incident investigation 事故调查程序

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《incident investigation 事故调查程序》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《incident investigation 事故调查程序(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、BP YPC Acetyls Company (Nanjing) Limited南京扬子石化碧辟乙酰有限责任公司Acetic Acid Project醋酸项目SITE HSSE PRACTICE现场 HSSE 规定Document No. & Title文件编号及名称S-01 INCIDENT INVESTIGATION事故调查程序Rev 0 For approval Green Gu 15/08/06 Mr. Sun Mr. Meng John HehnIssue RevIssue or Revision DescriptionOrigin by Date Checked by Date A

2、pprovedby Date FinalApproval DateThis Document is Owned by本文件持有人IPMT AuthorityIPMT 授权批准SITE HSSE PRACTICE现场 HSSE 规定Document No. & Title文件编号及名称S-01 INCIDENT INVESTIGATION事故调查程序Rev 0 For approval Green Gu 15/08/06 Mr. Sun Mr. Meng John HehnIssue RevIssue or Revision DescriptionOrigin by Date Checked b

3、y Date Approvedby Date FinalApproval DateThis Document is Owned by本文件持有人IPMT AuthorityIPMT 授权批准TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录1 PURPOSE 目的 .32 SCOPE 范 围 .33 DEFINITIONS 定义 .34 RESPONSIBILITIES 职责 .55 TIMELINESS OF INVESTIGATION 适时调查 .56 INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE 调查程序 .67 WRITTEN REPORTS 书面报告 .81 PURPOSE 目的 .32 S

4、COPE 范围 .33 DEFINITIONS 定义 .34 RESPONSIBILITIES 职责 .55 TIMELINESS OF INVESTIGATION 适时调查 .56 INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE 调查程序 .67 WRITTEN REPORTS 书面报告 .8Site HSSE Practice of Acetic Acid Project醋酸项目现场 HSSE 规定S-01 Incident Investigation Page 4 of 102018-1-30Site HSSE Practice of Acetic Acid Project醋酸项目现场

5、HSSE 规定S-01 Incident Investigation Page 5 of 102018-1-30PURPOSE 目的1.1 Establish a written method for investigating first aid visits, non-injury incidents/accidents/near misses, lost workday injuries, and restricted workday injuries.制定书面程序,用于调查急救事件、非伤害事故、事件、未遂事件、损失工作日事件及工作受限事件。1.2 Identify and docume

6、nt the root cause(s) of the incident/accident/near miss and any areas or procedures that need improvement. 识别并记录事故/未遂事件的根本原因及需要改进的地方和程序等。1.3 Assist in eliminating unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. 协助消除不安全行为和不安全状况。1.4 Develop a means of corrective action to prevent reoccurrence. 制定整改措施,避免事故重复发生。1.5

7、Define who will initiate the preventable measures to be implemented. 指定专人负责落实整改措施。1.6 Ensure lessons from the incident to be discussed with the workforce during safety committee meetings 在安全会议上与员工一起讨论事故,确保事故教训得到吸取。2 SCOPE 范围This procedure applies to all incidents occurred on BYACO site or associated

8、 with BYACO during construction. All BYACO personnel are eligible to participate on the investigation teams. Site HSSE Practice of Acetic Acid Project醋酸项目现场 HSSE 规定S-01 Incident Investigation Page 6 of 102018-1-30本程序适用于项目施工期间 BYACO 现场发生的所有事件/事故或与 BYACO 有关事故的调查。所有 BYACO 员工都有资格参与事故调查。3 DEFINITIONS 定义F

9、irst Aid Case - a one-time treatment and subsequent observation of minor injuries that are work related and does not involve loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion, or transfer to another job. Non-injury cases are when an incident occurs but no one is injured. 急救事件 - 是指与工作相关的轻微伤害,需要 进行

10、一次性 处理和后续观察;不包括失去知觉、工作或运动受限,或改 变工作。非 伤害事件,是指发生了事故但是没有人员受伤。 3.2 Lost Workday Case (with days away from work) - is any recordable injury case that determined by a competent medical doctor involving workdays (consecutive or not) on which the employee would have worked but could not because of an occupa

11、tional injury or illness.损失工时事件 指员工在工作日,经有资质的医生鉴定由于职业伤害或职业病导致工作日损失(无论是否连续)的任何可记录伤害。3.3 Restricted Work Day Case - is any recordable injury case involving workdays (consecutive or not) on which, because of occupational injury or illness, the employee was assigned to another job on a temporary basis, worked a permanent job less than full time, or worked at a permanently assigned job but could not perform all duties normally connected with it. 工作受限事件 指员工由于职业伤


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