英语书面表达精编练习 (25篇)

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1、 英语书面表达精编练习(25 题) 1. Rose 是一位年轻的科学家,她每天工作繁忙,但卓有成效。下面记录的是她昨天一天的主要工作,请以 A Busy Day 为题,以短文的形式描述她的生活。 7:00 a.m.起床,开车去机场赴纽约参加重要会议10:00 a.m.下飞机,怀特先生在机场迎接,快餐店吃午饭。12:50 p.m.到 Read 教授办公室1:004:00p.m. 开会,与会专家对 Rose 的报告很满意,Read 教授对她的研究工作提了一些好的建议。11:00 p.m. 乘飞机回到了家2.* 假定你叫张华,你的同学李明即将去上海学习。现由你写一封便函给你们的朋友 Jim,约他聚会

2、。内容要点如下:(1).聚会时间:本星期五下午 3 点 30 分;(2).聚会地点:东风路 225 号,李明家。(3).按下图所画路线告诉 Jim 怎样去李明家。注意:(1)便函用英语写,并注明便函的时间:2003 年 4 月 9 日;(2)内容包括说明部分和要点;(3)字数:80120。3* Peter Lee 先生星期日下午 2:00 从颐和园乘 322 路公共汽车去动物园,不慎将手提箱(suitcase)丢失,请你为他填写一张失物登记表,详细描写所丢失的那只手提箱,并填好联系电话:69017878。内容要点:1)手提箱的颜色为棕色,皮制( leather) ,方形( square) ,上

3、有一金属提手(handle ) ;2)箱内有一架日本照相机,几卷胶卷( roll ,film)和两条从西单商场买的毛料裤子;3)箱子前面袋里有一本杂志( Travel In China)及两封美国来信。4)箱子后袋有一个装有 600 美元的信封和一张从北京去纽约的飞机票,词数 100 左右。PersonaldetailsName Telephone number Details of journeyTimeBus Route From (bus stop) To (bus stop) Details of lost property(财产)4*. 假如你是北京一中的学生,名叫李磊,想要参加北京

4、大厦的招聘工作,现请你按下列内容填一份履历表,并给公司经理写信谋职,向他介绍如下情况:1)1979 年 5 月 1 日生于北京。现住在东直门大街 5 号。2)今年 7 月将要高中毕业,学习英语 6 年。 3)对英语感兴趣,尤其擅长口语和打字,一分钟能打 100 个字符。4)能熟练掌握电脑操作技术,会编程,能上网。要求:1).内容要连贯、完整。2)叙述必须用第一人称。3)字数:120 左右。Name Nationality Date of Birth Place of Birth Present Address School 5. 我市海滨游泳场将对外宾开放,请你根据下列内容用英语写一份“游泳须

5、知”(Swimming Rules) ,(字数 80100)提示如下:1).游泳者不得越过红线;2).本场借出的游泳衣、救生圈( life-buoy) 、太阳伞(sunshade) 、椅子不得损坏或带走;3).不准乱扔垃圾; (litter)4).下午 6 点前必须上岸5).不准在游泳区内钓鱼。游泳者必须遵守(observe)以上规定,违者罚金(fine)520 元。6. 近年来,环保依然存在着许多问题。为了保护环境,各国政府做了大量的工作,并采用法律措施来控制空气污染,保护森林和海水资源,禁止任何对环境造成污染的行为。虽然在环保问题上政府起了重要的作用,但你认为还不够,请你就环保问题谈谈你的

6、看法。 (字数100120 左右)7.* 请你根据下面提示起草一篇欢送词。字数(100 左右)汤姆三年前随父母来到西安,在你班学习,在这段时间里,你们互相帮助,相处得很好。由于他的到来,许多同学对英语更感兴趣,并在英语学习上取得很大进步。现在汤姆就要随父母回国了,你们准备为他举行欢送会,请你代表全班起草一篇欢送词,向汤姆告别,希望回国后经常给同学们写信保持联系,并希望他有机会再到中国来。8请你根据下面提示写一则口头通知:1).9 月 23 日在你班教室进行一场辩论会。 ( a debate)2).话题:中学生上网是利大于弊,还是弊大于利。3).欢迎感兴趣的同学去听,并可在会上阐述自己的观点。9

7、学校微机室决定对学生开放,请根据下列内容写一则通知:1).微机室开放时间,每天下午 3:306:30,星期日除外。2).学生凭学生证(student card) ,上机操作。3).爱护设备,如有损坏,须照价赔偿。4).遵守微机室规章制度,文明上网,不大声喧哗。 10. 最近你校学生反映目前学生学习负担过重,校长想了解一下情况,请你根据下表所列信息给校长写一封信,提出一些建议:你叫李华。在校在家建议早晨 7:30 上学下午 6:30 放学有许多作业要做,每天 34 小时让老师少留一点作业每天仅有一小时活动时间几乎没时间看电视让学生有充足的时间锻炼身体考试压力大家长期望高不要把成绩看得太重要,让学

8、生发展自己的兴趣爱好。11. 某外贸公司在报上登了一则广告,想招聘一名秘书,条件如下:年龄不超过 28 岁,未婚;大学文凭;会两门外语者优先(必须懂英语) ;并能进行计算机操作。假如你叫李平,请根据下表内容写一封求职信。姓 名李 华年 龄 22 学 校武汉大学英语系技能特长具有较强的英语听、说、写能力,能阅读和讲一点德语。能熟练操作电脑。工作经历业余时间作过打字员,暑假里作过导游。其它情况可以向学校咨询你的情况,愿意面谈或参加测试精编练习 25 题(参考例文) 1. Rose had a busy day yesterday. She got up at seven oclock in the

9、 morning, and quickly washed her hands and face. She drove to the airport and flew to New York to attend an important meeting. It was 10 oclock when she got off the plane. Mr. White met her at the airport, and they had lunch in a fast food restaurant. They got to Professor Reads office at 12:50. The

10、 meeting began at 1 p.m. and lasted for 4 hours. All the experts were satisfied with Roses report. Professor Read gave her some good advice on her research. After dinner, Rose flew back and it was already 11:00 at night when she got home. She was tired, but very happy.She likes to keep busy.2. April

11、 9th, 2003 Dear Jim,Our friend Li Ming will leave for Shanghai to study. So we are going to have a get-together at 3:30 this Friday afternoon. He lives at No.225 Dongfeng Street. It is not very difficult to find your way to his home. Take a No.2 bus, the stop of which is on the left of your universi

12、ty, and get off at the second crossing. There is a cinema across the street. Turn right at the corner, and you will find Dongfeng Street. Li Mings home is 200 yards down the street on the right. There is a post office opposite to Li Mings home.Yours,Zhang Hua3.PersonaldetailsNamePeter leeTelephone n

13、umber69017878Details of journeyTime2:00p.m.SundayBus Route332 From (bus stop)The Summer PalaceTo (bus stop) the Beijing ZooDetails of lost property(财产)My suitcase is easy to recognize. It is brown. It looks square and its made of leather with a metal handle on the top.There is a camera made in Japan

14、 with several rolls of film inside. There are also two pairs of wool trousers, which were bought from Xidan Department Store. You can find a magazine named “Travel in China”, and two letters from the USA in the front pocket. In the back pocket, there are 600 dollars enclosed in an envelope and an ai

15、r ticket from Beijing to New York.4.NameLi LeiAgeTwentyNationalityHanDate of BirthMay 1st, 1979Place of BirthBeijingPresent Address5 Dongzhimen StreetSchoolBeijing No.1 Middle SchoolJune 9, 1999Dear manager,I will graduate from Beijing No.1 Middle School in July. I have studied English for six years

16、. Im interested in English very much. I am especially good at spoken English and typing, and my typing speed is 100 words a minute.I can operate the personal computer and make programs for it. I can get information from the Internet and send information on business through it. If Im accepted, Ill work hard, and be a good wor


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