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1、磁学量常用单位换算磁学量名称 SI 符号和单位 CGS 符号和单位 单位换算磁通 量 韦伯 (Wb) 麦克斯韦(Mx) 1Mx=10-8 Wb磁感应强度 B 特斯拉(T ) B 高斯(Gs) 1Gs=10-4 T磁场强度 H 安/米(A/m) H 奥斯特(Oe) 1Oe=103/4 A/m磁化强度 M 安/米(A/m) M 高斯(Gs ) 1Gs=103 A/m磁极化强度 J 特斯拉(T ) 4M 高斯(Gs ) 1Gs=10-4 T磁能 积 BH 焦 /米 3(J/m3) BH 高奥(GOe) 1MGOe=102/4 kJ/m3真空磁导率 410-7H/m 1 磁概念永磁材料:永磁材料被外加

2、磁场磁化后磁性不消失,可对外部空间提供稳定磁场。钕铁硼永磁体常用的衡量指标有以下四种:剩磁(Br)单位为特斯拉( T)和高斯( Gs) 1Gs =0.0001T将一个磁体在闭路环境下被外磁场充磁到技术饱和后撤消外磁场,此时磁体表现的磁感应强度我们称之为剩磁。它表示磁体所能提供的最大的磁通值。从退磁曲线上可见,它对应于气隙为零时的情况,故在实际磁路中磁体的磁感应强度都小于剩磁。钕铁硼是现今发现的 Br 最高的实用永磁材料。磁感矫顽力(Hcb)单位是安/米(A/m)和奥斯特(Oe)或 1 Oe79.6A/m处于技术饱和磁化后的磁体在被反向充磁时,使磁感应强度降为零所需反向磁场强度的值称之为磁感矫顽

3、力(Hcb)。但此时磁体的磁化强度并不为零,只是所加的反向磁场与磁体的磁化强度作用相互抵消。(对外磁感应强度表现为零)此时若撤消外磁场,磁体仍具有一定的磁性能。钕铁硼的矫顽力一般是 11000Oe 以上。内禀矫顽力(Hcj)单位是安/米(A/m)和奥斯特(Oe)1 Oe79.6A/m使磁体的磁化强度降为零所需施加的反向磁场强度,我们称之为内禀矫顽力。内禀矫顽力是衡量磁体抗退磁能力的一个物理量,如果外加的磁场等于磁体的内禀矫顽力,磁体的磁性将会基本消除。钕铁硼的 Hcj 会随着温度的升高而降低所以需要工作在高温环境下时应该选择高 Hcj 的牌号。磁能积(BH) 单位为焦/米 3(J/m 3)或高

4、奥(GOe) 1 MGOe7. 96k J/m3退磁曲线上任何一点的 B 和 H 的乘积既 BH 我们称为磁能积, 而 BH 的最大值称之为最大磁能积(BH)max。磁能积是恒量磁体所储存能量大小的重要参数之一,(BH)max 越大说明磁体蕴含的磁能量越大。设计磁路时要尽可能使磁体的工作点处在最大磁能积所对应的 B 和 H 附近。各向同性磁体:任何方向磁性能都相同的磁体。各向异性磁体:不同方向上磁性能会有不同;且存在一个方向,在该方向取向时所得磁性能最高的磁体。烧结钕铁硼永磁体是各向异性磁体。取向方向:各向异性的磁体能获得最佳磁性能的方向称为磁体的取向方向。也称作 “取向轴”,“易磁化轴”。磁

5、场强度:指空间某处磁场的大小,用 H 表示,它的单位是安/米( A/m)。磁化强度:指材料内部单位体积的磁矩矢量和,用 M 表示,单位是安/米(A/m)。磁感应强度:磁感应强度 B 的定义是:B= 0(H+M),其中 H 和 M 分别是磁化强度和磁场强度,而 0 是真空导磁率。磁感应强度又称为磁通密度,即单位面积内的磁通量。单位是特斯拉(T)。 磁通:给定面积内的总磁感应强度。当磁感应强度 B 均匀分布于磁体表面 A 时,磁通 的一般算式为 =BA。磁通的 SI 单位是麦克斯韦。相对磁导率:媒介磁导率相对于真空磁导率的比值,即 r = /o。在 CGS 单位制中, o=1。另外,空气的相对磁导

6、率在实际使用中往往值取为 1,另外铜、铝和不锈钢材料的相对磁导率也近似为 1。磁导:磁通 与磁动势 F 的比值,类似于电路中的电导。是反映材料导磁能力的一个物理量。磁导系数 Pc :又为退磁系数,在退磁曲线上,磁感应强度 Bd 与磁场强度 Hd 的比率,即 Pc =Bd/Hd,磁导系数可用来估计各种条件下的磁通值。对于孤立磁体 Pc 只与磁体的尺寸有关,退磁曲线和 Pc 线的交点就是磁体的工作点,Pc越大磁体工作点越高,越不容易被退磁。一般情况下对于一个孤立磁体取向长度相对越大 Pc 越大。因此 Pc 是永磁磁路设计中的一个重要的物理量。Glossary of Magnet Terminolo

7、gyAir Gap - The external distance from one pole of the magnet to the other though a non-magnetic material (usually air).Anisotropic - An anisotropic material has different properties in different directions. For example, wood which has a grain is stronger in some one direction than another. Like woo

8、d, neodymium magnets are also anisotropic. Even before it is magnetized, a neodymium magnet has a preferred magnetization direction. See our article All About Magnetization Direction for more info.Neodymium magnets are made with a preferred magnetization direction which can not be changed. These mat

9、erials are either manufactured in the influence of strong magnetic fields or pressed a specific way, and can only be magnetized through the preferred axis.Sintered Neodymium (Iron Boron) and Samarium Cobalt magnets are anisotropic.B/H Curve - The result of plotting the value of the magnetic field (H

10、) that is applied against the resultant flux density (B) achieved. This curve describes the qualities of any magnetic material. A graphic explanation can be found here.BHmax (Maximum Energy Product) - The Maximum Energy Product at the point on the B/H Curve that has the most strength, expressed in M

11、GOe (MegaGaussOersteds). When describing the grade of a neodymium magnet, this number is commonly referred to as the N number, as in Grade N52 magnets.In the picture at right, it is the area inside the box, under the curve.Brmax (Residual Induction) - Also called Residual Flux Density. The magnetic

12、induction remaining in a saturated magnetic material after the magnetizing field has been removed. This is the point at which the hysteresis loop crosses the B axis at zero magnetizing force, and represents the maximum flux output from the given magnet material. By definition, this point occurs at z

13、ero air gap, and therefore cannot be seen in practical use of magnet materials.C.G.S. Abbreviation for the Centimeter, Grams, Second system of measurement.Coercive Force (Hc) - The demagnetizing force, measured in Oersteds, necessary to reduce observed induction, B, to zero after the magnet has prev

14、iously been brought to saturation.Curie Temperature (Tc) - The temperature at which a magnet loses all of its magnetic properties.Demagnetization Curve - The second quadrant of the hysteresis loop, generally describing the behavior of magnetic characteristics in actual use. Also known as the B-H Cur

15、ve. Find these curves for some of our most popular magnet grades on our BH Curves page.Demagnetization Force - A magnetizing force, typically in the direction opposite to the force used to magnetize it in the first place. Shock, vibration and temperature can also be demagnetizing forces.Dimensions -

16、 The physical size of a magnet including any plating or coating.Dimensional Tolerance - An allowance, given as a permissible range, in the nominal dimensions of a finished magnet. The purpose of a tolerance is to specify the allowed leeway for variations in manufacturing.(Magnetic) Dipole Moment (m) - a quantity that describes the torque a given magnet will experience in an external magnetic field.Some folks (like physicists) use a


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