曲阜翰林学校 成人教育英语重点难点

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1、1曲阜翰林学校 成人教育英语重点难点 Unit 1 Noise一、学习重点1New Words and Expressionscomplain traffic disturbance average inhabitant population enormously motorcycle pneumatic decibel approach discotheque unfortunately threaten establish mental observe enforce automobilist fine be fined for; up to; exposeto; keepfrom; po

2、int out; complain about; even so2. Word StudyREFER (referred, referred, referring) vi./vtvi. 1) 提到,谈及 2) 称 .为 3) 涉及,适用于,指而言 4)查阅,参考vt. 1) 让去参阅 2) 把转至处理 3) 让向寻求帮助 4) 让找看病refer to 提到,谈及;涉及,适用于;查阅,参考refer to sth/sb as 称为refer sb to 让某人向 寻求帮助; 让某人找看病JUDGEvi. 判断,断定 vt. 1)判断,断定 2)估计,认为 3) 鉴定,识别,评价 4) 作裁判、

3、评委等judge between 判断(两个中)哪个更好judging by/from/to judge by/from 根据做出判断TRYvi. 试图,想要;努力,设法 vt. 1) 试图、想要(做);努力、设法( 做) 2 )试用,尝试 3) 审讯,审判 4) 折磨,伤害 5) 考验try for 谋求,争取try on 试穿、试戴等2try ones best/hardest 尽最大努力try ones hand (at/in) 尝试做try out 检验、试验二、难点强调句(cleft sentence)该结构是强调句中某一成分(但不能强调动词); 被强调成分置于 it is 和连词

4、that 之间.It is sth/sb that/who连词 that 只有在表示人时才可以被 who(whom)所代替,而使用 where,when,why 等连词以表示强调成分是时间、地点或原因,则被认为是错误;但在现代英语中,这种用法已被广泛接受。It was yesterday when I heard the bad news.我是昨天听到这个坏消息的。It was in the drawer where I found the key.我是在抽屉里找到钥匙的。Unit 2 Chemistry as a Natural Science一、学习重点1New Words and Exp

5、ressionssystematize manageable interdependent exclusively pursue specialty evolve province organic analytical qualitative discipline entry quantitative literature annually thrive academic be concerned with; at times; break up into; grow into2. Word StudyWONDERvi. 感到惊异(讶) 、疑惑vt. 1) 对感到奇怪、疑惑,想知道2) 对 感

6、到惊讶、好奇wonder about 考虑、想起、疑惑 (想知道的人、事、物 )wonder at 对感到 惊奇、惊讶3LET (let, let, letting)vt. 1) 任某事发生、某人做,允许某事发生、某人做 2) 使某事发生、某人做 3) 使处于/进入(状态、位置等) 4) 用于祈使句 5) 出租let alone 更不用说letbe known 使人知晓letdown 失信;辜负,使失望let off 放过,从轻处理let slip 失言,不留神说出SEND (sent, sent, sending )vi. 1) 邮、寄( 信等) 2) 要求去做vt. 1) 邮、寄、 (传)

7、递(信等) 2) 派遣,送;送 去做,派去做 3) 使发生,使做(所说之事)send someone packing 赶走、撵走某人send for 派人去请/找来send out 发出,放射出二、难点morethan这一结构是引出比较结构,就同一主语的不同方面进行比较,是对前者的肯定,对后者的否定,意为“与其说不如说”She is more of a poet than a musician.与其说她是个音乐家不如说她是个诗人。George is more intelligent than aggressive.与其说乔治言行放肆,不如说他聪颖过人。注意:这种结构中,形容词的比较级只能用 m

8、ore形式,而不能用 er 形式。Unit 3 International Finance一、学习重点1New Words and Expressionscomplication sheer coincidence tempura shop geisha sophisticated yen availability groceries unfettered assurance discourage reserve hoard monetary inadequate inevitably conflict collapse fault lay off be 4stuck with special

9、ize in seek out work off work out deal with2. Word Studyseem vi./link v.I seem to know more about him than anyone else. The children seemed as if they were very tired. She seems (to be)an unusually clever girl. Hes 16, but he seems (to be) younger. Things are seldom as/how they seem. remain vi./link

10、 v. If you take 6 from 10, 4 remains. After the flood, nothing remained of the village One last point remained to be cleared up. This remains a secret. the fact remains that 事实仍然是I know youre sorry now, but the remains that you shouldnt have hit your sister.It remains to be seem + wh-clause 尚无定论, 尚待

11、分晓It remains to be seen who will win. 二、难点Writing skill 影响分析 1. pattern 1) The effects / influences / impacts / mark of sth. on our life / society are (is) positive/ negative/ profound/ far-reaching / a mixed one.(主题句). 2) On the one hand, (分析 I). 3) (进一步阐述 ). 4) On the other, (分析 II). 5) (进一步阐述 ).

12、56) On the whole,_ (分析 III). 7)(进一步阐述 ). 8) Therefore, _(结尾句). Unit 4 S.O.S.一、学习重点1New Words and Expressionsexcessive obsessive telecast graphics glamorous commentator coverage appealing recognize distinctive confine ardent institution unique coach faculty array entourage oblong-shaped cheerleader f

13、ocal atmosphere pageantry number badge pennant totem colors display statistics disadvantage overrepresent sociology psychology respectable scholarlyother than all walks of life associate.with an array of play a role in account forbear in mind2. Word Study1) spaciousness What I like about the house i

14、s its spaciousness all the rooms are so big and airy.2) exterminate Once cockroaches get into a building, it is very difficult to exterminate them. 3) alien When I first went to New York, it all felt alien to me.4) ignorance Public ignorance about AIDS is still a cause for concern. 5) squander Irela

15、nd squandered several chances, including a penalty that cost them the game. 6) remedy The best remedy for grief is hard work. 7) ultimately Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week .8) reverse She reversed the car into the parking space.69) threaten The kiwi, a type of bird, is threatened with extinction.10) preserve We must preserve the temple that was situated at top of the hill. 二、难点W


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