必修5 module 1 british and american english 教案设计

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《必修5 module 1 british and american english 教案设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修5 module 1 british and american english 教案设计(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、必修 5 Module 1 British and American English 教案设计 引言 英语教学属于语言能力的教学,主要是让学生通过听、说、读、写等方面的语言实践活动去发展英语语言能力,培养学生主动阅读,自主发展,分析问题、解决问题的能力。新课程标准的三维教学观,具体到英语学科就是要整合发展学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的素养,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。开展课堂探究是培养学生综合语言运用能力的最佳手段。所以在教学活动中有情景创设,学生探究,学生处理问题和巩固训练等环节。词汇教学很重要,也是影响教学成败的关键之一。适当注意词汇形式、词汇的搭配、以及词

2、汇的功能和意义,特别是词汇在语篇、语境中的功能和意义的教学极其重要。所以词汇教学可培养学生的实践能力。本模块以 British and American English 为话题,通过阅读材料让学生了解英美语言的差异,并借助听力、讨论、阅读、写作等一系列扎实有效的教学活动,进一步拓展学生的想象力,提升他们的语言实践能力,并通过掌握相关词汇,培养学生对汉语语言的感知。Introduction 通过让学生阅读课本中的引语和邮件,使他们感受并理解英美英语的区别。同时学习和巩固相关的词汇,为后面的阅读和写作创造条件。Reading andSpeaking1. 课文通过对英美英语在词汇、语法、拼写和发音等

3、方面区别的描述,使学生真切地感受并领会英美英语的区别,并且学会对两者进行对比和分析,了解英美文化的差异,探讨英美英语的发展动向。2. 文章含有大量有用的信息、词汇和语言结构,让学生在了解英美英语区别的同时,掌握更多的语言基础知识,为综合运用和初步交际能力的提高打好坚实的基础。Vocabulary 学习词汇,加深对英美英语区别的理解,并进行对比。Grammar 1. 复习一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时等语法知识,完成相关练习。2. 复习 for 和 since 在现在完成时中的使用。Vocabulary and Listening 1. 听有关交流学生在国外学习生活的录音,然后完成与录音内容

4、相关的练习。2. 复习部分常用词汇,通过对这些词汇的重复运用,进一步了解英美英语的区别对生活学习的影响。Everyday English通过练习进一步巩固听力内容,了解和掌握关于 how are you getting go, dont you get what people say, a couple of, thats a good point 等词语在日常交际中的运用。Function 学会利用不同的结构来陈述理由,培养学生在日常学习过程中自觉使用不同连词进行表达,提高学生的语言表达和运用能力。教材分析Speaking and writing1. 利用教材所给信息结合个人,表明对 var

5、ieties of English 的看法,说出理由,加深认识。2. 根据现有知识讨论并描写汉语的由来、变体、书写体系、发展趋势等,培养学生用英语思维和表达的能力,尝试使用本单元所学的词汇。Cultural corner 通过阅读文章帮助学生认识对美国英语的发展做出贡献的 Noah Webster,了解更多有关美国英语的发展过程。由此可对汉语发展和汉字简化做出相应的思考。Task 学生自主学习,比较英美英语,找出区别。Module file 提高学生归纳总结、自我检验的能力和自学能力。Workbook 简要总结了本模块重点词汇、语法、重点句型。旨在加深对各种语言知识的训练与回顾,达到牢固掌握知

6、识技能的目的。Period 1 Introduction + Reading and speakingPeriod 2 Language points and GrammarPeriod 3 Listening + Everyday English + FunctionPeriod 4 Cultural corner + Speaking and Writing教材整合Period 5 Task and Module file教学原则交际教学法(Communicative approach)情景教学法(Situational approach)整体语言教学法 (Whole language t

7、eaching)教学方法任务型教学(Task-based Language Teaching)是实施课堂教学的主要理念。Period 1: Introduction + Reading and speakingTeaching Content Introduction Reading and SpeakingTeaching AimsTarget Language havein common, linguist, make a difference, accent, compare, variety, differ, be similar to, have difficulty in doin

8、g sth.Ability objectives Develop the Ss ability to scan, skip and read fast and self-study. Understand how to express differences between two things.Affection andattitudesLearn the differences between British English and American English.Form open and positive attitudes towards different varieties o

9、f English.Cultural awareness Get prepared for the comparison of British English and American English and the main varieties of Chinese.Teaching Aid Multi-mediaTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead-in (重点词汇以黑体标记,可启发学生据语境猜词意 )Warm up by watching a video about different varieties of Chinese. (宋丹丹小品,电影疯狂的石头,开国

10、大典毛泽东讲话, 英美总统竞选演讲)Ask answer the following questions (with some important words and phrases in them):1. Which countries do you think are the speakers from?2. Do they speak the same kind/variety of Chinese or English? (similar Chinese and English though different accent)3. Do you have any difficulty

11、in understanding the first three speakers? Why? (It doesnt matterwhether they speak standard Chinese)4. Do the two presidents differ from each other in speaking? Try to compare them.Step 2 Introduction 1. Ask four students to read out the quotations, sharing the understanding of the four sentences a

12、nd then answer the questions in the textbook.2. Help the students to guess the meaning of two phrases “havein common” and “make much difference” according to the context.3. Ask the students to read the emails in Activity 2 as carefully as they can and try to find out the similarities and the differe

13、nces between them, deciding which writer is American.4. Ask the students to give answers to Activity 1 in Reading and speaking.Step 3 Reading and SpeakingLead-inT: English is a language spoken all around the world. It plays a more andmore important role in international affairs. There are some sligh

14、t differences between American English and British English. Sometimes, slight misunderstandings may occur between native speakers from Great Britain and the United States. Therefore, it is necessary to know about the differences between American English and British English in order to use English ap

15、propriately.Pre-reading1. Ask the students to read the first sentence of the passage and guess the main idea of the whole passage and the following content. Any related words, phrases and sentences are ok. (To review some words and phrases and learn to predict.t )2. Tell the students the main idea s

16、entence of a paragraph, commonly known as a “topic sentence” or “topic statement”, most frequently appears at the beginning of a paragraph.Skimming1. Help the students to find out the differences talked about in the passage between British and American English in the quickest way. (Learn to fast read and find out the topic sentence. )Two ways:1) The red titles of the second to the fourth part2) Useful sentences:The first and most obvious wayThere are a few differences in gra



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