loving and hating new york 教案

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1、Loving and Hating New York 教案-Teaching PlanTeaching Aims and demands:Knowledge aims:1) Enable students to become acquainted with global information about New York including Manhattan, Broadway, Greenwich Village, Central Park, the Fifth Avenue, Wall Street & Tin Pan Alley. 2) Help students to obtain

2、 basic knowledge by means of comprehension questions on content and analyze the basic structure of the text.3) Make students figure out the essential theme of the article: Lovingand hating New York becomes a matter of alternating moods, often in the same day. The place constantly exasperates, at tim

3、es exhilarates.Ability aims:1) To make students able to master the detailed knowledge of this essay.2) To cultivate students understand the whole passage better.3) To help students to understand and use rhetorical devices accurately.Emotive aims:1) Establish students cooperating study spirit.2) Enco

4、urage students to voice their own viewpoint about New York.3) To broaden students horizon from this passage.Teaching Requirements: A. Students are required to get familiar with New York by looking through some materials before class and describe its important role in economy, finance, transportation

5、 andcommercial trade of U.S.A. B. Let students point out the main idea of the whole text, the way the author constructed the text and the rhetorical devices employed in the text.C. Ask students to make a discussion on whether to chooseto live in New York and write a composition describing a Chinese

6、city.Key points and difficult points:Key Points:A. Brief account of New York and relevant information about the U.S.A.B. Introduction of comprehension questions on contenta. New York - an international metropolis, full of sense of freedomb. Its deficiencies as a pacesetterc. New York - Europeans fav

7、orite cityd. Faults of New York e. The authors preferenceTeaching Difficulties:A. Figures of speech a. Ironyb. Euphemismc. Personificationd. Metaphore. Synecdochef. Alliterationg. MetonymyB. Writing style: expositionC. Organization of the textTeaching method:1) Communication approach2) Behaviorism3)

8、 Constructivism4. Teacher asking questions about the contents of the text:1 .Do the people wearing T-shirts with a heart design love deeper for New York than the author?2. New York is unique and special. so, where can we find these characteristics?3.Is there any contradiction between the two sentenc

9、es: “New York was never a good convention city” and “many Europeans call New York their favorite city?”4.How dose the writer describe the different aspects of New York by comparing the different attitudes of outsiders and New Yorkers?5.In what fields can New York no longer be regarded as the leading

10、 American city?6.In what respects is New York still regarded as the leading American city?7. What are its deficiencies as a pacesetter?8. What is the main theme of this article?Teaching procedures:1)review: Step1:The following sentences all contain metaphors. Explain their meaning in plain, non-figu

11、rative language:1. But we shall not always expect to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.2. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers.3. And let every other power know that this hemisphere in

12、tends to remain the master of its own house.4. We renew our pledge of support: to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective, to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak5. And if a beachhead of co-operation may push back the jungle of suspicion6. The energy, the faith, the devotion w

13、hich we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.Step2: Complete the words according to the definition.the first letter of the word is given:1. the sense of right and wrong c_. 2. the largest or greatest number, amount,

14、 etc. m_. 3. drawn up ready for battle e_.4. to express clearly and exactly f _. 5. that which has been or may be inherited h _.6. to take an oath s _.7. the quality of being generous g _.8. any public place in which discussions take place f _.9. formal written order in the name of a court of law, g

15、overnment, or other authority, directing a person to do or not to sth. w_.10. to do away with completely a _.2) lead-inFree talk about New York: Students and teacher talk about New York from different aspects together and express their view about New York.And lists their causes about why they love N

16、ew York or not.3) cultural points and background knowledge.1. New York: a state in the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. New York is the 27th-most extensive, the third-most populous, and the seventh-most densely populated of the 50 United States. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south and by Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Ver


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