315消费者日 英语新词

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《315消费者日 英语新词》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《315消费者日 英语新词(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、315 消费者日:盘点一下和购物有关的新词 Retro shopping is to compare prices for an item after youve already purchased it.在看到一样特别让自己心动的东西时,你可能会不顾一切地把它买下来,但是买完之后,又害怕自己买亏了,于是忍不住和其他商店的价格进行一番比对,这就是 retro shopping(购物反刍)。Example:Carrie couldnt resist buying that Manolo Blahnik heels as soon as she saw it. After a little ret

2、ro shopping, she was thrilled to realize she also got a great deal on it.凯莉一眼看到那双马诺洛高跟鞋就忍不住把它买了下来。在进行了一番价格比对后,她惊喜地发现自己买得很值。Backseat buyer is a person who gets excited over other peoples future or current purchases. Backseat buyer enjoys helping other person choose stuff as much as buying something f

3、or himself/herself. Usually an enthusiastic shopper for themselves as well. It can also be used as an adjective and verb.“后座购物者” 会因为他人即将要购买或现在要购买东西而感到兴奋。他们喜欢帮助别人挑选东西,对他们而言,帮别人购物和给自己购物一样快乐。他们自己通常也是狂热的购物者。“后座购物者”的动词形式是“后座购物” ,即 backseat buying。Example:Whenever I think about getting a new gadget, my fa

4、ther goes backseat buyer.每当我想买一个新玩意儿,我爸总是要做我的“后座购物者” 。If you dont stop backseat buying right now Im going to smack you.如果你再不马上停止“后座购物 ”,我就要给你一巴掌了。Holiday package anxiety refers to freaking-out over that special online purchase thats supposed to be delivered before Christmas.“节日包裹焦虑症”指的是因为没收到本该在圣诞节前送

5、到的某件网购物品而感到焦虑不安的心理。Example: Husband: Why are you so on the edge this week? 丈夫:你这周为什么这么烦躁?Wife: Im waiting for Suzys Christmas Gift to be delivered. I think I have HPA - Holiday Package Anxiety. According to Fed Ex, its been in Philadelphia for 4 days. I knew I should have purchased her gift on Black

6、 Friday!妻子:我一直在等苏茜的圣诞礼物送来。我想我得了“节日包裹焦虑症” 。联邦快递说,货物已经到费城 4 天了。早知道我在“ 黑色星期五”就该把她的礼物买好的!“Entry lux” or “entry luxe” refers to the entry level class of luxury goods. They are priced relatively lowly to allow people of limited means to “enter” the luxury market. 时下,乐于购买轻奢品的轻奢主义已经成为一种流行的生活方式。轻奢品价格相对适中,但却能

7、满足人们对大牌的喜爱和对高品位的追求。轻奢品就是入门级奢侈品,英文表达是entry lux。Example:People who love luxury goods but could not afford them can satisfy themselves with entry lux. They could enjoy a life of exquisite taste without having to spend a lot of money. 那些喜爱但买不起奢侈品的人可以通过购买轻奢品来满足自己。他们不需要花很多钱就可以享受高品位的生活。Shopping boyfriend,

8、a new career, refers to a man who is hired to accompany a woman on a shopping trip. 陪购男友是个新职业,是指那些被女人雇用、陪伴女人购物的临时男伴。Example:A shopping boyfriend is always happy to take his female client around, helps her pick her outfits, and wait patiently outside the change rooms does all the things men dont like

9、 about shopping.陪购男友总是会很乐意地带着他的女主顾到处逛,帮她挑选衣服,并在更衣室外耐心等待总之,他愿意做男人在购物中不喜欢做的一切事情。Deshopper is a person who buys something with the specific intention of using it and later returning it to the shop for a full refund. 在许多发达国家,退货比你想象的要容易得多,你买了任何东西,只要没有太大损坏,在一个月内都可以退,而且售货员基本也不会问你什么。正因为如此,有些人就钻这个空子,买来用用就退掉,

10、这种人就叫作 deshoppers。Example:Typical deshopping activities include the purchase, copying and subsequent return of CDs and DVDs, perhaps claiming that they did not play properly, or buying a dress to wear once to a party and later returning it for a full refund, sometimes even replacing the original pri

11、ce tags.买完就退者的典型行为包括购买、拷贝 CD 或 DVD 之后归还商家,声称光盘不能正常播放,或买了一条裙子,穿着这条裙子去参加了一次派对,然后要求全款退货,有时候甚至还会更换原有的价格标签。Although most of the retailers are aware of deshopping, few have taken steps to update return policies, due to the risk of customer defection in todays highly competitive environment. Key traits of

12、deshoppers were the tendency to brag about deshopping victories to friends, and the perception that returning goods for a full refund was like winning a battle against retailers. 尽管大多数零售商都意识到这种行为的存在,但很少人会去修改退货政策,因为在当前竞争激烈的环境中,商家害怕这会导致客户流失。买完就退者的主要特征有喜欢向朋友炫耀自己买完就退的战绩,而且当他们全款退货后,他们会觉得像打赢了一场针对零售商的战争。Po

13、p-up retail, also known as pop-up store/shop or flash retailing, is a trend of opening short-term sales spaces popular in America and Europe.“快闪商店” (英文表达为 pop-up retail 或 pop-up store/shop 或 flash retailing)是在短时间内开张的一种商店,在欧美很流行Example:A pop-up retail space is a venue that is temporary: the space cou

14、ld be a sample sale one day and host a private cocktail party the next evening. The trend involves popping up one day, then disappearing anywhere from one day to several weeks later. “快闪商店” 的店铺是临时租用的,今天这个店铺在做样品特卖,明天晚上可能就在举行私人鸡尾酒会了。某一天突然开张的“快闪商店” ,在一天或几周后就会消失得无影无踪。Showrooming is the practice of going

15、 to a conventional store to look at a product and then buying it online for a cheaper price.Showrooming 指先到传统实体店查看某件商品,然后到网上以较低的价格将该商品购入的行为,我们可以称之为“先逛店后网购 ”。There are certain things we may want to see before we buy, because any written description or image on the web, no matter how detailed, is just

16、 no substitute for looking at the real thing. This is where showrooming kicks in. We pop down to our local bricks-and-mortar retailer who has spent precious time and money displaying products in an appealing way, and check the thing out. If satisfied, we then go home and buy said item from an online retailer, who can give us a much better deal because it doesnt have the costly overheads associated with displaying products for consumers to examine.我们在购买某些产品之前总希望能亲眼看一


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