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1、 1 / 9局部解剖知识重点归纳一、急性单纯性阑尾炎 Acute simple appendicitis1. McBurenys point and incision 麦氏点的位置和麦氏切口答:位置:在脐至右髂前上棘连线的中外 1/3 交界处The surface projection of the root of appendix is the lateral 1/3 point of the line between umbilicus and the right anterior superior iliac spine.切口:从脐到右髂前上棘连线的中外 1/3 处,所作的垂直于此线的切

2、口,长约 5 到 7 厘米At the lateral 1/3 point of the line between umbilicus and the right anterior superior iliac spine, make the incision which is perpendicular to this line. About 5 to 7 cm long.2. Which layers will you meet when you choose the McBurenys incision and the transcrectal incision? 阑尾炎手术切口的腹壁结

3、构答:McBurenys incision(1)skin 皮肤(2)superficial fascia 浅筋膜(3)aponeurosis of extermal abdominal oblique muscle 腹外斜肌腱膜(4)obliquus internus abdominis 腹内斜肌(5)transversus abdominis 腹横肌(6)transversalis fascia or transverse fascia 腹横筋膜(7)extraperitoneal fascia 腹膜外筋膜(8)parietal peritoneum 壁腹膜Transcrectal inci

4、sion(1)skin 皮肤(2)superfacial fascia 浅筋膜(3)anterior layer of rectus of sheath 腹直肌鞘前层(4)rectus abdominis 腹直肌(5)posterior layer rectus of sheath 腹直肌鞘后层(6)transverse fascia 腹横筋膜(7)extra-peritoneal fascia 腹膜外筋膜(8)parietal peritoneum 壁腹膜3. During the operation, how to find vermiform appendix? 如何在手术中寻找阑尾?答

5、:First find cecum in the right iliac fossa, and then track down the roots of appendix along with colic bands of cecum. Namely, we can put out the whole appendix. 先在右髂窝内找到盲肠,再沿着盲肠的结肠带往下追踪找到阑尾根部,即可将整条阑尾牵出。 2 / 94. Why can appendicitis cause liver abscess ?阑尾炎是如可引起肝脓肿的?答:Path1:The bacteria(细菌 )go with

6、the venous blood(静脉血)orderly through appendicular vein(阑尾静脉) , superior mesenteric vein(肠系膜上静脉), portal vein into the liver(肝脏) , causing liver abscess(肝脓肿)Path2:The pus(脓)can go along the right paracolic sulcus(右结肠旁沟)to reach the upper and lower gap of right liver(右肝上下叶间隙)/hepatorenal recess(肝肾隐窝),

7、 which infects(感染)liver to have adscess(脓肿).5.The reason of metastatic right lower abdominal pain 转移性右下腹痛的原因答:Inflammation of the acute appendicitis is gradually developed from inside to outside, when inflammation within limited to the size of appendicitis pain belong to visceral pain, characterized

8、 by the abdomen or periumbilical pain, when inflammation invasion and serous membrane, can cause the right lower abdomen inflammation of the lining peritoneal, from the pain of visceral pain into the body appear accurate lower abdominal pain. 急性阑尾炎的炎症是由内向外逐渐发展的,当炎症局限于浆膜以内时,阑尾炎的疼痛属于内脏痛,表现为上腹或脐周痛,当炎症侵

9、及浆膜时,就会引起右下腹 壁层腹膜的炎症,从内脏性疼痛变成了躯体性疼痛,出现定位准确的右下腹痛。二、腹股沟疝 Inguinal hernia1. What is a hernia? What are the reasons of the inguinal hernia? What are the symptoms of the inguinal hernia? 什么是疝?产生腹股沟疝的原因是什么?腹股沟疝的症状是什么?答:A certain organ or tissue in the human body away from the normal anatomic position, thr

10、ough the vulnerabilities and defects of the congenital or acquired or pore into another area.人体内某个脏器或组织离开其正常解剖位置,通过先天或后天形成的薄弱点、缺损或孔隙进入另一部位。The decrease of strength of abdominal wall and increased intra-abdominal pressure are the two basic factors, the groin area make the tensile strength of the anat

11、omical structure distribution in weaker than other parts of the abdominal wall.腹壁强度降低和腹内压力增高是两个基本发病因素,腹股沟区的解剖结构的分布状态使其抗张强度弱于腹壁其他部分。Clinical manifestations are mainly groin hone mass, larger hernia lump can enter scrotum or labium.临床表现主要为腹股沟部出现可复性肿块,较大的斜疝肿块可进入阴囊或阴唇。2. Recognize and define the inguina

12、l region? 什么是腹股沟区?答:The triangle area surrounded by the lateral border of rectus abdominis. The inguinal ligament and the horizontal line from anterior iliac spine to the lateral border of rectus abdominis. It is a weak region of abdominal wall.腹股沟区为下腹部两侧的三角形区域,其内界是腹直肌的外缘,上界为髂前上棘至腹直肌外缘的水平线,下界为腹股沟韧带。

13、是腹膜的薄弱部位。3. Recognize and define the inguinal triangle (Hesselbanchs Triangle )? 什么是腹股沟三角(海氏三角)?答:The triangle area surrounded by inferior epigastric artery, inguinal ligament and the lateral 3 / 9border of the rectus abdominis.腹壁下动脉与腹股沟韧带及同侧腹直肌外缘围成的三角形区域。4. The 4 walls and 2 openings of inguinal ca

14、nal 腹股沟管四壁两口答:Four walls:1)the superior wall(上壁) : The arcuate lateral border made by the obliquus internus abdominis and the transverses abdominis上壁为腹内斜肌和腹横肌的弓形下缘2)The inferior wall(下壁): is formed by inguinal ligament 下壁为腹股沟韧带3) The anterior wall(前壁): aponeurosis of the obliquus externus abdominis

15、and laterally is reinforced by muscle fibers of obliquus internus abdominis in the deep layer cut the outer 1/3 of the canal. 前壁为腹外斜肌腱膜,其外 1/3 份有腹内斜肌参与构成。4) The posterior wall(后壁) : transversalis fascia 腹横筋膜 reinforced by the conjoint tendon at the internal one third. 其外 1/3 份有联合腱参与构成Two openings:1)

16、 The deep inguinal ring 腹股沟深环: formed by the transversalis abdominis 由腹横肌形成2) The superficial inguinal ring 腹股沟浅环: formed by the aponeurosis of the external oblique abdominis , a triangle foramen formed by the internal crura which is adhered to the superior part of pubic symphysis and external crura adhered to the pubic tubercle constrained by the inguinal ligament. 由腹外斜肌腱膜形成,是一个由内侧脚和外侧脚形成的三角区域内侧角连于耻骨联合上缘,外侧脚连于耻骨结节5. The blood supply of inguinal canal 腹股沟的血供答:1) Superficial


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