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1、第 1 章 引言I分类号: 密级: 农 业 推 广 硕 士 研 究 生 学 位 论 文我国都市农业的发展现状、问题及对策研究以荆州市为例推广领域: 农村区域发展研究方向: 农村经济研 究 生: 荣伟指导教师: 何蒲明 副教授別友平 高级经济师你的参考文献列了 41 条,但在正文中引用的只有 29 条,请把剩下的在文章标示出来。在正文中的引用格式我已经给你修改了,也就是说不要出现在正文的下边,用括号括上放在标点符号里面。第 1 章 引言II论文起止日期:2012 年 6 月至 2013 年 5 月The development of urban agriculture situation,pro

2、blems and countermeasuresField:Rural and Regional Development Direction of Study: rural economyGraduate Student: Wei RongSupervisor:Prof. Puming He 、Prof. Youping Bie School of EconomicsYangtze UniversitySeptember,2012 to March,2013第 1 章 引言III摘 要近年来,随着现代工业化与城市化的迅猛发展,我国城乡一体化的进程不断加快,而都市农业则应运而生,作为城市和市郊

3、空间中一种特殊形态的农业,得到了快速的发展。由于都市农业是伴随着城市化与工业化的发展而产生的,在经济增长的同时,都市农业定然会被赋予不同的内涵。按照农业与城市发展之间的依存,可以看出都市农业所强调的是农业与城市的共生发展的理念,而不是特指某一种农业形态。很多已经进入到后工业化社会的发达国家,均非常注重农业劳动力的转移以及城乡协调发展.例如,二十世纪六十年代法国在提出了“农村城市化理论” ,即要求农村与城市相同,均发展工业及第三产业;而七十年代初日本则制定了农村地域导入促进法 ,主要鼓励城市投资者去农村办厂,并大力扶持农民办工业及第三产业。与此同时,一些发展中国家也很提倡农村工业与其他非农产业的


5、各种都市农业生产模式展开研究,并适当借鉴发达国家的实践经验,探索出一条符合我国国情的特色农业生产模式。荆州市地处湖北省,长江中下游,是经济相对发达的区域,其城市化程度已经接近 70%,其农业也逐渐从传统农业转变为现代都市农业。从总体上来看,荆州市不仅在客观上有着建设都市农业的需要,也存在着一定的基础条件与明显的优势。当前,都市农业作为荆州市农业发展的主体,表现出了较好的发展态势,而现代都市不仅是科技区域,也是文化交流中心,在科技转化、知识创新和信息传播等各个方面有着得天独厚的优势,将“都市农业”所具有的技术示范与辐射带动功能充分发挥出来,从而真正将资源密集和劳动密集型的传统农业转变为资本密集和

6、技术密集型的现代化农业,从而推动我国农业高科技产业的发育与知识经济的成长,促进城乡经济一体化以及共同繁荣。但是,由于我国都市农业起步较晚,在发展过程中仍存在一定的问题,荆州市也是如此,表现出产品特色不足,存在严重的同质化现象;经营单一,对经营项目的开发不第 1 章 引言IV够;经营管理不够规范;都市农业基础设施不完善,抗灾害能力不足以及农民素质较低,组织化程度不高等问题,严重制约了都市农业的进一步发展,亟待解决。因此,以荆州市为例,对我国都市农业的现状与问题进行研究,不仅可以为我国都市农业的发展提供相应的建议,还具有一定的理论意义与实践意义。本文与调查实践相结合,在查阅大量文献的基础上,收集整


8、具体分析、具体对待、具体解决,在综合国内专家学者研究成果的基础上,形成自己的研究成果,提出建设性的意见,并适时的尽可能的进行推广,使它在国内得到比较彻底的贯彻。综合以上分析,本文得出了以下研究成果:首先,通过对荆州市都市农业发展现状的分析,得出了都市农业具体的发展情况,为荆州市提供了有关都市农业发展的各种资料;其次,通过对荆州市都市农业发展中存在问题的分析,得出了荆州市在发展过程中应该注意的问题,对于都市农业的未来发展具有一定的参考、警惕作用;最后,针对我国都市农业发展问题提出了相应的解决措施,对于荆州市乃至全国都市农业的发展具有一定的借鉴意义。关键词:都市农业,现状,问题,对策第 1 章 引

9、言VAbstractIn recent years, with the rapid development of modern industrialization and urbanization, with the accelerating process of urban-rural integration in our country, while urban agriculture arises at the historic moment, as the urban and suburban space is a kind of special form of agriculture

10、, has been rapid development. Because urban agriculture comes into being with the development of urbanization and industrialization, in the economic growth, urban agriculture must surely are endowed with different meaning. According to the interdependence between agricultural and urban development,

11、it can be seen that the emphasis of urban agriculture is agriculture and city symbiotic development of ideas, rather than being a form of agriculture.Many developed countries has entered the post-industrial society, are very pay attention to the transfer of agricultural labor force, and the coordina

12、ted development of urban and rural areas. For example, in the 1960 s in France put forward the theory of rural urbanization, which requires the same urban and rural, develop industry and third industry; While in the early seventy s Japan made the import promotion act of the rural area, mainly to enc

13、ourage investors to rural economy city, and strongly support farmers in industry and third industry. At the same time, some developing countries are advocating the development of rural industry and other non-agricultural industries, to narrow the disparity between rural and urban areas of difference

14、 and alleviate agricultural stagnation, blindly into the city farmers and rural poverty, such as the contradictions. As you can see, in the improvement of the environment, ecological protection, and many aspects, such as agricultural and sideline products supply, agriculture plays an important role,

15、 but this is not traditional agriculture, agricultural refers to a new kind of urban agriculture. According to practical experience both at home and abroad, in the construction of urban ecological system and infrastructure, urban agriculture has become an important part of, its development degree an

16、d level, as an important evaluation index to measure the citys comprehensive environment. However, because of each countrys agriculture as the foundation, trajectory, and the characteristics of the city is not the same, thus urban agriculture is formed with the corresponding contents and mode of development. Therefore, to make urban agriculture of China is scientific and sustainable development, should from set out actually,



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