unit12 生在错误的一端 130427

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1、教学日志章节名称 Unit 12 London 学时数 2授课时间 第十五周 周一 3-4 节 周五 1-2节教学进度 正常学生考勤12 专 1(周一) 应到: 实到: 请假: 旷课:12 本 1(周五) 应到: 实到: 请假: 旷课:课程类型 理论课 讨论课 习题课 实验课 上机课 技能 课 其他教学方法 讲授;讨论;任务阅读法目的要求1. To get to know the main idea of the text and finish the comprehension exercises;2. To acquire some necessary language points;3.

2、 To appreciate the innate ideas and emotions illustrated in the text;4. To acquaint yourself with some serious disease.重点难点重点:To apply the reading skill: Recognizing Organization and Seeing Relationship in this unit.难点:To have a better understanding of the vitality of some infective disease.思考题作业思考题

3、:1. What is AIDS? What is HIV positive? Is there a cure for AIDS?2. In what way does HIV spread?3. What should you do to protect yourself and others against AIDS?作业:Read Text II on P205教学后记作业批改及实验记录Unit 12:On the wrong side of the Global Divide1. Kiosk kisk n. 亭, 凉亭, 报摊2. Shoud be:本应该是,事实却不是3. Exube

4、rant igzju:brnt adj.兴高采烈的, 繁茂的, 丰富的4. Hub hb n.中心, 轮毂, 轮轴5. veinvein n.静脉, 纹理, 叶脉, 岩脉vt.使有脉络,用脉络装饰n.风格, 情绪, 气质, 倾向1).There is a vein of melancholy in his character.他的性格中有 少许 忧郁的气质。2).I am not in the vein for work.我没有 心情 工作。6. Pneumonia nju:munj n.肺炎Take care of getting pneumonia.小心得肺炎。7.TB= abbr. 肺结

5、核(=tuberculosis)8. immuneimju:n adj.免疫的, 免除的9. batteredbtd adj. 撞坏的, 打垮的, 磨损的, 憔悴的10. Diminish dimini vt.减少, 减损, 贬低 vi.变少, 逐渐变细【词形变化】 形容词: diminishable 名词: diminishment 动词过去式: diminished 动词过去分词 : diminished 动词现在分词: diminishing 动词第三人称单数 : diminishes 【词义辨析】 Decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce, dwindle这

6、些词的共同含义是“减少,变少” 。decrease: 指逐渐地、不断地减少。diminish: 侧重大小、数量和重要性的不断减小,强调减小的部分。lessen: 普通用词,与 decrease 近义。指数目、程度、价值、实力等的减少。reduce: 普通用词,含义广。指数量、程度的降低或减少。dwindle dwindl: 与 decrease 同义,指逐渐减小,但强调变得越来越少 终至全无 。11. Engulf vt.吞没, 席卷, 吞噬12. vitalityvaitliti n.活力, 生命13. Collapse klps v.倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解, 折叠 n.倒塌, 崩溃, 暴跌1

7、4. long for : 渴望15. Fulfillmentfulfilmnt n. 满足, 完成, 履行16. thrivingraivi adj.繁荣的, 旺盛的, 兴旺的17. pitifulpitifl adj. 慈悲的, 可怜的副词: pitifully 名词: Pitifulness 18. viciousvis adj.恶毒的 , 恶意的, 剧烈的, 堕落的= fierce fis adj.强烈的, 凶猛的, 酷烈的Let go of me, you vicious monster!放开我,你这 可恶的 家伙!19. adoptdpt v.采用, 收养, 接受20. Massi

8、ve msiv adj.巨大的, 大量的, 大规模的, 大范围的21. exacerbateigzsbeit vt.加重(使 . 恶化, 激怒)【词形变化】 名词: exacerbation 动词过去式: exacerbated 动词过去分词: exacerbated 动词现在分词: exacerbating 动词第三人称单数: exacerbatesHer mothers interference exacerbated the difficulties in their marriage 她母亲从中干预使他们的婚姻雪上加霜。22. Stave off / stave off illness

9、 预防疾病stavesteiv n. 桶板, 窄板, 诗句, 诗节, 五线谱表v. 敲破, 穿孔, 挡开, 避开, 快步走动23. In-evitable inevitbl adj. 不可避免的, 必然( 发生) 的1).Acceptance of the belief that all events are pre-determined and inevitable.对宿命论的信仰接受所有事情是 预先注定、不可避免的 这一信仰的接受2).It is gradually borne in on us that defeat be inevitable.我们渐渐地认识到失败是不可避免的。24.

10、staple diet: 主食Main course:主菜 =main sail25. Deteriorate ditirireit v.恶化, 变质, 衰退1) 、Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.食物在夏天 容易 变质。2) 、Relation between the two countries have deteriorated sharply in recent week.最近几周那两个国家间的关系严重恶化了。be apt to :易于, 倾向于26. Imminent iminnt adj.逼近的, 即将发生的1) 、An announceme

11、nt of further cuts in government expenditure is imminent. 最近将发布进一步削减政府开支的公告。(Expenditure ikspendit n.开支, 消耗)27. ¥*per Capita keipt :人均收入*人民币28. copekup i.应付, 对抗, 妥善处理 vt.笼罩,盖上斗篷 n.长袍, 斗篷状物How do you cope with the problem of poor vision?怎样解决视力不好这一难题呢?I cannot cope with such a pile of work.我无法 处理 这么多

12、工作 。29. suspectsspekt v.怀疑, 猜想 n.嫌疑犯 adj.可疑的, 不可信的 【词义辨析】 doubt, suspect, distrust这些动词均含“怀疑”之意。doubt: 普通用词,多指因证据不足或仅凭证据还不能肯定而产生怀疑,多含否定意味。suspect: 指猜疑、疑心,肯定意味较多。distrust: 指疑惑、猜疑,不信任。suspicioussspis adj.可疑的, 多疑的30. Frail freil adj. 脆弱的, 虚弱的31. solesul adj.独占的, 唯一的 n.脚底, 鞋底 n.鳎鱼 vt.给(鞋)换底Farming is his

13、 sole livelihood.他 唯一的 谋生之道就是务农。Livelihood laivlihud n. 生计 , 营生, 生活32. Thwarting w:ti n. 阻遏 adj. 阻碍的He was thwarted (in his aims) by bad luck.他运气不好,未能达到目的。同义词:Frustrating, frustrative= adj. 挫折的33. expect-ancyikspektnsi n.期待, 预期Women have a higher life expectancy than men.女人比男人的 预期 寿命长。34. Census sen

14、ss n.人口普查, 户口普查, 统计35. Midday middei n. 正午, 中午36. Polio puliu n. 脊髓灰质炎 , 小儿麻痹症37. Scarce sks adj.缺乏的, 不足的, 稀少的, 罕见的 adv.勉强1).Food was scarce throughout the war.在战争期间食物 匮乏 。2).Hotel accommodation was scarce during the Olympic Games.奥运会期间,旅馆房间很难找。3).I could scarce believe my eyes.我几乎 不敢相信 自己的眼睛。38. co

15、ndomkndm n. 橡皮套 , 避孕套39.The tidal wave of:的浪潮40. scrape together skreip tge v. 费力地获得1).We scraped together an audience of fifty for the play.我们 张罗来 五十个观众看这出戏。2).He have s crape together enough money to buy a car.他已 凑足了 买一辆汽车的钱。41. Serenity sireniti n. 宁静, 沉着 tran-quillitytrkwiliti n. 平静 , 安静We all like the tranquillity of the country life.我们都喜欢乡村生活的宁静。42. indifferent indifrnt adj.漠不关心的 , 无关紧要的 , 平凡的 , 中立的1)She seems indifferent, but deep down shes very pleased.她貌似 无动於衷 ,其实心里非常高兴。deep down:实际上, 在心底2)He is indifferent to the r


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