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1、 外研版小学三年级英语上册期末测试题一 默写 26 个大小写字母一 选出下列单词的正确意思,将序号写在括号内。 (15 分)( ) 1. dog A. 猴子 B. 狗 C. 老虎( ) 2. chair A. 椅子 B. 桌子 C. 黑板( ) 3. cap A. 帽子 B. 衬衫 C. 袜子 ( ) 4. name A. 九 B. 现在 C. 名字( ) 5. classroom A. 教室 B. 房屋 C. 学校( ) 6. teacher A. 学生 B. 司机 C. 老师( ) 7. old A. 年岁的 B. 大的 C.小的( ) 8. kite A. 猫 B.风筝 C. 玩具( )

2、 9. happy A. 快乐的 B. 伤心的 C.难过的( ) 10. head A. 学生 B. 身体 C. 头二 选出下列每组单词中不属于同一类的一项。 (15 分)( )1. A. morning B. afternoon C. good( )2. A. bird B. cap C. cat( )3. A. two B. blue C. yellow( )4. A. nose B. yes C. eye( )5. A. nurse B. farmer C. cat( )6. A. brother B. eight C. sister( )7. A. he B. foot C. she(

3、 )8. A. pupil B. bag C. pencil( )9. A. Mr B. Ms C. teacher( )10. A. farmer B. driver C. cake 三 我会英汉连线。 (15 分)(1) red 男孩boy 红色window 七seven 学校school 蛋糕cake 母亲mother 窗户 (2) 猫在哪里? This is his head.坐下! He is a doctor.指向门! Wheres the cat?这是他的头。 Sit down!他是一名医生。 Point to the door!生日快乐! Nice to meet you!见到

4、你很高兴! Happy Birthday!五、单项选择题。 (27 分)( ) 1. Sam: Hello! Im Sam.Daming:_A. How are you? B. Hello! Sam.C. Thank you!( ) 2. Sam: How are you?Amy: _A. Im fine, thank you! B. Good morning!C. Hello! Sam.( ) 3. Sam: Whats your name?Lingling: _A. Hello! Sam. B. Im fine, thank you!C. My name is lingling.( ) 4

5、. Ms Smart: How many girls? Sam: _A. Goodbye! B. Nine. C. Its red.( ) 5. Ms Smart: Good morning, boys and girls. Boys and girls:_A. Good morning, Ms Smart! B. Good afternoon!C. Im fine, thank you!( ) 6. Ms Smart: Whats this?Lingling:_A. Its a desk. B. Im Lingling. C. Im fine, thank you!( ) 7. Sam: H

6、ow old are you, Daming? Daming: _A. Im Daming. B. Im nine. C. Im here.( ) 8. four and six is A.ten B. eleven C、nine( ) 9.向朋友表示感谢时应说:_ASorry. B. Im fine. C. Thank you!( ) 10.上课铃响了,当老师走进教室后,班长说:_A Good morning, boys and girls! B. Stand up, please! C. Sit down, please!( ) 11.早上起床时对妈妈说:_A Goodbye, mum!

7、B. Good morning, mum!C. Good night, mum!( ) 12.当 Daming 过生日时,你应该对 Daming 说:_A Happy New Year! B. Happy Birthday!C. Thank you!( ) 13.询问别人有多少时,应该说:_A. How are you? B. How many? C. How old?( ) 14.当你向你的同伴介绍你爸爸时,应该说:_A. This is my father. B. This is her father. C、This is she father.( )15.当别人对你说:“Happy Birthday to you!”你应该说: _ _ AHappy Birthday to you! B. Thank you!CHow are you?( )16.这是一只绿色的鸟。 可以说:_AThis is a red bird. B. This is a green bird.C、This is a blue bird.)17. 当你想询问对方多的年龄时,你应说: A.Whats your name? B. Who are you? C. How old are you


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