lesson 5修辞与结构

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《lesson 5修辞与结构》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《lesson 5修辞与结构(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Structural AnalysisPart I: a piece of narrationBackground of the speechPart II. the speech properan argument or persuasionSection 1: The Nazi regime horrors upon mankindScenario on both sides of the border. To arouse emotion.Section 2: I have to declare thein determination and in resources.What we s

2、hould do.Section 3: This is no timelife and power remain.Further persuasion, to convince the audience of the justification of the decision. RhetoricSimile: a comparison between two unlike things having at least one quality or characteristic in common. tenor: the subject of the comparisonVehicle: the

3、 image of which this idea is conveyed The vehicle is almost always introduced by the word like or as. The bus (tenor) went as slowly similarity as a snail (vehicle). The water lay grey and wrinkled like an elephants skin. Her eyes were jet black, and her hair was like a waterfall. Metaphor: a compar

4、ison between two unlike things, but the comparison is implied rather than stated. Contrary to a simile in which the resemblance between two unlike things is clearly stated, in a metaphor nothing is mentioned. The essential form of a metaphor is X is Y, and all forms of metaphor can be condensed into

5、 this form. The ship ploughed the sea. Ship (X - tenor) is plough (Y -vehicle)tenor:隐喻所指的词、短语或对象,如生命 在 “Lifes but a walking shadow”(Shakespeare)“生命不过是一个行走的影子”(莎士比亚)Vehicle: 比喻词、形象词:具体的或特定的词或短语,用于某个比喻要旨并且给予该比喻形象力,如 walking shadow(行走的阴影) 节自 “Lifes but a walking shadow”(Shakespeare)“生活不过是一个行走的阴影”(莎士比亚)

6、 Metaphor: They will be rounded up in hordes. I see Russian soldiers standing on the threshold. Means of existence is wrung from the soil. cataract of horrors rid the earth of his shadow.liberate people from his yoke The scene will be clear for the final act.Alliteration:dull, drilled, docile.for hi

7、s hearth and homewith its clanking, heel-clicking.Assonance: the use of the same or related, vowel sounds in successive words clanking, heel-clicking, cowing and tying .plodding on like crawling locusts, .smarting from many a British whipping. easier and safer prey Repetition: We have but one aim an

8、d one single purpose nothing will turn us-nothing We will never parley, we will never negotiate. This is our policy and this is our declaration as we shall faithfully and steadfastly Parallelism: The past, with its crimes, its follies, and its tragedies. I see,.I see. the return of the bread-winner,

9、 of their champion, of their protector We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air Any man or state. Any man or state. Let us. Let us. Noun phrases: I had not the slightest doubt where . With great rapidity and violence Periodic sentences: When I awoke on.inv

10、asion of Russia. If Hitler imagines that. woefully mistaken. 1. Loose sentence:(松散句) main idea is presented at the beginning and the elements of the sentences are placed in a natural order like this: subject-verb-complement. The information is orderly presentation. It is often simpler, natural, and

11、direct.E.g. my roommate told me to buy a ticket for him when I went to train station yesterday.2. Periodic sentence:(圆周句)Main idea is presented at the end. You cant understand the writer until you read thoroughly. Such sentence can emphasize the element placed at the beginning. It is more complex, e

12、mphatic, formal or literary. E.g. having considered both sides of the argument, I have come to the conclusion that the advantages of owning a car outweigh the disadvantages.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that you may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. Periodic Sentenc

13、e圆周句,也称“掉尾句”或“尾重句” ,它是英语中末端中心(end focus)或句尾重心(end weight)原则的应 用。它的特点是,主要信息或实质部分(如复合句的主句或主句的主要成分置于句尾,形成整句的高潮,从而达到突出该部分内容的目的。圆周句属于一种修辞强调句。因此,圆周句具有制造 悬念、吸引读者注意力,强调主旨,给人以深刻印象的修辞作用。例如:But if life hardly seems worth living, if liberty is used for subhuman purposes, if the pursuers of happiness know nothin

14、g about the nature of their quarry or the elementary techniques of hunting, these constitutional rights will not be very meaningful.(黄任 2005)作者用三个 if 引导的从句引出主句,逐 渐达到整句的高潮,从而使主句信息得到强调。Having passed the house everyday for two years, and knowing that the man was a cripple, I could not believe what the

15、next-door neighbor told me.(谢祖钧 2002)这个句子,如果在 two years 或 cripple 之后停顿, 语义 和语法结构就都不完整。必须 到句末,句子意思才清晰,才知道 说话人要 说的是什么。收到了引人入胜,信息突出的修辞效果。Just before I went away to college, my father took me aside, as I had expected, and said, as I had not expected, “ now, son, if a strange woman comes up to you on a s

16、treet corner and offers to take your watch around corner and have it engraved(雕刻), dont do it.”这个长句是一个圆周句,一直要读到最后的句号才能明白全句的意思,而其中父亲对儿子说的话也是一个圆周句,只有听他讲到” dont do it”才明白他要说什么。注:圆周句比较复杂、着重、正式和文雅。Loose Sentence松散句也称“ 松弛句” 或“迟缓句”,它与圆周句恰恰相反,是把主要信息或实质部分首先提出来,随后附加修饰语或补充细节。松散句具有自然、 轻松、随意、质朴、流 畅的修辞效果。例如:Sept.11 delivered both a shock and a surprise-the attack, and our respo


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