model test 2

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《model test 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《model test 2(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1欧洲文化入门试卷 2I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question,four suggested answers markedA,B,C and Dare givenChoose the one which best completes the statement or answers tile question by blackening the corresponding letter Oil the ANSWER S

2、HEET(40 points,2 points each)1. Who were considered as people by the ancient Athens? A. Women citizens B. Adults C. Adult male citizens D. Foreigners and children2. Which of the following is tree about Dialogues?A. Dialogues was a book written by SocratesB. Dialogues was a record of life of PlatoC.

3、Dialogues was a record of Socrates written by PlatoD. Dialogues was a record of Socratess sayings by his followers3. The great deed that David performed wasA. he took the Hebrews back to Canaan B. he killed Goliath, the philistine giantC. he went to the of the mountain in Sinai to receive message fr

4、om God D. none of the above4. In the early days of Christianity,it was a religion of_.A. the rich B. the poor C. the ruling class D. all people5. Which of the following statements about knighthood is not true?A. A nobleman was bom a knight.B. Knighthood had to be earned.C. One had to be trained in o

5、rder to become a knight.D. After being dubbed a knight,he had to observe the Code of Chivalry.6. The Inquisition was_.A. a church court set up to try heretics organization for church investigationC. a court 113 many kingdoms D. the decision-making body of the church7. Art to Michelangelo was a

6、means by which_.A. he expressed his opposition to the despotic rule B. he made inquiry into the realityC. he expressed his vision of mall D.B and C8. Counter-reformation means the Roman Catholic church_.A. suppressed the Reformation movement by force2B. refused to accept any reformC. reestablished i

7、tself as a dynamic force in European affairs by introducing reforms and improvementsD. ganged up with the Spanish monarchy to set up the Inquisition9. Keplers contribution to astronomy is_.A. his discovery of the law of inertiaB. his discovery of the Ptolemaic systemC. his discovery of the three law

8、s of planetary motionD. none of the above10. In Essay Concerning Human Understanding,John Locke stated that_.A. all our knowledge sprang from experienceB. knowledge was powerC. everyman was enemy to every manD. the word was made up of simple,active substances11. The symbolic event of the French Revo

9、lution in 1789 was _.A. the issuance 0f the Declaration of independenceB. the founding of the First RepublicC. the seizure of the Bastille D. the publication of The spirit of the Laws12. Voltaire was noted for his_.A. wit B. satire C. passion D.A and B13. In Critique of Pure Reason,Kant argued that

10、_.A. knowledge is the joint product of both sense and reasonB. creation 讨 never complete;it is ever going onC. virtue can be sustained without religious beliefD. mans greatest ills are not natural but are made by man himself14. The Lyrical Ballads was written by _.A. Shelley B.Wordsworth and Colerid

11、ge C. Blake and Keats D. Byron and Shelley15. The line“Beauty is truth,truth beauty”comes from_.A. Wordsworth B. Byron C. Keats D. Blake16. In developing Marxist philosophy, Marx and Engels accepted_ in German classical philosophy. A. Hegels dialectics B. Feuerbachs metaphysics C. Feuerbachs materia

12、lism D. A and C317. Balzacs monumental work was_. A. Divine Comedy B. The Human Comedy C. The Brothers Karamazov D. Les Miserables18 The author of A Dolls house was_.A.George Bernard Shaw B.Chekhov C. Henrik lbsek D. Leo Tolstoy19. Which of the following works was written by William Faulkner?A.The W

13、aste land B. Dubliners C. Cantos D. The Sound and the Fury20. The poem Howl was written by_.A. Kingsley Amis B. John Osborne C. Allen Ginsberg D. Ezra PoundII. In the following part there are two columns. The left hand column consists of a list of names. The right hand column consists of a list of t

14、itles,names of organizations or works. Match each name in the left hand column with corresponding title or organization or work in the right hand column and put the number a or b or e etcin the bracket on the test paper.(10 points,1 point each)21. Plato ( ) a. the Society of Jesus22. Dante ( ) b. So

15、cialism:Utopian and Scientific23. Ignatius ( ) c. Dialogues24. Bacon ( ) d. the mazurkas25. Engels ( ) e. The Counterfeiters26. James Joyce ( ) f. Faust27. Shelley ( ) g. the Divine Comedy28.Goethe ( ) h. the Advancement of Learning29.Chopin ( ) i. Ulysses30.Andre Gide ( ) j. Prometheus UnboundIII. Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the test paper(20 points,2 points each)31. What was Aristotles answer to mans aim in life?32. Why we


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