 娶某人,嫁给某人( marry 后不加介词)marry sb. to sb. 把某人嫁给某人marry well 嫁个有钱人She married a rich man. 她嫁给了一个有钱人。He married both his daughters to rich businessmen.他把两个女儿都嫁给了富商。联想拓展marriage n. 结婚;婚姻 married adj. 已婚的 get/be married (to sb.) (与某人)结婚 易

11、混辨析marry/get married/be marriedmarry 与 get married 强调动作,不能与表示时间段的状语连用; be married 强调状态,可以与表示时间段的状语连用。可以说 She married/got married two years ago.或 She has been married for two years.或 Its two years since she married/got married.但不可以说 She has married/has got married for two years. 高 手 过 招单 句 改 错 She ma

12、ried to a por writer. Ty got maried fr ten yars.高 手 过 招单 句 改 错5. promise vt. 允诺,答应 vi.有希望;承诺;答应n. 诺言,承诺;迹象,征兆常用结构:promise sth. 答应某事promise sb. sth./promise sth. to sb. 答应给某人某物promise (sb.)to do sth. 答应(某人)做什么事promise (sb.) that . 答应(某人)keep/carry out ones promise 信守诺言break/go back on ones promise 违背

13、诺言 make/give a promise 许诺/答应Promise (me) never to be late again._。She promised her mother that she would come back.她答应妈妈会回来。He made a promise to come back. _。This year promises to be another good one for harvest.今年看来又是个丰收年。联想拓展promising adj. 有希望的;有前途的 高手过招The girl to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school. 编号:Ea028 主备人: 使用时间: 月 日 教研组长: 教务主任: 班级:高一( )班 小组: 姓名Green Olympics; Peoples Olympics; Hi-tech Olympics 4A. expects B. allows C. Wishes D. Promises6. charge n.


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