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1、法国,萨瓦,矿石小屋 / Atelier dArchitecture Christian Girard10来自:2013-06-18 阅读原文建筑师: Atelier dArchitecture Christian Girard地点:法国萨瓦总建筑师:Christian Girard设计组:Christian Girard, Christophe Hebert, T.Sugi, M.Shun, L. Capdevielle, C.Cobel面积:371.0 sqm年份:2012摄影:N.Borel巍峨的群山常常给人以雄伟崇高之感。在漫山遍野的积雪覆盖下,其庞大的身形仿佛在拒绝任何建筑的介入。时

2、间在这里凝固。永恒恰恰衬托出了人类丰功伟绩的脆弱。而最近在法国萨瓦海拔 1200 米的地方建造的矿石小屋就充分证明了这一点。鉴于建筑基址群山和峡谷环绕,风光秀丽,引人入胜,该项目也充分利用了这一令人惊叹、激动人心的自然风光,也可以说是起到了画龙点睛的效果。在这样一种令人印象深刻的环境中,建筑设计水准丝毫不能逊色于美景。在这片壮丽的天然美景之中,千百万年来的岩石运动轨迹早已无法考证,建筑物则必须与这种无法追忆的过去形成呼应关系。可以说,岩石留住了时光的脚步。因此,建筑物就成了人类时间与地质学时间产生碰撞的那一个瞬间。矿石小屋是一座由石块与岩石建造的庇护所。因此与近来建成的山地农舍式别墅的建造标准

3、尚有一段距离。这些农舍式别墅的建立是为了展现建筑的奢华。法国的 Villaroger 村有着严格的建筑法规。该项目始于一个拆毁的农场和旁边原有的山地农舍,农场被拆到只剩下了外墙,根据当前的科技发展状况,这种条件给建筑师提供了机会在当地建筑与当代对可持续建筑的渴盼之间创建联系。这种联系对施工起到了指导作用。在建筑物之间开一道 9 米长的垂直洞口,从而与原有的农舍创建实体纽带。原有农舍的石墙原样保留于新建筑之中。这是在仔细地重新解读项目中的当地建筑设计。因此,关键之处是如何从原先的废墟中创建另一座农舍。矿石小屋栖身于一个从未存在过真正的建筑、仅仅是房子的地方,任务显得很艰巨。小屋离开了历史的视角,



6、这里打了三个 150 米深的钻孔,一台热泵用来循环用水。建筑中安装了地热与双通通风设备,其整体供暖与制冷系统也就消失于无形了。总而言之,矿石小屋嵌入原有的废墟中,却丝毫不产生接触,而是创建了一个中间空间。这个过渡空间在过去和现在之间维持着一种不断发展的张力。因此,矿石小屋造就了一个毫无传统特点的建筑环境。传统的农舍窗户尺寸受保温条件的限制,而矿石小屋与此相反,以优质的玻璃与框架为屋内带来了充足的光线。在法国阿尔卑斯山,滑雪胜地的传统建筑表现形式已成为一种商业口号,缺乏新意,让人兴致索然。而矿石小屋是一次少有的尝试,试图抵消在萨瓦颇为风行的这种由怀旧情怀导致的建筑偏好。Architects: A

7、telier dArchitecture Christian GirardLocation: Savoie, FranceArchitect In Charge: Christian GirardDesign Team: Christian Girard, Christophe Hebert, T.Sugi, M.Shun, L. Capdevielle, C.CobelArea: 371.0 sqmYear: 2012Photographs: N.BorelMountain ranges often appear to be sublime. Under a mantle of snow t

8、heir enormity would seem to defy the possibility of architecture. Time does not pass. Eternity stands opposed to the fragility of human accomplishments. And yet contemporary architecture has a place in an ancient hamlet. A fact amply demonstrated by the recently constructed Mineral Lodge at an altit

9、ude of 1200 metres in Savoie.As the site offers exceptional views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, the project makes use, perhaps emphasizes, this stunning and dramatic natural landscape. In such an impressive environment building must take place with a light hand. In this natural and majes

10、tic scene, building becomes an act which must be in dialogue with the immemoriality of the rocks own historical movements. The rocks fix time. Building therefore is the moment at which human time encounters geological time. The Mineral Lodge is a refuge of stones and rocks. As such it stands at a di

11、stance from the norms governing the tradition of recently constructed chalets. The latter are marked by an attempt to portray luxury. The hamlet of Villaroger has strict construction rules. The project which began with both the ruin of a farm all that remained were the outside walls and an adjacent

12、pre-existing chalet offered the chance to construct a dialogue between a vernacular architectural presence and the contemporary desire for a sustainable architecture informed by the most recent technological developments.This dialogue guided the construction. A physical link was created with the pre

13、-existing chalet by providing a nine metre vertical opening between the buildings. In the new chalet the stonewall of the old chalet was left as it was. Careful reinterpretation of vernacular architecture accompanied the project. What matters therefore is the emergence of another chalet from a pre-e

14、xisting ruin. This is an important undertaking because the Mineral Lodge establishes architecture in a place where previously there had not be architecture but mere building. The Lodge departed from a historical perspective and was inscribed in vision of the future. The stone house was not rebuilt.

15、The project imagined possibilities for ruptures and transitions such as the square wooden box that is projected outside the glass wrap of the curtain-wall. This element acts as a reference to local overhang attics and addresses the typology of vernacular architecture.A number of views on the landsca

16、pe are provided: the ruins facing North are punctuated by an “observatory balcony” with a panoramic view. The second floor level delivers a variety of vistas. The roof takes an important role in the project. Instead of constructing another traditional wooden roof, a reinforced concrete roof serves as an envelop and allows for a more flexible use of space.



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