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1、商务英语口语 日常会话 GreetingsKey sentences (重点句子)Youre new around here, huh?你是新来的吧?Well, if theres anything I can do for you, let me know.哦,如果有什么我能帮忙的,请尽管开口。I havent seen you for a while.好久没见啦。And we work in the same department. 我们在同一个部门工作。Welcome aboard!欢迎你来本公司工作!Im delighted to be working here, Ms. Buchwa

2、ld.我很高兴能来这里上班,布华奇先生。Isnt it rather disrespectful to make a nickname out of the family name? 替别人另外取绰号,不是很不礼貌吗? To the outside world, our custom may be interpreted as a sign of flippancy or lax discipline.对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。初次见面 Key sentences (重点句子)Is this your first trip to Japan?你第一次来日本吗?How

3、 was your trip?旅途愉快吗?How do you find Tokyo?你觉得东京怎么样?Yes, but hopefully not my last.是的。希望不是最后一次。Have you found time to see much?有时间到处看看吗?No, unfortunately only a couple of weeks.不长,真遗憾,只呆两周。You must come round to dinner one evening.你一定要找个晚上来吃饭。前台接待Key sentences (重点句子)I have an appointment with Mr. Ja

4、ckson at 10:30我与杰克逊先生约好10时30分会晤Would you like to have a seat over there?请您在那儿的位置上坐一下好吗?Shall I send him up?要不要我引见?Do you have an appointment?请问您预约了吗?Im afraid Mr. Liu is engaged at the moment.恐怕刘先生现在很忙Im sorry about the confusion, but Ill see you on Thursday.对不起,给你添麻烦了,咱们周四见吧。机场接待Key sentences (重点句子

5、)You must be Ms. Rogers from Chicago?您就是芝加哥来的罗杰斯女士吗?How was your flight?飞机上的旅途怎么样?Long, but quite comfortable.时间很长,但很舒服。Did you have any trouble clearing customs?你在通关时没有什么麻烦吧? How long will it take from the airport to the hotel?从机场到旅馆多长时间。Perhaps youd like to continue our discussions over dinner ton

6、ight.或许你会更想通过今晚的晚宴继续我们的协商。I checked at the ticket counter, and they say the plane will be on schedule. 我在检票口检票时,他们说这架飞机将会准时起飞。I hope you have a safe and comfortable trip. 我希望您有一个安全、舒适的旅行。 I appreciate everything youve done personally to make my stay a pleasant one. 我很欣赏你们所做的一切,也使我自己留下了一个愉快的心情。 做介绍Ke

7、y sentences (重点句子)Mr. Sun, Id like you to meet Mr. Johnathan Mitchell, sales manager for Nortern Reflections of Canada.孙先生,让我为你介绍加拿大Northern Reflections的业务经理 Jonathan Mitchell先生。Its very nice to finally meet you, Mr. Mitchell after so many phone calls and faxes.多次电话、传真往返之后,非常高兴终于见到您,Mitchell先生If you

8、 dont mind, Johnathan, while you and Mr. Sun get acquainted, Id like to check the arrangements for the meeting.如果你不介意,Johnathan在你和孙先生互相认识时,我先失陪,看看会议安排得如何。 Youre certainly on top of things, Brian. Brian.一切当然在你掌握之中! Steven, can you tell me in a nutshell what the retail market is like in Taiwan?Steven,

9、你可以简单地告诉我台湾零售市场的现况吗?Its great to see you again. Did you have a good trip over?再次见到你真好。你旅途还愉快吧?Kathy, Id like you to meet Carol Jacobs.Kathy, 我想让你见见Carol Jacobs。So youre the one responsible for those outstanding sales figures Ive seen.我看过的那些了不起的销售数字,全是由你带领创下的吧。告别Key sentences (重点句子)Im in quite a hurr

10、y too.我也很着急的。I guess Id better go now.我想我最好现在走。Its getting late, and I have to go now.天晚了,我现在得走了。I hope we can get together again.我希望我们会再相聚的。I think I have to leave now.我认为我现在得走了。Well, it was fun to get together again.好,和你再次相聚真是太有趣了。赔礼道歉I owe you an apology, Mr. Steven.我给您道个歉,史蒂芬先生。Im terribly sorry

11、 about the appointment last Thursday. I hope youll excuse me.非常抱歉关于上周四那个会议,我希望你能原谅我。I was caught up in a traffic jam.我堵车。Sorry to have kept you waiting, Eva.很抱歉叫你一直等着,伊娃You must be a very busy general manager.你一向是个繁忙的总经理。I hope you werent bored while I was on the phone.我希望我打电话时你没有生气啊。结识新同事Key senten

12、ces (重点句子)I didnt realize I was getting an office all to myself.没想到我可以拥有一间私人办公室。Just holler if you need anything.如果有任何需要,只要叫我一声就可以。Feel free to drop by my office if you have a question.如果有问题,请不要客气,随时到我的办公室来。My former colleagues told me three secrets of success in foreign-affiliated companies.我以前的同事告

13、诉我,要在外商公司成功有三个秘诀。You have to be careful when you step into the executive jungle and its best to stay away from office politics, especially in a big organization like ours.当遇见激烈的竞争时,必须要小心,最好远离公司的政治斗争,特别是在像我们这么庞大的机构中。预约Key sentences (重点句子)Id like to make an appointment with professor smith.我想和史密斯教授约个会

14、面时间。She doesnt have any openings in the morning.上午她没有空。Could I possibly make it early in the afternoon?我可以约在下午一上班的时间吗?No. thats not good either.不。也不行。Hes got a rather full day tomorrow. 他明天安排的很满。Do I have to call to confirm it? 我还打电话确认一下吗?If anything unexpected happens, Ill inform you. 如果有什么意外发生的话,我

15、会通知您的。订购办公用品Key sentences (重点句子)Id like to enquire about a conference table and some chairs.我想问一下订购会议桌椅的情况。If they are made according to our requirements and dimensions, when can you deliver them?按我们提供的尺寸和要求订做,多长时间可以交货?Lets see your specifications and quantity first.我们先看一下你的具体要求和订做数量吧。We will order

16、your standard units, code number FAC517.要贵公司的标准件,货号FAC517。In that cases, delivery within a month is guaranteed.这样的话,保证一个月内交货。Lets come to price and guarantee period.我们再来谈一下价钱和保质期邀请Key sentences (重点句子)Would you like to go to a concert with me?你愿意和我一起去参加音乐会吗?Do you mind if we go by bus?如果我们坐公共汽车去你介意吗?I hope you enjoyed the dinner.希望这顿饭合你的胃口。That was a delicious meal.这饭很可口。Well have an evening party. Please come and join us. 我们要



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