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1、常见常用经济与金融词汇reboundribaundv.弹回, 振作, 反作用于 n.篮板球, 弹回 The ball rebounded from/off the wall into the pond.球从墙上弹回来掉进池里。capn.帽子, 盖子, 顶, 上限 vt.超过, 加盖于, 戴帽, 覆盖, 完成, 设限 vi.脱帽致意 Winning the gold medal was yet another feather in her cap.夺得金牌是她又一值得骄傲的成就。defensivedifensivadj.防卫的, 防御的, 辩护的 n.防卫姿势, 防卫物Our troops to

2、ok up defensive positions on high ground overlooking the river.我部队在临河高地上占据了防御阵地。retraceritreis v.重描, 折回, 追溯 fallf:l v.落下, 倒下, 来临 n.秋天, 落下, 瀑布 favorfeiv n.偏爱, 好意, 特权, 赞成 vt.偏爱, 给予, 支持, 关心, 利于, 长得像 I dropped my keys and had to retrace my steps for nearly a mile before I found them.我把钥匙丢失了,结果只得顺原路折回,走了

3、差不多一英里才找到。Valeria Bednarik, chief analyst at FX recently commented that only a clear break above 1.2820, 38.2% retracement of this January fall, can favor more gains today, with 1.2870 as probable target, 50% retracement of the same rally and January 2011 monthly low. session n.会议, 会期, 开庭期, 学期, 一段时间

4、 cluster n.群, 簇, 丛, 串v.群集, 丛生, 使成群 EUR/USD at a session high, at 1.3045. Gerry mentioned this as the top side of a cluster of sell orders. If we can edge a bit higher there is room to run higher.downtrend 下降趋势intact 完好无损shallow 浅、薄的bonce 头、脑袋“strong downtrend is intact, with shallow bonces barely ab

5、ove 1.3000 suggesting buyers remain nowhere to be found as the latest IMM position report shows new record lows on Euro shorts”.subduesbdju:v. 使服从, 压制, 减弱 auction :kn n&V 拍卖Euro subdued, at risk from Italian debt auctionsplungeplnd v.使投入, 跳入, 栽进 n.投入, 跳入 n.(泳池) 深水区 indicatorindikeit n.指示器, 指示剂, 指示牌

6、计算机 指示符 bullishbuli adj.似牡牛的,看涨的, 上扬的,乐观的 After massive plunging throughout last week and reaching a fresh low for the new-year at 1.2666, with indicators pointing to oversold conditions, the EUR/USD is temporarily bullish and might return even to 1.3000 ground.bearishbri adj.如熊一样笨拙的 ,粗暴的, (股票)行情看跌的

7、 decliningdiklaini adj. 下降的, 衰落的 动词 decline 的现在分词channeltnl n.频道, 海峡, 方法, 通道 , (消息)渠道 vt.引导, 形成河道, 集中(精力) “The major trend remains bearish, holding within a declining channel range”, clarifies Ron Williamforthcoming.f:kmi adj.即将到来的, 现成的, 乐意帮助的 rallyrli n.集会, (价值等)回升, 回合 vi.重整旗鼓 , 恢复精神, (人)集合起来 vt.嘲弄

8、,重新召集, 激励 “while price activity holds here, we prefer to sell into forthcoming rallies, which are likely to be driven by temporary short covering”.sustainedssteind adj.持久的, 经久不衰的 动词sustain 的过去式和过去分词 recoveryrikvri n.恢复, 痊愈, 复原, 重获 “Only a sustained break above here will offer a stronger recovery int

9、o 1.3197”, says William.extendikstend v.延伸, 延长, 伸展, 扩展, 提供, 使竭尽全力 peakpi:k n.尖端, 山顶, 顶峰 v.达到顶峰, 使处于顶点 vi.消瘦 adj.处于顶峰状态的 dealingdi:li n. 经营方法, 行为态度 (复数)dealings:商务往来, 交往 动词 deal 的现在分词appetitepitait n.食欲, 嗜好, 欲望 a feeling of craving somethingmomentummumentm n.势头, 动力, (物理)动量 easei:z n.容易, 悠闲, 安逸, 自在 v.

10、减轻, 放松, 缓和, 缓慢移动 The Euro extended its recovery against the Dollar through earlier highs, hitting a fresh peak of 1.2817 in recent dealings amid improved risk appetite. However, EUR/USD lacked momentum to rise past that level and eased back to the 1.2800/05 area where it is currently trading, 0.3% a

11、bove its opening price.sustainablessteinbl adj.可持续的, 合理利用的, 养得起的, 可承受的 correctionkrekn n.订正, 改正, 惩罚, (市价 )回落 Daily close above could be the beginning of a more sustainable correction towards the 1.3000 area, although that will hardly affect the long term bearish trend the pair is in.runrn v.跑, 行驶, 运

12、转, 运营, 持续 , 蔓延, 传播, 竞选, 遭遇, 熔化, 褪色, 流 n.路程 , 奔跑, 趋向 adj.熔化的, 浇铸的, 洄游的Immediate support comes at 1.2785, yesterdays high yet only below 1.2755 a stronger bearish run may be seen heading towards the 1.2700 area, said Bednarik.soars: vi.翱翔, 高飞, 猛增, 高涨, 高耸 n.翱翔, 高飞respectivelyrispektivli adv.分别地, 各自地 Eu

13、ropean markets soared, with the Stoxx Europe 600 climbing 1.8%. The British FTSE 100 advanced 1.5%, while the French CAC 40 and then German DAX gained 2.5% and 2.4% respectively. Italys FTSE MIB soared 3.0% while the Spanish IBEX 35 rose 2.2%.boostbu:st v.提高, 增加, 鼓励, 举起, 为. 做宣传 n.增加, 推进, 鼓励 boosting

14、 n. 助推(升压, 加速, 增加) v. 推进sentimentsentimnt n.情绪, 感情, 观点 , 感伤 downgradedauw.greid v.使降低, 使降级 n.下坡路Boosting market sentiment, Fitch spokesperson said Frances AAA rating isnt expected to be downgraded this year.eraseireiz v.抹去, 擦掉 计算机 擦除 remove from memory or existence 同义词:wipe outremove by or as if by rubbing or erasing


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