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1、委托代理合同Agent Contract of Consignation(2011)粤蛇律代字第 号(2011)Guangdong Shekou Attorney Agency Register No._委托人(以下简称甲方):住 所: 电 话:Client (hereinafter referred to as Party A):Address:Telephone:受托人(以下简称乙方): 住 所: 电 话:传 真:Assignee (hereinafter referred to as Party B):Address:Telephone:Fax:甲方因 与 佣金支付纠纷 事务,委托乙方律

2、 师为代理人。根据 中华人民共和国律师法、 中华人民共和国民法通则、 中华人民共和国合同法等法律的有关规定,经双方协商一致,订立本合同,共同遵照履行。In accordance with the relevant provisions of The the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Lawyers, the General Principles of the Civil Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of C

3、hina and other laws, this Ccontract is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B to entrust the lawyer of Party B as an agent due to the Dispute of Commission Payment of Party A based on consensus of both Parties to agree as follows: 、 乙方接受甲方的委托,指派 律师为 甲方的委托代理人。甲方理解乙方所提供的服务不仅体现在时间及体力上

4、的消耗,还表现为对其知识与技能的运用。其表现形式包括但不限于根据有关法律对案件事实的分析意见,对相关法律的诠释,及 对 案件处理在程序、 实体上最佳渠道及方案的选择意见。Article I Party B accepts the consignation of Party A and designates (lawyer) to act as the authorized agent of Party A. Party A comprehends the service provided by Party B in the way that it is not only composed of

5、 consumption of time and energy of the lawyer but also of the exertion of his/her knowledge and skills in law. The forms of the service include, but are not limited to, analyses of the lawsuit pursuant to related laws, explanations of related laws, advice on the option of the procedure, the best cha

6、nnel and solutions in substantiality. 、 代理人的权限为:特别授权,代 为承认 、变更、放弃诉讼请求、代为和解、撤诉 ,提起反 诉 、上诉、收受法律文 书;律 师调查,参与谈判;代为签署起诉状财产保全申请书调查取证申请书等应当由甲方签章的法律文书。具体以书面授权委托书为准,乙方律师在授权范围内的行为后果概由甲方承担。Article II The authority extent of the agent: special authorized powers to acknowledge, modify or abandon claims of lawsui

7、t, to reconcile, withdrawal lawsuit, counterclaim, appeal to a higher court, and receive legal documents on behalf of Party A; to participate in legal investigation and negotiation; and to sign the pleadings/property preservation application/applications of investigation and evidence collection and

8、so forth on behalf of Party A. For details, refer to power of attorney in written form. All the consequences caused by the actions of the lawyer of Party B within the scope of authorization will be undertaken by Party A.、 乙方律师应严格遵守律师执业纪律和职业道德,在甲方授权范围内依法履行代理职责,维护 甲方的合法权益。乙方接受委托后,如因故意或重大过失给甲方造成实际损失的,应

9、依法予以赔偿。Article IIIThe lawyer of Party B shall strictly observe the practice disciplines and professional morality of lawyers and shall perform his/her agency duty within the authorized scope to safeguard the legal rights of party A. After accepting the consignation of Party B, Party A shall give com

10、pensation for the actual loss of Party A as is caused by intentional or culpable negligence of Party B.、 如被指派律师因故不能履行职务时,经甲方同意,可由乙方另派律师接替其职务。Article IVIf the designated layer is not capable to perform his/her duty for undesirable episode, Party B may designate another lawyer to take over the duties

11、based on the agreement of Party A. 、 甲方应真实地向乙方律师叙述案情,并保证所提供的本案证据和相关线索的真实性。乙方接受委托后,如发现甲方捏造事实、弄虚作假,乙方有权终止履行本合同,依本合同所收的律师费用不予退还并有权要求甲方支付约定的其他未付律师费;因甲方的虚假陈述导致的一切法律责任,由甲方承担。Article VParty A shall report the details of the case accurately to the lawyer of Party B and ensure the authenticity of the evidenc

12、es and related clues of the case provided by Party A. When Party B finds that Party A provides forged or false information after accepting the consignation, Party B shall have the right to terminate this Contract, shall refund no counsel fee collected in accordance with this Contract, and shall be e

13、ntitled to request Party A to pay the unpaid counsel fee agreed by both Parties; Party A shall undertake all the legal responsibilities caused by the false statements of Party A.、 乙方律师在办理甲方委托的法律事务过程中,应对所涉及的商业秘密、技术秘密和个人 隐 私承担保密义务。Article VIThe lawyer of Party B shall assume the duty of keeping confid

14、entiality in terms of trade secret, technology secret and individual privacy in the process of dealing with the case consigned by Party A. 、 律师费:根据深圳市司法局规定和双方协商,甲方按以下方式支付律师费:Article VIIComment Micro1: Do not understand. Please explain how this payment will be made.Comment Micro2: Need to be caped to

15、 an amount to say not to exceed.Counsel fee: In accordance with the regulations of Shenzhen Judicial Bureau and consensus of both Parties, Party A shall pay the counsel fee in the manner as follows:1、 律师费为甲方胜诉金额的 30%。2、 如深圳市安鸿实业有限公司主动支付涉案款项,甲方应于收到款项后三日内,按已收款项的 30%向乙方支付律师费。3、 如法院执行,甲方应于法院向甲方划付执行款前,按执

16、行款的 30%向乙方支付律师费,乙方收到律师费后,向法院递交划付单据,以便法院将执行款划付给甲方。1. Counsel fee shall be 30% of the sum won by Party A in the lawsuit.2. If Shenzhen Anhong Industry Co.,Ltd. pays the fund involved initiatively, Party A shall pay 30% of the received sum to Party B as the counsel fee within 3 days after receiving the fund.3. If the court issues an execution, Party A shall pay the 30% of the e



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