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5、为摊销目的的时候,评估对象是受到限制的,这种限制来源于财税法规的相关规定;当以投资转让无形资产为目的时,评估对象就是那些被投资或者被转让的单项无形资产。值得重视的是,在无形资产的评估中,必须有效的将无形资产与有形资产联系起来,这既有利于综合考虑无形资产的获利能力,也有利于实现评估的科学性以及规范性。3.加强评估师在理论方面的学习和研究无形资产行业的健康发展受到了诸多因素的影响,比如丰富多彩的实践操作、完善的理论体系基础稍等,此外,无形资产评估作为一门学科,在 20 世纪 90 年代就从国外引入到了我国,就其早期的理论研究而言,主要是从实用性的角度出发的,侧重点则是引入和研究无形资产评估的具体知


7、题,本文提出了一系列切实可行的措施,着重指出要能够采取切实可行的措施,促进无形资产行业的健康发展,比如不断完善评估理论以及评估制度、明确无形资产评估的目的和对象以及加强评估师在理论方面的学习和研究等。First, the problems existing in the evaluation of intangible assets of enterprises1 the concept of intangible assets is relatively vagueIn our country, the definition of intangible assets is still ver

8、y vague, which greatly increased the difficulty of intangible assets evaluation. In the evaluation of intangible assets, a lot of intangible assets assessment division will focus on enterprise trademark, proprietary rights and patent rights from the external form of, as long as the client to provide

9、 the certificate of trademark registration and related professional and technical appraisal, Evaluation Division will be included in the scope of intangible assets. Intangible assets are in future periods to bring benefits to the enterprise resources, but in the actual evaluation, appraisers do not

10、pay attention to these, and this time, assessment division will be a belongs to the intangible assets range of resources included in the evaluation of intangible assets, which makes the concept of intangible assets and is very fuzzy, serious impact on the assessment of intangible assets.2 intangible

11、 assets assessment method is not scientificThe assessment of intangible assets of enterprises in our country is still in the very backward position, evaluation method is still not perfect, scientific and standardized, which will appear many areas do not meet the intangible assets evaluation results

12、and the actual situation, not to mention do objective and reasonable. Therere many evaluation methods of intangible assets, such as cost method, market method and return method, but in the process of evaluation, assessment division often use only the A or by a certain way of intangible assets evalua

13、tion, obviously, so that the result is very one-sided. The Chinese market is not perfect, some intangible assets assessment methods can not effectively adapt to the market in our country at present stage, which in a large extent affected the quality evaluation of intangible assets in our country,

14、 is not conducive to enterprise development.3 assessment personnel overall quality is not highOn intangible assets, the assessment has a strong comprehensive. In addition, it relates to the subjects is very broad, knowledge content is also very high, which requires evaluation personnel should not on

15、ly have certain professional knowledge, but also practical experience in the operation, not only to understand the legal knowledge, but also know how to assess the business. Only in this way can we realize the enterprise intangible asset evaluation of scientific, normative and reasonable. However, a

16、t present, most of the assets of our country are from the administrative organs of the staff, the staff of the serious lack of professional training and asset certification, the overall quality is relatively low.Two, to solve the problems of Chinas intangible assets assessment measures1 to continuously improve the evaluation theory and evaluation systemUnder the condition of socialist market economy, our country enterprise to want


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