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1、Lesson 27: The Dove and the Olive Branch教学设计教 案 背 景学科:英语 学段: 九年级下版本:冀教版 课型: 新课课时:1 课时教学设想本课内容是一段带有传奇色彩的关于诺亚造方舟救家人的故事。对于此神话故事,学生一定会表现出很高涨的学习兴趣。所以我以圣经中创世故事(Flash)来导入新课。处理课文时,我让学生听课文录音带判断句子,略读,复述,精读等形式,让学生了解鸽子和橄榄枝的故事由来,了解这一神话故事。同时让学生思考在生活中什么打破了和平的局面?你可以做点什么来阻止它们的发生。教学目标知识与能力1. 需掌握的词汇:flood, peaceful, r

2、aise, symbol需认知的词汇:dove, olive, Adam, Eve, Eden, God, Noah2. 锻炼学生的口语表达能力。3. 能够根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略来获取文章大意。过程与方法1. 学会复述一件事情。2. 通 过 教 学 过 程 , 使 学 生 学 会 利 用 “百 度 ”搜 索 引擎 , 搜 索 到 自 己 所 需 要 的 资 料 。情感态度与价值观1. 在学习中敢于用英语表达自己的看法。2. 了解世界,培养学生热爱和平的意识。教学重点1. Talk about the agreement and disagreement.2. Grasp the

3、object clause.教学难点the object clause教学准备 audiotape, flashcards, powerpoint教学方法Listen and answer , discuss , explain .教学过程Step1. Lead in “Do you know the story of the dove and the olive branch?”“Do you know something about Adam and Eve?” Show the students the flashcards of Adam and Eve and the teacher

4、 tell the story.设计意图:贴近学生生活,新颖别致的导课方式可以激发学生的求知欲和自我表现欲,在轻松活跃的气氛中把学生的情绪调到有利于思维和联想的状态上来,为学习课文做好铺垫。所以我以圣经动画作为引入本课的热身活动,不但让学生了解更多关于异域文化的知识,而且激发了学生学习英语的兴趣, 活跃课堂气氛的同时引出课文内容。Step2. Listen to the tape and decide the following statements are true or false.1. Adam and Eve give birth to their children in the Ed

5、en.2.God doesnt want Noah to die because Noah can give peace to the world. 3. Noah and his family floats in the Great Flood for five months.4.The dove comes back with a green olive to show that there are living things on earth. 5. Since then, people use a picture of a dove with an olive branch in it

6、s mouth to show their love for peace.After listening to the tape, ask the students to finish the task in class in oral.设计意图:由课文新增加的听力练习,既可以帮助学生深入的了解课文,又锻炼了学生的听力。Step3. Let the students scan the text and tell the main idea of it. Remember to say with their own words. Not one word by one word from the

7、 text. The flash cards can help them.百度搜索 http:/www.33ww.org/production/flash26.htm设计意图:以 flash 展现课文内容,化抽象为形象,把课文中表达的意思及意境再现出来,既加深学生对课文内容的体验和理解,又对学生综合素质的提高很有帮助。Step4. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions:1. Did God think there are too many bad people in the world?2. What did No

8、ah do to escape the Great Flood?Finish the task in class in oral.Step5.Language pointsThe teacher explain the language points.1. They must die in the Great Flood, all except Noah because he is a good man.人们必须在大洪水中死亡,诺亚除外,因为他是个好人。 Great Flood. 大洪水, 灭世洪水。except 介词,除 之外,but 也有此含义。例: All went to the cin

9、ema except (but) Jim.所有人都去看电影了,除了吉姆。2. In the evening the dove comes back with a green olive branch in its mouth, showing that land is near and the danger is over.傍晚,鸽子嘴里叼着一个绿色橄榄枝回来了。这表明陆地在附近,危险结束了。with a green olive branch in its mouth 是介词 with 的复合结构,作伴随状语。showing that land is near and danger is ov

10、er 是动词的 ing 形式,作结果状语。land is near and danger is over 是两个宾语从句。例:She said good-bye with tears in her eyes. 她含着泪说再见。3. I would love to raise doves and plant an olive tree.我想养一只鸽子种一棵橄榄树。raise 动词,饲养、种植,增长,举起 例:They raised their hands. (put up) 他们举起手。They raise rice. (grow) 他们种水稻。He raises a dog. (keep) 他

11、养一只狗。Step 6 PracticeLet the students fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.danger raise planted died symbol floated peaceful except1) Everyone comes _Tom. He gets up late.2) Lets work hard to make the world a _land.3) Sam _last week and left two children behind.4) Dove is the _of peace.

12、5) The farmers _sheep on the mountain.6) Rafts_down the river.7) The tiger are in great_. They are hunted and killed.8) A lot of trees are_to protect the enviroment.设计意图:趁热打铁,巩固本节课所学语言点。Step 7 Group workDiscuss the following questions in groups of three or four. 1. What do you think breaks the peace

13、 in our life? 2. What can you do to prevent this happen? Make a list of it. Then exchange the ideas in groups. Choose the best to present in front of the class. 设计意图:让学生在小组内活动,体会合作的重要性。通过大家智慧的集合得出结论,学生会有很大的成就感。Step8. Come to “LETS DO IT”.Ask the students to finish the task in formal groups. First, d

14、iscuss whether or not you think the story of Noah is real. Why or why not? What do they think of the Gods idea? Second, tell other famous stories about making peace. Many students may know some Chinese stories about making peace. Show some pictures to help them remind the old stories. Many people di

15、ed in order to get a peaceful world for us. 百度搜索 http:/ Homework1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.2. Surfing and finding some peaceful stories on the internet.教学反思跨文化交际意识的培养,是英语教学的一个重要组成部分。词汇是文化信息的主要浓缩。对英语词汇的准确理解,和对语言环境的认识,创设和把握,需要对文化的比较深刻的理解。鉴于本课知识点不是很多,所以在设计本课教学时,我引入了圣经故事,又借助百度搜索 flash 动画,教学效果比较理想。


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