exercise 2法律法规翻译课程-宏观结构exercise2

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《exercise 2法律法规翻译课程-宏观结构exercise2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《exercise 2法律法规翻译课程-宏观结构exercise2(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1法律语言的特征:1. The clerk of the court receiving a certified copy filed or transmitted in accordance with the provisions of division (F) of this rule shall number, index, docket, and file it in the records of the receiving court 书记员收到根据本法 F 部门规定提交和传送的核实副本,须根据接收法庭的记录进行编号,编入索引,附加摘要并提交。2. Business does not

2、 include an activity, or a series of activities, done in circumstances in which an entity doing that activity or series of activities in, or in connection with, Australia would not be entitled to an ABN (Australian Business Number ). 商业不包括一种行为或者一系列行为,将无权享有加拿大商业编号的资格。3. No person is criminally respon

3、sible for an act committed or an omission made while suffering from a mental disorder that rendered the person incapable of appreciating the nature and quality of the act or omission or of knowing that it was wrong.因精神失常导致无辨别行为本质和特性能力的人,或者遗漏,或者无辨别是非能力的人,不承担刑事责任。4. “electricity-supply emissions” in r

4、elation to emissions of a targeted greenhouse gas, means any such emissions (wherever their source) that are wholly or partly attributable to, or to commercial activities connected with, the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electricity or the provision or use of electricity interc

5、onnectors供电排放指的是排放有针对性的温室气体,意味着此类气体的排放(无论它们的源头在哪儿)完全或者部分是由与商业活动引起的,涉及电力的发展,传送,分配或者供应,或者电力联络的使用。5. Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Secretary, in consultation with experts in health care quality and stakeholders, shall develop r

6、eporting requirements, for use by a group health plan, and a health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage, with respect to plan or coverage benefits and health care provider reimbursement structures that (A) improve health outcomes through the implementation of acti

7、vities; and (D). 自患者保护与平价医疗法案颁布之日两年内,部长在与专家就有关医疗保健质量和利益相关者商讨之后,将发展报告需求,供群体健康使用,医疗保险发行人就计划或者保险利益和医疗服务人员补偿结构提供群体或者个人医疗保险。6. The liability of the producer may be reduced or disallowed when, having regard to all the circumstances, the damage is caused both by a in the product and by the fault of the inj

8、ured person.考虑到所有情况,因产品缺陷和受伤之人过错产生的损害,生产者可减少或者免除责任。7. The same shall apply, in case of an imported product, if this product does not indicate the identity of the importer referred to in paragraph 2, even if the name of the producer is indicated.如果该产品没有指出第二段提出的出口商的身份,即使已经指明生产者的身份,同样也适用于进口产品。8. No per

9、son may be convicted of conspiracy to commit a crime unless an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy is alleged and proved to have been committed by one of the conspirators.只要有明显的共谋行为并且被一名共谋这证实已经犯罪,将会被定为共谋罪。9. If two or more independent and distinct inventions are claimed in one application, th

10、e Director may require the application to be restricted to one of the inventions. If the other invention is 2made the subject of a divisional application which complies with the requirements of section 120 of this title it shall be entitled to the benefit of the filing date of the original applicati

11、on.如果两个或者多个独立的和不同的发明在应用中被索赔,那么负责人会要求限制该应用为发明之一,如果其他的发明10. The successor judge may grant a new trial if satisfied that:(A) a judge other than the one who presided at the trial cannot perform the post-trial duties; or (B) a new trial is necessary for some other reason. 如果满足下列条件的话,继承受托人同意重新进行审判:(A)除了主持

12、审判的法官不履行审后责任;(B)因其他原因,重审是有必要的。-Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 201011. A bank assumes no liability or responsibility for the consequences arising out of the interruption of its business by Acts of God, riots, civil commotions, insurrections, wars, acts of terrorism, or by any strikes or lockouts

13、 or any other causes beyond its control.-2010 年联邦刑事诉讼规则因不可抗力,暴动,民众骚乱,叛乱,战争,恐怖活动或者任何罢工或者其它不可控因素而造成的运营中断,银行不为此产生的结果负责。12. 没有法定的或者约定的义务,为避免他人利益受损失进行管理或者服务的,有权要求受益人偿付由此而支付的必要费用。Governing and servicing in order to avoiding damaging the others benefits without legal and agreed obligations, it was entitled

14、 to ask the beneficiaries for necessary cost from this.13. Item 21 of Schedule 1 to the Transitional Act 【Transitional Act means the Business Names Registration (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2011, and includes instruments made under that Act 】表 1 第 21 款对过渡法案的规定过渡法案意味着2011 年企业名称登记法案

15、 (过渡和相应条款) ,包括根据此法案制定的文件。14.POLICY ON BUILDING PLANS REQUIRED TO BE PREPARED, WET SIGNED AND STAMPED BY A CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR CALIFORNIA LICENSED ARCHITECTHowever, only the architectural drawings for this type of building/structure up to two stories in height with a basement may be p

16、repared by an unlicensed person per (依据) Section 5537 of the California Business and Professions Code.15. “Person” includes an individual, an individuals executor, administrator, or other personal representative, or a corporation, partnership, association, or any other legal or commercial entity, who, acting directly or by an agent, has caused an event to occur out of which the claim that is the subject of the complaint arose, from the persons: (1) transacting.3法律



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