i am watching tv教案

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《i am watching tv教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《i am watching tv教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、资料由大小学习网收集 资料由大小学习网收集 Unit 5 I am watching TV睦坝中学:刘淑兰一、教材分析及目标的确定1.教材分析:本单元是七年级下册 Unit 5,围绕 everyday activities”这一话题展开听说,读写等多种教学活动,其教学核心内容就”运用现在进行时态谈论人们正在做的事”.这一话题贴近学生的日常生活,语言素材源于学生生活实际,因此有助于提高学生学习英语的兴趣.2教学目标的确定:(1)知识目标:. 动词现在分词:watching, doing, eating, cleaning, playing, swimming, shopping, reading

2、, taking, closing,putting, sitting. 掌握现在进行时和一般现在时的问答:What are you doing? Im doing my homework. Do you want to go swimming? Yes, I do. When do you want to go? At three oclock.(2)能力目标:通过动作演示、看图、说话等形式,使学生体会和正确运用“am/is/are +现在分词(V-ing)”来表达“正在发生或进行的动作”,即现在进行时。(3).情感目标:教育学生要善于观察周围的事物,发现生活中的美,热爱生活.二、教学重难点:

3、重点:1. 教学重点是“am/is/are +动词+ing”及“动词+ing 的构成方法.2.学会用现在进行时描述人们正在做什么.难点:1.运用现在进行时就身边所发生的事做现场报道2.现在进行时与一般现在时的区别.三.基本教学思路:本单元的重点虽然是现在进行时,但在教学过程中我不打算过多地讲解语法方面的内容,而是设计各种活动为学生提供练习的机会,帮助学生在模仿、重复与运用中熟悉现在进行时的用法。所以我采用任务型教学法,学生分组学资料由大小学习网收集 资料由大小学习网收集 习,旨在培养其合作精神,又要使他们具有竞争意识,一切活动的设计,目的在于使学生学会运用语言进行交际并为以后的学习、生活打下基

4、础。四、教学手段的选用教学图片和多媒体课件的运用 五、教学策略1、兴趣活动教学策略:多采用做游戏和猜谜等形式。2、任务型教学策略:在教学中突出语言的应用性原则。把听说、讨论、表演、游戏贯穿于教学,使课堂形式多样化,充分发挥学生的主动性。六、学习策略1通过猜谜等活动,培养学生的逻辑推理能力。2通过组内合作,提高学生的合作能力和竞争能力。Period OneTeaching ProceduresStep1:Warming uplisten and sing the song(通过说唱的方式让学生感受新的语言项目, 作为热身,把学生的注意力吸引到英语课堂上来)Step2:learn the new

5、words1.present the new wordsT:look at this picture.who can name the activity?(show the students a picture of doing homework)S:(doing homework)(板书新单词)T:and what about this picture? Watching TVT:um what about these pictures?(cleaning eating dinner reading talking on the phone)(show Ss more pictures an

6、d get them to practice more phrase)( 教师通过展示活动图片,边介绍边学习,并及时在黑板上板书这些单词。图片教学既直观形象,又方便又有效。)Step3:Teach the present progressive tense(老师出示几张图片,引出现在进行时结构和用法.)资料由大小学习网收集 资料由大小学习网收集 (1)let students do action according to the pictures(叫学生按照老师图片上的提示做动作.sayT:He is reading now.T:what is he doing? Ss:Hes reading

7、.T:Whats she doing? Ss:Shes talking on the phone.What are they doing? They are playing soccer.(2).then let a student do action,another student asks(然后叫一个学生做动作,另一个学生问,进行问答练习.)What are you doing now?Im do my homework.Were walking.(这样设计目的是让学生在交际情景中感觉现在进行时结构和用法)(3).practice: show some pictures and let t

8、he students ask and answer in pairsWhat are you doing? I am singing. We are dancing.Whats he doing? He is playing guitar.Whats she doing? She is reading.What are they doing? They are swimming.Look at these sentences.what can you find out? (归纳出现在进行时的结构:主语+am/is/are+v_ing)2.sum up rules of the present

9、 participleT:look at these two tables,say the rules of the present participle.Verb play write putVerb-ing playing writing puting add “ing” take away “e”add “ing” double “t” add “ing”3.Task: Introduce yourself pictureId like you to draw some pictures about your life and show them to the others and te

10、ll what they are about.(让学生画出自己生活中的一些场景,然后互相介绍自己的画. 给学生几分钟,让他们画出自己想表达的场景;等大部分学生画好后,让他们互相介绍自己的画,告诉大家他或者她正在干什么.(掌握了语言知识点,就可以用于生活实际,语言就是为了交际,此活动用来训练学生的做中学的任务型学习方式)Step4.1a.Match the words with the activities.ask the students show the answers and check them. first read these activities. then match the w

11、ords with the activities check answers T:what is NO.1? It is d ( 通过练习让学生在活动中巩固并熟悉新的单词.)Step5:listening practice.( 通过这一听辨单词和句型的练习,让学生进一步巩固本资料由大小学习网收集 资料由大小学习网收集 课所学的知识内容。同时也充分体现了英语学习中听说领先的原则。)T:Jenny,Dave and Mary ,John are my friends.What are they doing now?Now Ill play a recording about them.listen

12、 to the tape carefully and then help me find the answers what they are doing.Step6:1c.pairwork.Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in the picture above. who can read the conversation in 1c? practice in pairs, a student ask,the other answer check:which pair can talk about?Step7:Play

13、gameT:now lets play a game.look at the pictures,guess what he/she/ is doing T:what is he doing? Ss:Is he watching TV? T: No,he isnt Ss:Is he playing the guitar? T:Yes,he is(Practice like this. Talking on the phone,playing basketball)Step8:HomeworkMake a survey. Observe your family in the evening and write some sentences about what they are doing.板书设计:Unit5 Im watching TVdoing homeworkwatching TVcleaningreadingtalking on the phoneI / She / he / It They / we be (am is are) doing


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