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1、TPO25listening 问 题 解 析注:问题中红色标记词汇为解题突破点和关键词。Section 1TPO25-L1 Conversation 11. What is the conversation mainly about? 00:09A. The students eligibility to graduate next semesterB. The students difficulties in registering for classesC. A difficult class the student must take next semesterD. Possible e

2、lective choices in the students degree program答 案 : A解 析 : 主 旨 题 , 问 的 是 , whats mainly about,男 同 学 说 的 第 一 句 我 填 完 了 毕 业 相 关 表 格 , 但 不 知 道 下 学 期 能 否 毕 业 。原 文 如 下 : Im just filling out this approval for graduation form for the Deans office and I dont know, I hope Ill be able to graduate next semeste

3、r.2. According to the woman, why was the programs curriculum changed? 00:45A. To attract more international students to the programB. To reflect the growing importance of international businessC. To take advantage of the expertise of new faculty membersD. To give students a stronger background in ma

4、nagement答 案 : B解 析 : 对 话 继 续 , 男 生 说 了 I got confused because the way, uh, theyve changed the requirements, so, now Im not sure Ill qualify to graduate next semester.紧 接 着 , 教 授 对 这 个 情 况 进 行 了 解 释 why change.因 此 前 面 有 个 关 键 词 confused becausechange. 原文如 下 :Well, when the business department changed

5、 the curriculum to include more courses in international business to dwell, because of the increasing globalization of business,3. What does the woman imply about the new departmental requirements? 00:45A. They will not affect the students plans for graduationB. They will not be officially approved

6、by the department until next yearC. They will be limited to students specializing in the international businessD. They will be similar to recent changes made in other departments at the university答 案 : A解 析 : 态 度 题 , 教 授 解 释 完 为 什 么 改 变 要 求 后 , 紧 接 着 用 make sure.3,4 年 级 wouldnt be affected 来 安 慰 那 个

7、 那 声 , 并 且 后 面 紧 跟 着 only 特 别 强 调 说 明 这 是 为 了 第 一 , 二 年 的 新 生 。 原 文 如 下 : We made sure that students would finish to their second year, that is those who werein their third or fourth year wouldnt be affected. The new rules only apply to students in their first or second year.4. Why does the woman me

8、ntion writing a letter? 02:07A. To point out the best way for the student to contact the deans officeB. To confirm that a personal letter is a graduation requirementC. To indicate that she is willing to provide the student with further assistanceD. To emphasize that the student will need special per

9、mission to graduate答 案 : C 解析: 细节题, 。教 授说那 个男孩 子已经 满足毕 业的 要求了 ,如果 有其他 的需 求,让 教授知 道 。 if if 双 重 条 件 状 语 从 句 , 特 别 举 例 强 调 这 种 further information.原文如 下: Yes, youve met the requirements for graduation, and if theres something I need to do,if, if I need to write a letter or whatever, just let me know.5

10、. Why does the woman say this 重 听 题 01:59A. To suggest that the student has not fulfilled all of his requirementsB. To indicate one of the new graduation requirementsC. To find out the students opinion about a particular classD. To be sure that the student has taken a required class答 案 : D 解析: 态度 题,

11、 教授 说看 起来你 已经 有了 所有 必 修 课的学 分了 , 那 应该 没问 题, 但是后 面突 然 来 了 一 句 反 问 句 , 目 的 就 是 说 这 个 也 是 必 修 课 我 刚 才 忘 了 提 了 , 确 定 他 是 不 是也 修 过 了 。 原文如 下: So it looks like youll have all the required classes you need, you should be just fine. Uh, I assume youve taken a seminar?TPO16-L2 Coversation Biology class6. Wha

12、t is the main purpose of the lecture? 00:17-00:40A. To explain the governments role in the regulating assisted migrationB. To discuss ways in which plants and animals adapt to climate changeC. To discuss a controversial approach to conserving plant and animal speciesD. To describe a recently discove

13、red consequence of global warming答 案 : C 解析: 主旨 题, 本文 介绍 的由于 气候 变暖 , 有 的学 者提出 生物 迁移 的策 略, 以避免由于 气候 变 暖 造 成 濒 危 物 种 的 灭 绝 , 后 面 教 授 就 这 一 策 略 进 行 了 讨 论 , 最 后 一 句 话 like I said there could be unintended consequences, 表 示 这 个 方 案 是 有 争 议 的 。7. According to the professor, what problem is assisted migrat

14、ion intended to overcome?A. To diminishing amount of undeveloped land that species can migrate throughB. The relative lack of nutrients available in cooler latitudes and higher elevationsC. The increase in alternations between cool and warm periodsD. Competition from other species in certain native

15、habitats答 案 : A解 析 : 细 节 题 , 题 目 问 的 是 assisted migration 能 够 尝 试 解 决 的 问 题 是 什 么 ? 文 章 介 绍 完 assisted migration 笔 锋 一 转 介 绍 迁 移 作 为 自 然 规 律 的 而 一 种 , 同 assisted migration 的 对 比 。 最 后 一 句 如 果 没 有 帮 助 的 话 则 没 有 足 够 的 空 间 让 物 种 迁 移 , 反 过 来 , 就 是 A 答 案 所 说 的 信 息原 文 如 下 : So perhaps you are wondering wh

16、y not let nature take its course now. Well we cant. The main problem is todays fragmented habitats. .Today human development has paved much of the natural world. Ecosystems are fragmented; housing developments, highways, and cities were placed or sliced through forests and prairies. There are few corners left for species to migrate through without help.。8. What point does the professor make when she discusses the can



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