2015 政府工作报告英文版学习笔记(17)(18)

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《2015 政府工作报告英文版学习笔记(17)(18)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015 政府工作报告英文版学习笔记(17)(18)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(17)我们严格落实党中央八项规定精神,持之以恒纠正“四风”,严格执行国务院“法三章”,政府性楼堂馆所、机关事业单位人员编制、“三公”经费得到有效控制。We have been strictly putting into practice the CPC Central Committees eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct and making persistent efforts to fight formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravaganc

2、e. We have been rigorously implementing the State Councils three-point decision on curbing government spending, and have effectively controlled the construction of new government buildings, the staffing of government bodies and public institutions, and the spending on official overseas visits, offic

3、ial vehicles, and official hospitality. 落实 put into practice持之以恒 make persistent efforts四风 formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance严格执行 rigorously implement法三章 three-point decision on curbing government spending机关事业单位 government bodies and public institutions编制 staffing (动名词形式)三公 officia

4、l overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality关于“八项规定”这类词,可以看中国日报的这篇文字讲解:带数字的政治术语怎么译?http:/ Two Centenary Goals“三步走”战略 Three-Step Development Strategy三个代表 Three Represents三严三实 Three stricts and three honests“四个全面”战略布局 Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy四个现代化 Four modernizations四项基本原则

5、 The Four Cardinal Principles和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence感觉好像也不是特别完美,不过央媒基本都是这样用的。加大行政监察和审计监督力度,推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,严肃查处违纪违法案件,一批腐败分子得到应有惩处。Administrative supervision and auditing oversight have been intensified; efforts have been stepped up to improve Party conduct, build a clean gov

6、ernment, and fight corruption; and we have investigated and prosecuted violations of the law and discipline, bringing many offenders to justice.党风 Party conduct加大力度 intensify 推进 efforts have been stepped up 行政监察 Administrative supervision 审计监督 auditing oversight 廉政建设 build a clean government查处 inves

7、tigate and prosecute (调查、处分)监督,即对现场或某一特定环节过程进行监视督促和管理使其结果能达到预定的目标。监察,用于对机关或工作人员的监督(督促)考察及检举。 所以监察意思更严格一些,和“权力”关系更密切。Oversee 类似监督,Supervise 侧重指运用本身的或被授予的权力来管理、检查工作,含监督意味。不过很难说译文是否出于这个逻辑,有时候中文用词并不会分太细,为了避免用词重复可能会替换类似词语。我们狠抓重大政策措施的落实,认真开展督查,引入第三方评估和社会评价,建立长效机制,有力促进了各项工作。We have taken strong steps to en

8、sure the implementation of major policies and measures, carrying out inspections, introducing third-party evaluations and public appraisals, and establishing permanent mechanisms. These efforts have gone a long way in advancing all of our work.Ensure 又来了,2015 年的政府工作报告用了 67 个 Ensure,真是狠抓 take strong

9、steps / focus on (全文出现 4 次)长效机制 permanent mechanisms各项工作 all of our workGo a long way: suffice or be adequate(足够, 有能力) for a while or to a certain extent一年来,外交工作成果丰硕。Over the past year, Chinese diplomacy has been fruitful. 工作,略去未译,可以适当了解下英汉差别,有很多对比研究文献。习近平主席等国家领导人出访多国,出席二十国集团领导人峰会、金砖国家领导人会晤、上海合作组织峰会

10、、东亚合作领导人系列会议、亚欧首脑会议、达沃斯论坛等重大活动。President Xi and other state leaders visited many countries and attended major international events, including the G20 Leaders Summit, the BRICS Leaders Meeting, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, the East Asian leaders meetings on cooperation, the Asia-Euro

11、pe Meeting, the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2014 in Tianjin, and the World Economic Forum annual meeting 2015 in Davos, Switzerland.成功举办亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议、亚信会议第四次峰会、博鳌亚洲论坛。积极参与多边机制建立和国际规则制定。China hosted the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, the Fourth Summit of the Conference on Interacti

12、on and Confidence Building Measures in Asia, and the Boao Forum for Asia. China has been participating actively in establishing multilateral mechanisms and writing international rules.国际规则制定 writing international rules大国外交稳中有进,周边外交呈现新局面,同发展中国家合作取得新进展,经济外交成果显著。We have made steady progress in developi

13、ng relations with other major countries, entered a new phase in neighborhood diplomacy, and made new headway in our cooperation with other developing countries. Notable progress has been made in conducting economic diplomacy. 全文出现频率也很高的两个组合:Has been(10 次)Was made (6 次)稳中有进 make steady progress大国外交 d

14、eveloping relations with other major countries周边外交 neighborhood diplomacy呈现新局面 enter a new phase 取得进展 make headway成果显著 Notable progress Headway 进展Little headway has been made in educational reform.教育改革没有进展。The ship could make no headway against the strong wind.这条船没能顶着狂风前进。 推进丝绸之路经济带和 21 世纪海上丝绸之路建设,筹

15、建亚洲基础设施投资银行,设立丝路基金。Progress has been made in pursuing the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives; preparations have been made for establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the Silk Road Fund has been set up. 推进:pursue (全文出现 pursue 4 次,含义也很丰富)全文出现 “推进

16、”53 次,在不同句子中有不同的译法。以下是前十处,有时间可以都找出来。 全面推进依法治国开启新征程 embarked on a new journey to fully advance the law-based governance of China 经济、政治、文化、社会、生态文明等体制改革全面推进 carry out structural reforms in the economic, political, cultural, societal, and ecological sectors 推进基础设施建设和区域协调发展 Progress was made in developing infrastructure and promoting coordinated devel



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