必修一unit 1 language points

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《必修一unit 1 language points》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修一unit 1 language points(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Unit 1 FriendshipLanguage points一. 重点词汇1. upset vt. 使心烦,使生气,弄翻 adj. 心烦的,不适的搭配: be upset with sb 对某人生气be upset about sth 为某事感到心烦运用:填入一个适当的词或完成句子。(1)Im sorry, I dont mean to _(让你不高兴)(2)If I catch you doing that again, Ill be very upset _ you. 2. calm adj. 冷静的,平静的 vt. 使平静,使镇静搭配:calm . down 使.平静/ 镇静下来k

2、eep calm / stay calm 保持冷静运用:完成句子。(1)Please _(冷静下来)and let me know what has happened.(2)The doctor has given her some pills _.(使她镇静下来)3. ignore vt 忽视,不顾,不理睬派生:_ adj. 无知的 _ n. 无知运用:完成句子。(1)I said hello to her, but she _(不理睬我)completely!(2)You cant _( 忽视这个事实 ) that China is still a developing country.

3、4. concern vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心,关注;(利害)关系派生:_ adj. 担心的,忧虑的 搭配:be concerned about / for . 关心,担心be concerned in / with sth 与某事有关as far as Im concerned 对我个人来说运用:(1)单项填空。This novel is concerned _ the Second World War, while most teenagers are more concerned _ the heros love story. 2A. with, for B. wit

4、h, with C. for, about D. about, with (2)完成句子。 她担心你的安全。She _ your safety ._(就我而言) ,Im not against your plan.5. settle vi. 安家,定居,停留 vt. 使定居;安排,解决派生:_ n. 移民,殖民者搭配:settle down 过上安定生活;静下心来运用:根据提示完成句子。(1) When are you going to _(结婚过上安定生活)?(2) Its said that the first _(settle)of this country were prisoners

5、. 二. 重点短语1.add up 把. 相加 add. to. 把 .增加到/ 补充到.add to 增加,另. 更. add up to 总计达到,加起来等于运用:用上述短语完成句子。(1)_ (加)some sugar and milk to make the tea tasty. (2)If you _ (2 加 5) , you get 7.(3)The trees and flowers _(另学校更美了).(4)The number of the students in one class _(达到 70).2. suffer from 遭受suffer 派生词 _ n. 患病者

6、,受难者_ n. 疼痛,痛苦,折磨搭配 suffer from 受. 之苦,患(病)suffer from headaches / shock 头痛 / 休克suffer losses/ pain / defeat 遭受损失/ 痛苦 / 失败运用 用 suffer 或 suffer from 的适当形式填空,并写出其中文意思。(1)The patient is still_. (_)(2)The football team _ a defeat yesterday. (_)(3)He _ toothache now. (_)3. get along/ on with 与.相处,进展3例句:I

7、am getting along well with a boy in my class. 我跟班上的一个男生相处得很好。运用:翻译句子(1)你的英语学习进展如何?_(2)曾有一段时间我与他相处不好。There was a time when_4. fall in love 相爱,爱上运用:用 fall in love (with sb) / be in love (with sb) 完成句子。(1)Jane liked staying together with Tom and her mother said she might _ him. (2)They had _ each other

8、 for eights before they got married. 5. 辨析 join; join in; join sb in sth; take part in; attendjoin 参加,加入(成为团体中的一员)join in 参加(某项活动) ,可用 take part in 替代join sb in sth 加入某人的某项活动take part in (积极)参与到各项活动中,分担一部分工作attend 到场,出席(会议,宴会,典礼,仪式等)运用:用 join,join in;,join sb in sth,take part in,attend 填空。(1)The you

9、ng man _ the Army in 1988.(2)Why dont you _ us _ the discussion?(3)She _ an active _ the Student Union.(4)About 300 students _ the lecture yesterday. 三 写作句型仿写1. There was a time when . 曾经有段时间.fall in love (with sb) 表示瞬间动作,意思是“爱上某人” ,不与表示时间延续的时间状语连用。be in love (with sb) 表示状态,意思是“与某人相爱” ,可以与表示时间延续的状语连

10、用。4例句:There was a time when my son was crazy about computer games. 曾经有段时间我儿子痴迷于电脑游戏。仿写:(1)曾经有段时间我非常厌倦学习。_ I _.2. It is the first time that . have/ has done 这是某人第一次做某事拓展:It was the first (second, third) time that . had done 这是某人第几次做某事例句: This is the second time that I have come to Guangzhou. 仿写:我告诉导游

11、这是我第一次来台湾旅游。_.3. happen to do. when. 当.的时候,碰巧.拓展:“碰巧做某事”也可用 It happens/ happened that.句型例句:I happened to be cooking when the telephone rang. 仿写:一天我正在购物时碰巧遇上了王飞。One day I _ Wang Fei _.4. Not. until. 直到.才 .例句:I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut. = Not until the window had to be shut

12、did I go downstairs.(部分倒装)= It was not until the window had to be shut that I go downstairs.(强调句) 仿写:昨晚直到写完作业我才睡觉。_ until I finished my homework last night. 5. find it . + adj. + to do sth 觉得做某事是. 的本句型的形容词可以用 hard, difficult, easy, interesting, possible 等例句:She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place.她发现在藏身地很难安身和安静下来。仿写:(1)我发现写一篇好文章不容易。I find _.(2)我认为学会开车时非常有用的。4I think _.


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