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1、精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 7看看他人辞职的 10 个理由Less than one-third of professionals are very satisfied with their current role, according to a LinkedIn study.领英网站的一项调查显示,只有不到 1/3的职场人士对自己现在的职位非常满意。Not every professional is lucky enough to find their dream job immediately (or ever). This is wh

2、y quitting has become a social norm over the last five years. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of quits has steadily risen by percent since September 2009.不是每个职场人士都足够幸运可以立即(或者在某天)找到梦想的工作。这就是为什么过去五年里,辞职成了一种社会风气。实际上,据美国劳工统计局报道,从 2009年开始,辞职次数稳增了%。If youve been questionin

3、g your current role and feel its time to make a move, here are 10 reasons other people are quitting and why you should, too:如果你一直以来总在质疑自己现在的职位,感觉是时候做精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 7出改变了,那么以下 10条他人辞职的理由,也可以作为你应该辞职的考虑:1. you desire more opportunities for career advancement.你渴望更大的职场上升空间。Accord

4、ing to LinkedIns Exit mobility Survey, one of the top three reasons employees leave their jobs is the desire for greater opportunities for advancement.根据领英网关于辞职流动人士的调研,三大辞职理由之一就是渴望更大的职场上升空间。2. you want an improved work/life balance.你想要更好地平衡工作和生活。Do you feel burned out from work or that theres not en

5、ough time in the day to pursue your other passions? Research shows 80 percent of employees desire more flexible work options.你会觉得工作后筋疲力尽或者一天中没有足够时间追求其精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 7他的爱好么?研究显示 80%的员工渴望更灵活的工作选择。3. you feel your skills are untapped.你觉得自己的技能没有用武之地。Have you realized you might b

6、e overqualified for your current position? According to a study by Lee Hecht Harrison, 62 percent of workers feel underutilized in their jobs.你有没有觉得自己做现在的工作绰绰有余?根据李希特哈里森的一项研究,62%的工作人士感觉自己的技能没能在工作中被充分利用。4. you want to learn and grow professionally.你想要向着职业化的方向学习和成长。Does it feel like youve hit a dead e

7、nd in your current position? more learning opportunities is cited as one of the top five factors in seeking or considering a new job, according to LinkedIn.你会觉得自己在现在的职位走到了死胡同么?更多的学习机会被引证为寻找或者考虑新工作的五大因素之一。精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 75. you desire better compensation and benefits.你想要更好的薪酬

8、福利。many professionals feel they arent getting paid their worth. In fact, better compensation and benefits is the second most important factor when people look for new jobs, according to LinkedIn.许多职场人士觉得自己值得更好的待遇。实际上,据领英网显示,更好的薪资福利是人们找新工作的第二大重要因素。6. you dread going to work each day.你每天都害怕去上班。Accordi

9、ng to careerBuilder, 58 percent of people who are dissatisfied with their job plan to find a new one this year.据凯业必达网显示,58%的不满意自己工作的人计划在今年找到新工作。when every day begins to feel like a monday, this 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 7is a sign its time to move on. If youve done everything possible

10、to improve your work situation, start looking for opportunities that provide more satisfaction.当你感觉每天都像周一一样,就是该做出改变的征兆了。如果你已经尝试了所有可能的做法去提升自己的工作现状,那么开始寻找能让你更满意的工作机会吧。7. you want more meaning in your career.你想要自己的事业更有意义。According to millennial Branding, 30 percent of Gen y workers believe “meaningful

11、work” is a very important benefit when selecting an employer.据咨询公司“千禧品牌”报道,y 一代(80 后到早期出生的 00后)的工作人士认为“有意义的工作”是选择雇主的一个非常重要的益处。8. you want to be recognized for your achievements.想要自己的成就被认可。According to Accenture, 31 percent of employees 精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 6 / 7leave because of a lack

12、 of recognition.据“埃森哲咨询公司”报道,31%的雇员离开公司是因为没有得到认可。9. you no longer fit in with the company culture.你不再能融入公司的文化。Have you been feeling like the odd person out whenever you go to work? you could be out growing your companys culture.工作中,你是否总感觉自己像个怪人?你可能已经不再适应公司的文化了。when people look for a new job, 56 perc

13、ent of professionals choose an organization because it seems like a great place to work.人们找新工作时,58%的职场人士选择新机构的依据是其良好的工作氛围。10. you dont approve of your bosss performance.你不认可老板的表现(范文查查网)。精品文档2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 7 / 7A bad boss can have a large impact on your job satisfaction. According to

14、 careerBuilder, 37 percent of employees leave their jobs because they have a poor opinion of their boss. If youre feeling like your boss hasnt been a good leader or respected your needs, its time to find an opportunity that appreciates your hard work and loyalty.糟糕的老板会对工作满意度有很大的影响。据凯业必达网显示,37%的雇员的离职原因是不看好自己的老板。如果你觉得老板不是个好领导或者没有尊重你的需要,那么是时候去找能让你的努力和忠诚得以欣赏的工作机会啦。



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