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1、Book5 Unit 1 Great scientistsput forward 提出 (=come up with)They put forward three theories. conclude vi.&.vt.结束;推断出concluded sth with sthThe meeting concluded at 8 oclock.She concluded her talk with a funny story.conclusion n.结束;结论 draw/reach a conclusion come to/arrive at a conclusion 得出结论in conclu

2、sion=lastly 最后infect vt.传染;感染infect sb with sth 使某人感染。 。 。How do people become infected with bird flu? infected adj.受到感染的infection n.感染;传染 infectious adj.传染的,传染性的It was only a small cut, but it became infectious.The child is infected with an highly infectious disease. attend v.1)上(学) ,去(教堂)What univ

3、ersity did you attend?2)参加,出席 Who will attend the meeting/(conference,lecture,wedding party, funeral)?3)照料 Who is attending your sick father? attend to 照料,处理,对付 I have some important business to attend to. expose vt.揭露;暴露;使曝光 exposetoDont expose your TV set to the sunlight.He exposed the plan to ano

4、ther company.Being exposed to the sun does harm to your skin.cure vt. 治愈 n. 治愈;药,疗法Hope can cure nearly anything. cure sb of sthaccuse/convince/inform/remind/rob/suspect/ warn sb of sthThis medicine cured me of my cold.Parents try to cure their children of bad habits. There is still no cure for the

5、serious flu.challenge n.挑战 vt.向挑战meet/face/accept a challenge challenge sb to sthchallenge sb to do sthHe challenged me to a game of badminton.He challenged me to play a game of badminton.challenging adj.挑战的 a challenging taskabsorb vt.使专心;吸收(heat, light, energy, gas, liquid, knowledge, etc.)=take i

6、n be absorbed in (doing) sth 专心致志于He is absorbed in reading a novel. Black walls can absorb a lot of heat during the day. suspect vt.怀疑 n.嫌疑犯;可疑对象suspect (that)/sthShe strongly suspect that her husband had been lying.I suspect the truth of the news.suspect sb to besuspect sb of (doing)sthWhat made y

7、ou suspect her of having taken the money? The police are questioning two suspects.enquire/inquire vt.&vi.&n.询问enquire sth of sb 向某人询问 enquire about sb/sth 询问有关某人或某事She enquired of me whether I wanted to have a drink.an enquiry desk/office 问讯台 /处make enquiries 询问 blame vt.&.n. (1) blame sb for sth/do

8、ing sth 为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事Many children are afraid of being blamed for making mistakes in speaking English. (2) blame sth. on sb 把归咎于某人The police blamed the traffic accident on Jacks careless driving. (3) be to blame (for)应(为) 承担责任; 不能用被动语态Who is to blame for starting the fire? take/bear the blame for

9、 sth为承担责任link vt.&n.连接;联系The police thought that there was a link between the two murders.linkto将和连接或联系起来( connectto)The cameras are linked to a computer. Being exposed to strong light is closely linked to skin cancer.announce vt.宣布;通知It is announced that据宣布They announced that the flight would be de

10、layed. It was announced that the flight would be delayedannouncement n.通知,宣告 make an announcement 宣布Mr Brown has an announcement to make. announcer n.广播员,播音员,电台主持人 instruct vt.(1) 教, 指导 instruct sb in sth All our staff are instructed in sign language. (2) 指示;命令 instruct sb to do sth My boss instruct

11、ed me to tell him everything at once. (3) 通知You will be instructed where to go as soon as possible.instruction n.(1)说明;指南(pl) (directions)Youd better follow the instructions on the packet carefully. (2)指令(通常用复数)You should carry out his instructions.(3) 传授;教导 u.nYou will receive basic instruction in

12、shooting.contribute vt.&vi.(1)捐献,出力contribute (sth) to/towards sthThe writer personally contributed $5000 to the earthquake fund. Do you want to contribute to our collection?(2)有助于;导致Regular exercise contributes to good health.(=lead to/account for/result in)Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?(3

13、)投稿She has contribute (several poems) to the magazine.contribution n.捐献;捐献物;稿件make a contribution contributor n.捐助者;投稿者apart from Besides John, we also went there. He cleaned all the rooms except the bathroom.The room is empty except for a table and two chairs.apart from 有三种含义:(1)相当于 besides 意为“除以外(

14、还包括) ”Apart from my mother tongue, I speak several foreign languages as well.(2)相当于 except 意为“ 除以外(不包括) ”I like all the subjects apart from maths.(3)相当于 except for,为修正前面概况性的说法而引出的一个相反的细节The composition is good apart from several spelling mistakes.be strict with sb in sth 对某人在某方面严格make sense 有意义;讲得通

15、make no sense/make little sense/not make any sense 没意义 make sense of 理解This sentence doesnt make sense to me. =I cant make sense of this sentence. (understand) Does it make sense to let children play computer games? (be sensible) Can you make sense of what I said? (understand/ catch the meaning of s

16、th) Theres no point/sense (in) doing sth. 做没意义in a/one sense 从某种意义上spin(spun, spun) vi.&vt.(使)旋转;纺(线或纱)They spun a coin to decide who would start first.She spun round to catch the ball.She spins goats hair into wool/wool from goats hair.She enjoys spinning.enthusiastic adj.热情的 She was enthusiastic about (the idea of) going to Spain. He was an enthusiastic suppo


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