影评--万能钥匙(the skelton key)英文版

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1、1The Skeleton KeyI watched the movie with my classmates and weve all been so shocked by its dramatic ending and creepy scenes that some girls include me couldnt help to scream out, even one of our boy students has kept saying ”calm down, calm down”. But how the world that can we calm down? Even when

2、 the second time I watch it the creepy feeling still flows in my heart.When I first heard of the name of this film, The Skeleton Key, I was decidedly unimpressed. Many people had praised it, Id read a lot of positive reviews and the general consensus was that it was a good, creepy film. I disagreed.

3、 Now I am happy to say that my opinion has changed and I agree with those who praised the movie back when it was first released.Im not always the best at understanding subtleties in film story lines, but, apart from a few small plot holes, everything here made sense to me. I would say that posters h

4、ere who say the plot didnt explain itself just 2need to watch and listen more carefully. Im delighted to see that some filmmakers can still make a horror film thats intelligent, generally scary, and doesnt rely on gore and brutality. -The story is about a young nurse named Caroline Ellis who decided

5、 to take a job outside of New Orleans deep in the bayou. She works for Violet Devereaux as a private nurse to take care of the employees dying “husband”, Ben. It seems like a quite simple job for her, however she gradually feels something weird about the house, especially after she heard some noise

6、in the attic. What lies within the walls of the attic? This creepy supernatural thriller works on many fronts, beginning with the brilliant casting of Gena Rowlands as the enigmatic, fearsome Mrs. Deveraux and the lurid, vivid atmosphere, courtesy of cinematographer Daniel Mindel. It is curiosity or

7、 some other thing make her begins to uncover a strange chain of events and incidents after opening a secret room within the attic. In the attic are all kinds of strange things, and 3strangest of all and old record called The Conjure of Sacrifice. Caroline suspects there is something that she doesnt

8、know within the home. Caroline quickly figures out somethings amiss when the wheelchair-bound Ben tries to kill himself by crawling to a window on the second story in the middle of the night and jumping to the ground. Unfortunately for him, he survives - but what would drive him to such an act? Is B

9、en trying to tell her something? Shes learned Ben suffered his stroke while in the attic - could whats up there have caused his predicament? Rowlands is fantastic as Violet Deveraux, a woman steeped in tradition and clinging to old values; she even honors the former tenants of the house by displayin

10、g their photographs. But even so, Violet is mysterious and formidable, and tries vainly to keep Caroline in mind. Gena Rowlands has always been a pretty underrated actress, but if she continues to shine in showy roles such as this, perhaps some awards will be tossed her way; she been twice nominated

11、 for Oscars, but has not won. Rowlands effortlessly rises above the material, which in some respects is forgettable. 4She asks her friend Jill who explains that the attic is probably a Hoodoo room, and tells Caroline that Hoodoo is folk magic, and it cant hurt you if you dont believe in it. But if C

12、aroline dares believe in what she has been exposed to, it can ultimately destroy her. Could there be ghosts within the old home? Or could something else even more sinister be going on? Poor Caroline, it was her curiosity that killed her ultimatelyI cant say a whole lot about this movie, but its impo

13、rtant to say something about the ending. The ending is so different from what Id expect from a movie like this. Im not talking about the third act, as often happens in thrillers, I mean the final scene. Although the film as a whole is predictable and doesnt quite live up to its potential, the final

14、scenes wrap up the story nicely and will put a grin on your face.The movie firstly met the audience in August in 2005, starts off very slow, then towards the middle picks up pace, then its slow again, then it concludes with a fantastic and unpredictable ending. Im sure anyone would 5like the movie,

15、and the ending will surely shock him. Because the lots are completely unexpected, when you think you know whats happening, everything is completely reversed. Besides, I searched some information about the writer of this film, who incidentally wrote 2002s hit The Ring ,and I have much respect for him

16、. In general, stories in horror movies are dull and quite similar, especially Chinese movies. The watchable ones seem to fall into two categories: misguided psychological thrillers headlined by a consummate actress or over the top slasher with serious kitsch value.However, The Skeleton Key doesnt fall into any of these categories and it comes across as a breath of fresh air, an old-fashioned throwback to the


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