模块6unit 3 导学案

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《模块6unit 3 导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《模块6unit 3 导学案(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Understanding each other 导学案 导学目标:1、掌握本单元词汇以及语言点的用法,了解部分句型结构。2.初步掌握虚拟语气的用法和句法结构一、词汇短语扫描1庆祝 in celebration of 2.有一天, 总有一天 some day 3. 延迟,阻碍,支撑 hold up 4.与接触 in contact with 5.握手 shake hands with sb = shake ones hand = shank sb by the hand 6.北极圈 the Arctic Circle 7.参加 take part in = participate

2、 in 8.打猎,搜捕 hunt for 9.遇见 meet with 10.属于 belong to 11.控制,支配 have power over 12. 体验文化差异 experience cultural differences13.变得兴奋 get excited 14. 说得再清楚一点 to clarify 15.一直,总是 all the time 16.变得习惯于 get used to doing sth 17.下线 log off18.积累了关于-的更多的信息 accumulate some more information about sth 19.出国 go over

3、seas20.示意某人做某事 make a sign for sb to do sth = sign to sb to do sth21.适应,调整 adjust to (doing) sth22. 作为。而出名 be known as23.参考书 reference books 24.立志去做某事 have an ambition to do sth 25.占据(时间,空间) take up 26.燃放爆竹 set off firecrackers27.在我年轻的时候 in my youth 28. 当事人 the man concerned 29. 相互讲故事 swap stories30

4、.由。雕刻 be carved from31.提供食品 serve food32.请求某人做某事 request sb to do sth33养成做某事的习惯 develop the habit of doing sth34.不辜负某人的期望 live up to ones expectation35改掉做某事的习惯 get out of the habit of doing sth = get rid of the habit of doing sth 36.零花钱 pocket money37 视觉盛宴 a feast for ones eyes38. 谈论, 评论 remark on =

5、 make remarks on sth 39肢体语言 body language 40. 分发名片 give out business cards41叙述某事,描述某事 give an account of 42乐器 musical instrument43. 相信,信任 (belief) have belief in 44当说到的时候 whenever/when it comes to 45与。有关系 be to do with 46 应该做某事 be expected to do = be supposed to do 47 大量的收藏品 huge collections of art

6、work 48 给某人概括什么 give sb a summary of 49(某物)能使某人做某事 enable sb to do sth 50紫禁城 the Forbidden City51. 被耽搁, 被阻止 get held up 52. 不知道 have no idea 53带某人四处参观 show sb around/ take sb around 54起源,来源 have its origins in sth55双手合掌 with palms pressed together 56有机会做某事 have the chance to do sth / have the opport

7、unity57富含 be rich in 58 在。的中央 in the center of 59人们相信 it is believed that60射箭比赛 a bow and arrow competition二、语言要点透析1 Yeah, people get used to it. 人们已经对它习惯了。 get used to = be used to +sth/ doing 习惯于 be used to do 被用来做 used to do 过去常常 我们习惯吃过晚饭后坐在一起唱歌。we det used to sitting together and singing songs a

8、fter supper. 这种药被用来治疗爱滋病。 _This medicine is used to cure AIDS. 他年轻时常常游泳。 _He used to go swimming when he was young. 2 In South American, you can expect to be hugged when you meet someone. 在南美洲你与某人想见时, 你会得到他的拥抱。 (1) 句中 can 用于肯定句表示客观的(理论的)可能性,并不涉及具体事情的发生,此种用法常常可以说明人或事物的特征。 A left-luggage office is a p

9、lace where bags can be left for a short time, especially at a railway station. (2) expect vt 期望,盼望 expect sth 期盼,盼望某事 expect to do sth 指望,盼望做某事 expect sb to do sth 指望某人干 expect sth of/ from sb 对某人有指望,期望 expect that 他在盼着考试成绩. He is expecting the result of the exam. 你不能指望在一星期内学会一门外语. You cant expect t

10、o learn a foreign language in a week. 他指望我帮助他做家庭作业. He expects me to help him with his homework. 父母总是对自己的子女期望过高.Parents always expect too much from their children. 别对他抱多大的希望.Dont expect too much from him. When he turned professional at the age of 11, Mike _ to become a world champion by his coach an

11、d parents. A. expected B. was expecting C. was expected D. would be expected 3 He gets quite excited whenever it comes to this topics. 每当谈到这个话题时他就格外兴奋. (1)whenever 相当于 no matter when, 引导让步状语从句. 无论你何时见到那个女孩, 她总是面带微笑. _Whenever you meet the girl, she is always wearing a smile. (2) whenever it comes to

12、 是一个常见句型,意为: 无论何时谈及, 当谈到什么的时候 当谈到钱时,大家都严肃起来._Whenever it comes to money, everyone is serious.(3) come to 谈及,谈到; 来到某地; 总计,总共; 苏醒过来,恢复知觉;达到, 得到结果 在括号里填上划线部分适当的汉语意义when it comes to politics, I know nothing. ( ) The performance of the play has come to its climax. ( ) His earnigns come to60,000 a year. (

13、 ) In a few moments he came to himself. ( ) As he came to the bridge, he heard a train approaching. ( ) 4 The British teacher didnt know what he was talking about or what Thanksgiving wan held in celebration of. 而英国教师就不知道对方在谈什么 ,也不知道为什么要过感恩节. (1)本句中有两个 what 引导的两个宾语从句,第一个 what 做 about 的宾语, 第二个 what 做

14、 of 的宾语_. (2) in celebration of 庆祝 People spend Christmas in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. 人们过圣诞节是为了庆祝耶酥的诞生。 为了庆祝今天的胜利我们打算举办一个晚会。 Were going to hold a party in celebration of todays victory._ 注意比较: celebrate 表“庆祝”,宾语是事,即后接 sth. 其名词构成的词组为:have/hold a celebration(举行庆祝会) in celebration of(为

15、了庆祝)congratulate 表“祝贺”其宾语是受到祝贺的人,可组成短语 congratulate sb. on sth./doing 名词 congratulation 可构成短语: congratulations to sb. on sth./doing 5 Its to do with celebrating the first harvest after the settlers from Europe went to live in the USA. 感恩节与从欧洲迁入美国大陆居住的首批移民迁居后庆祝他们第一个丰收有关。 Its to do with = it has something to do with 和 有关 have 后还可接 much, a lot, a great deal 与有很大关系 这和我没多大关系。 _This doesnt have much to do with me. have nothing/ little with 与。没有联系The organization declares that it has nothing to do with the terrorist attack. 那个组织声称它与这起恐怖袭击无关。6 If I got married in th



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