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1、写作复习资料第一部分:小作文重点真题练习2011 英语二 祝贺及建议Directions:Suppose your cousin Li Ming has just been admitted to a university. Write him/her a letter to 1 ) congratulate him/her, and 2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life.Dear Li Ming,I m writing the letter for the purpose of convey

2、ing my heartfelt congratulations to you on your success in passing the entrance examination. And I d like to make some suggestions on your forthcoming university life.To begin with, it s advisable for you to be equipped with computer skills, considering that we re now in a high - tech age. Besides,

3、I would recommend that you continue studying English in your spare time, which will lay a solid foundation for your future study abroad. Lastly, emphasis should be given to communication skills as well as academic achievements.I genuinely hope that you 11 take my advice into consideration. Wish you

4、a splendid university life.Yours sincerely,Zhang Wei2007 英语一 建议Directions:Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service.Dear Sir or Madam,As a freshman in our university, I do appreciate the valuable service provided in the library where I spend most of my s

5、pare time. To further improve the studying conditions there, I would like to put forward some practical suggestions.Firstly, there is an urgent need for more powerful computers which would greatly facilitate our information search and learning. Secondly, the library should purchase more books publis

6、hed recently, for the outdated materials are of little value to students study and research. Lastly, as we wish to borrow books on Saturdays as well, I wonder if it is possible to adjust the opening time.I will be more than happy to see improvements in these regards.Sincerely yours,Li Ming2009 英语一 建

7、议Directions:Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. White Pollution is still going on. Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to 1) give your opinions briefly, and 2) make two or three suggestions. Dear editor,I am a faithful reader of yo

8、ur newspaper and always appreciate your active reporting of the social problems. Therefore, I believe you will pay full attention to the situation that the plastic bags are still commonly used in some regions.In my opinion, the above situation can be improved only when restrictions play their effect

9、ive role. Here are some suggestions to achieve it. The government should further strengthen the supervision and control of the production and circulation of plastic bags. Whats more, all social sectors should show their strong support. The shops can offer small gifts or discounts to customers who br

10、ing their own bags. Designers can design beautiful cloth bags to attract shoppers to use them.Since my own voice is too weak to be heard, I hope you can call on the public to reduce the use of plastic bags.Yours sincerely,Li Ming第二部分:小作文要点句(一)首段常用句型1. 真没想到转眼间我离开北京来日本已有两年了。你最近怎么样?_It is hard to belie

11、ve two years have passed since I left Beijing for Japan. How are you going on these days?2. 我代表校英语系邀请您来做一次演讲。我们知道您是美国文学方面的专家。作为英语专业的学生,我们想了解一些美国文学的知识。_I am writing on behalf of the English Department to invite you to give a lecture in our college. We know that you are an expert on American literatur

12、e. As English majors, our students would like to know something about American literature.3. 我写信是应征您在人才周刊上刊登的招聘生产协调员职位的广告。_I am writing in response to your ad in Talent Journal for the position of production coordinator.4. 我写信想表达我对贵公司最近招聘总经理私人秘书职位的广告的兴趣。我相信我是这个职位最合适的人选。_I am writing to express my in

13、terest in your recently advertised position for a personal secretary to the general manager. I am fully confident that I am the right person for the job.5. 现在北京大学工作的库伯教授最近告诉我关于你校招聘教师职位的情况。_Professor Cooper, who is now working in Beijing University, has recently furnished me with information regarding the teaching position at your college/ institute.(二)尾段常用句型6. 如果您能给予我访问学者的工作并提供经济资助,我将不胜感激。我正期待您的佳音。_I should be very much obliged to


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