make america great again-原文

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1、Make America Great Again! Why again?Low-energy Jeb. “Little Marco”. “Lyin Ted”. “Crooked Hillary”. Give Donald Trump credit: he has a memorable way with insults. His have a way of etching themselves on the brain. And theyve garnered media coverage, analysis and commentary almost beyond imagining.“低能

2、量杰布”、“小矬子马克”、“撒谎者泰德”、“坏水儿希拉里”。这都出自唐纳德特朗普之口:他骂人的法子令人印象深刻,他骂人的方式深入人心,引发超乎想象的媒体报道、分析、评论。Memorable as they might be however, they wont be what lasts of Trumps 2016 election run. Thats surely reserved for a single slogan that will sum up his candidacy when its all over (no matter how it ends). 但是虽然令人印象深刻

3、,提及到特普朗 2016 年竞选,他们都不会被提到。当竞选结束以后,也只有一个口号能总结他的竞选。He arrived with it on that Trump Tower escalator in the first moments of his campaign, and it now headlines his website, where its also emblazoned on an array of products from hats to T-shirts. 竞选一开始,他就让这句话出现在川普大楼的电梯上,现在是他网站的标题,还包括帽子和 T 恤等各种商品。You alr

4、eady know which line I mean: “Make America Great Again!” 你大概已经知道我所说的口号是哪个了:“让美国再次强大。”That exclamation point ensures you wont miss the hyperbolic, Trumpian nature of its promise to return the country to its former glory days. In it lies the essence of his campaign, of what hes promising his followers

5、 and Americans generally and yet, strangely enough, of all his lines its the one most taken for granted, the one thats been given the least thought and analysis. 感叹号保证你不会低估这个承诺的夸张,这个让美国重回以前的光辉岁月,他竞选的本质,他对他的追随者和美国人民的承诺,奇怪的是,在他所说的所有话中,这句话被认为最理所当然,最少引发思考和分析。And thats a shame, because it represents some

6、thing new in our American age. The problem, I suspect, is that what first catches the eye is the phrase “make America great” and then, of course, the exclamation point, while the single most important word in the slogan, historically speaking, is barely noted: again.这很遗憾,因为这代表了美国时代的新东西。我怀疑问题出自于:“让美国

7、强大”和感叹号确实抓人眼球,但是那在这个标语中最重要的词语,从历史的角度上说,是“再”With that word, Trump crossed a line in American politics that until his escalator moment represented a kind of psychological taboo for politicians of any stripe and of either party, including presidents and potential candidates for that position. 特朗普用这个字在美

8、国政坛划了一道线,他挂上电梯的那一刻前,这是美国各党派的心理禁忌,其中包括总统以及总统候选人。He is the first American leader or potential leader of recent times not to feel the need or obligation to insist that the US, the “sole” superpower of Planet Earth, is an “exceptional” nation, an “indispensable” country, or even in an unqualified sense

9、a “great” one. His claim is the opposite: that, at present, America is anything but exceptional, indispensable or great, though he alone could make it “great again”.在近年来美国领导人或候选人中,他是第一个不需要或没有义务坚称美国应该作为地球上的“唯一的”超级大国,“例外”,“不可或缺”的国家,甚至是名不副实的“伟大”的国家。他的宣言反对美国的例外,不可或缺,尽管他仍能再次伟大。In that claim lies a curios

10、ity that, in a court of law, might be considered an admission of guilt. Yes, it says, if one man is allowed to enter the White House in January 2017, this could be a different country, but and herein lies the originality of the slogan it is not great now.Trump, in other words, is the first person to

11、 run openly and without apology on a platform of American decline. Think about that for a moment. “Make America Great Again!” is indeed an admission, in the form of a boast.这个宣言令人好奇,在法庭上会被认为是犯罪。是的,如果他在 2017 年 1 月入住白宫,这将会是个不一样的国家,但是,现在这个口号的新奇在于,它现在不再伟大了。换句话说,特朗普是第一个公开将美国衰落作为议程并且对此毫无歉意的人。仔细想想,“让美国再次强大

12、”其实是以“自夸”的形式来认罪。As he tells his audiences repeatedly, America, the formerly great, is today a punching bag for China, Mexico . well, you know the pitch. You dont have to agree with him on the specifics. Whats interesting is the overall vision of a country lacking in its former greatness.City upon a

13、hill他不断想听众重复,以往的美国是多么的伟大,而现在只是中国,墨西哥的出气筒你可以想象到那语气,你不会在细节上同意他,有意思的是美国不再强大这一总体概况,Once upon a time, in a distant America, the words “greatest”, “exceptional” and “indispensable” werent part of the political vocabulary.以前,在遥远的美国, “最伟大”“例外”“不可或缺”这些词不可能成为政治词汇的一部分。American presidents didnt bother to claim

14、any of them for this country, largely because American wealth and global preeminence were so indisputable. Were talking about the 1950s and early 1960s, the post-second world war and pre-Vietnam “golden” years of American power. Despite a certain hysteria about the supposed dangers of domestic commu

15、nists, few Americans then doubted the singularly unchallengeable power and greatness of the country. It was such a given, in fact, that it was simply too self-evident for presidents to cite, hail or praise.美国总统们从不自夸,因为美国的财富和全球优越感不可或缺。我们讨论的是在 50 年代和 60 年代初,二战后和越战前的黄金时代。尽管国内的共产党员带来的所谓的危险有点歇斯底里,很少美国人会怀

16、疑这绝无争议的权利和伟大。这是个不言而喻的事实,总统没有必要去诋毁或夸赞。So if you look, for instance, at the speeches of John F Kennedy, you wont find them littered with exceptionals, indispensables or their equivalents.比方说,你去找找肯迪泥的演讲,你不会找到“例外”“不可或缺”类似这些字眼的。In a pre-inaugural speech he gave in January 1961 on the kind of government he planned to bring to Washington, for instance, he did cite the birth of a “great republic” and quoted Puritan John Winthrop on the desirability of creati


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