m7u2 words and expressions(叶文斌)

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《m7u2 words and expressions(叶文斌)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《m7u2 words and expressions(叶文斌)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、- 1 -M7U2 Words and expressions1. revolution n1) a drastic drstik adj. 激烈的;猛烈的 and far-reaching adj. 深远的;广泛的 change in ways of thinking and behaving 革命It is a complete revolution. 这是一个彻底的革命。2) the overthrow of a government by those who are governed 巨变,大变革3) a single complete turn 旋转,天体运行This motion

2、of an object in an orbit about a center as called revolution.像这种一个物体环绕某个中心所作的轨道运动叫做公转。 【Phrases】cultural revolution 文化大革命 industrial revolution 工业革命,产业革命 democratic revolution 民主革命 technological revolution 科技革命;经 工业技术革命【Similarity】evolution ,i:vlu:n n. 演变;进化论;进展2. counter 1)vt./vi. speak in response

3、 反驳,反击I counter their plan with my own. 我用自己的方案去反对他们的计划。He hit me but I did not counter. 他打了我,但我没有还手。2)vt. 抵制,抵消,制止He countered my plan with one of his own. 他提出自己的计划与我的计划抗衡。3)n. 柜台;(讨价还价的) 本钱,有利条件,筹码;计数器;反驳He placed the money on the counter. 他把钱放在柜台上。Shoppers got into a scrum skrm n. 扭打,混乱 round the

4、 bargain counter. 顾客在廉价品柜台周围你争我夺。The circuit is a conventional adj. 符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的 ring counter. 此线路是一个普通的环形计数器。4)adv. 相反地 / adj. 相反的【Phrases】under the counter 私下出售的;暗中作成的;违法的;走后门 service counter 服务台 ticket counter 售票台;售票柜台;票务处bar counter 吧台;酒吧台 electronic counter 电子计算器 counter measure 对策;防范措施;反措

5、施 counter attack 反攻,逆袭 counter current 反流,逆流;反向电流3. beneficial adj. 有益的,有用的,有利的be beneficial to 有利于,有益于The proper exercise is beneficial to your health. 适当的锻炼对你的身体有好处。Derivation benefita) vt./vi. derive a benefit from 使受益,使得益于benefit from 得益于,从 . .得到好处The rain will benefit the crops. 这场雨对庄稼会有好处。I go

6、t a lot of benefit from learning a foreign language. 从学习外语中我得到很多益处。b) n. 利益,好处;津贴,保险金- 2 -of benefit to 对. .有益处for the benefit of 为了. .的利益This project is of great benefit to everyone. 这项工程对每个人都有很大的好处。Are you entitled to unemployment benefit? 你有资格领取失业救济金吗?4. chew tu: vt./vi. (chewed chewed)咀嚼,咬碎;咬,啃v

7、i. 细想,深思Chew your food well before swallow. 吞下食物以前必须要好好咀嚼。Ill chew the problem over for a few days. 这个问题我会仔细思考几天。Ill give you till tomorrow to chew over. 我给你一天的时间来考虑。【Phrases】chew over 仔细考虑,深思 chew up 咬碎;损害,伤害,消耗chew on 深思,细想,考虑 chew upon 深思(细想)chew gum 嚼口香糖5. possess pzes =have ownership or possess

8、ion ofvt. 占有,拥有,持有,具有;摆布,支配【Phrases】possess oneself 自制,镇静possess someone of something 使某人拥有某物be possessed of 拥有,具有possess ones soul 保持镇定The police asked me if I possessed a gun.警察问我是否有枪。I dont know what possessed him to drive so fast down that busy street.我不知道他着了什么魔,在那条热闹的街上把车子开得这么快。He was possessed

9、 of great self-confidence. 他极有自信。Poor as they are, they possess many noble qualities. 尽管他们很穷,但是他们身上有许多高尚的品质。She is a charming lady, possessed of good health and sound adj. 健全的,健康的;合理的;可靠的;有效彻底的 intellect. 她说一位有健康体质和健全智力的迷人的女士。【Derivation】n. possession pzen 拥有take / get / gain possession of 拿到. .;占有,

10、占领 不加冠词give possession 移交所有权;使完全占有in the possession of sb. (物)被据有, (人)据有 表被动in possession of 控制,拥有 表主动注意:control 和 charge 具有以上相同的结构come into ones possession 被某人占有,落入某人之手legal possession 法 法定所有权;法 法定占有;法 合法占有actual possession 实际占有;实际所有权 continuous possession 继续占有pl possessions 财产,所有物表示多多益善的概念Why do m

11、odern people chase material possessions?为什么现在的人们追求物质财富?6. vital vaitl 比较级 more vital 最高级 most vital a) critical, absolutely necessary 对-极其重要的,必不可少的(+to/for)The questions put forward at the meeting are of vital importance.会上提出的那些问题极其重要。- 3 -This point is vital to my argument.这一点对我的论据极为重要。b) performin

12、g an essential function in the living body 生命的,维持生命所必需的作定语Growth and decay are vital processes. 生长和衰亡是生命过程。 c) full of spirit 充满活力的,生气勃勃的Shes a very vital sort of person. 她是个精力旺盛的人。【Derivation】vitality n. 活力,生命力 She is full of youth and vitality. vitally adv. 极其;紧要地;生死攸关地 vitally important 极其重要的【Phr

13、ases】be vital to/for sth 对-是至关重要的 a vital mistake 一个致命的错误be of vital importance 极其重要的 play a vital role in 在-中起重要的作用7. potential ptenl a) adj. existing in possibility, possible; expected to become or be; likely 潜在的,可能的The dispute has scared away potential investors. 这一争端吓走了潜在的投资者。These potential eff

14、ects must be studied carefully.这些潜在的影响必须仔细地加以研究。b) n. U 可能性,潜在性;潜力,潜能(+for)She has acting potential, but she needs training. 她有表演潜力,但需要训练。He hasnt realized his full potential yet. 他还没有意识到他的全部潜能。She recognized the potential for error in the method being used. 她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错。【Derivation】potentially

15、adv. 可能地,潜在地 potentiality n. 潜力;潜在性8. circulate s:kjuleit vt./vi.a) become widely known and passed on=go around, spread 传播,散布;传递,传阅The news of her death circulated quickly.b) cause to be distributed=pass around, pass on, distribute 循环Blood circulates through the body.Please open a window to allow the air to circulate.【Phrases】circulate around 围绕 . 旋转 circulate among 在 . 中流传 circulate about 在 . 附近流传【Derivation】circulative adj. 循环性的,促进循环的,具有流通性的circulation n. 流通,传播;循环;发行量【Discrimination】a) spread:普通用词,使用广泛。指传播疾病、思想、文化、习惯或谣言等。b) circulate:



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