英语专八-- 汉语常见句型翻译

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《英语专八-- 汉语常见句型翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语专八-- 汉语常见句型翻译(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第六章 汉语常见句型翻译第一节 汉语主动语态和被动语态的翻译所谓语态,是指“表示动词和与其相联的名词短语之间的关系。两句话的语态可以不同,而基本意义相同。然而二者强调的重点可能不一样。 ”(理查兹等郎曼语言学词典1993:355)在翻译中,语态的选择受强调重点、语篇、语气、目的语的约束机制的制约。一、汉语主动语态翻译成英语被动语态汉语多主动语态,英语多用被动语态。所以,除了译为主动句以外,汉语的主动句在很多情况下要转译成英语的被动句。概括起来,主要有以下几种情况:(一) 强调受事,突出被动状态1) “财神爷” 这个词,不是我的用语,是农民的发明。(邓小平文选第三卷)That term, the

2、 “gods of wealth”, was invented not by me but by the peasants.2) 我国各族人民每年都要热烈庆祝十月一日的国庆节。National Day is enthusiastically celebrated on Oct.1 by the Chinese people of all nationalities every year.3)中美已经建立了外交关系。Diplomatic relations have been established between China and the United States of America.(

3、二) 使句子结构匀称,加强上下文的连贯性1) 他出现在台上,观众给予热烈鼓掌。He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience.2) 口试时,问了十个问题,她全都答对了。She was asked ten questions in the oral exam and answered every one of them correctly.(三) 不知道或无须说出施事者1) 这种书是给儿童写的。Such books are written for children.2) 这本书已经翻译成中文了。This book

4、 has already been translated into Chinese.(四) 为了使措辞得当,语气委婉英语常常为了表示礼貌,不说出施事者,特别是施事者为第一人称时。因而往往使用被动语态。汉译英时也往往将汉语的主动语态翻译成英语的被动语态,多见于讲话、通知、请帖等。1)请你给我们表演一个节目。You are requested to give a performance.2)今天晚上七点钟开教学会,全体教师务必参加。There will be a Teaching Symposium at 7:00 p.m. today. All the faculty is expected t

5、o attend. (五) 某些汉语句子可借助于英语的一些固定搭配或词组来表达。1)他坚持不懈地从事着科研工作。He was engaged in scientific researches perseveringly.2)有经验者不易上圈套。An old bird is not to be caught with chaff.3)他天生适合做水手。 He is cut out for a sailor.(六) 汉语中某些习惯用语或泛指主语的主动句的翻译一般用英语形式主语格式翻译:it + be + past-participle +that 。1)可以有把握地说,会议会如期召开的。It ma

6、y be safely said that the meeting will be held on schedule.2)大家都认为这样做不妥当。It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.3)有人给你打电话。 You are wanted on the telephone.4)据谣传,那场事故是由于玩忽职守而造成的。It is rumored that the accident was due to negligence.5)人们(有人,大家)认为 it is considered (or thought) that6)普

7、遍(一般,通常)认为 it is generally(usually)accepted (or agreed, recognized) that。7)有人(人们,大家)相信it is believed that。8)据说(闻、推测、估计/预计、报道) 。It is said(learned; supposed; estimated, predicted, calculated; reported) that9)必须(应该) 承认 (指出)It must (should) be admitted (pointed) out that10)可见/可以看出(由此可见)It will be seen

8、(from this) that11)不用说/ 谁都知道 It is understood that12)无/ 不可否认 It cannot be denied that13)已经证明 It had been proved (or demonstrated) that14)可以肯定 It may be confirmed that15)可以有把握地说It may be safely said that16)人们有时会问 It is sometimes asked that17)人们希望 it is expected (hoped) that二、汉语被动语态的翻译(一) 被动语态的概念在汉语里,

9、由于动词没有语态(voice),所以被动语态并不像英语那样一定有明确的形式标志。只要主语代表动作的受事,句子就可以叫被动语态。所以,被动语态也可以叫受事主语句。(二) 汉语被动语态的分类汉语被动语态根据是否有标记,可以分为:有标记被动语态和无标记被动语态。有标记被动语态又可以分为五种格式:1.受事+被(叫/让/给)+施事+动词2.受事+被(给)+ 动词3.受事+被(叫/让/为)+施事+所+动词4.受事+被(叫/让)+施事+给+动词5.受事 1 + 被(叫/给/ 让/为) + (施事) + 动词 + 受事 2从以上五种格式看,除了第二种没有引进施事以外,其余都引进了施事,虽然略有不同,但都可以译

10、为英语的被动语态。汉语被动句翻译总原则是:确定英语的动词,根据所确定的英语动词的构句原则来翻译。(三) 有标记被动语态的翻译1.受事+被(叫/让/给)+施事+动词他的鞋子被尖利的石头咬破了,被海水浸湿了。His shoes have been gnawed open by sharp stone, and soaked by the seawater.2.受事+被(给)+ 动词1)门好像被推开了。The door seemed to be opened by someone. 2)他的辫子给剪掉了。His braid (pigtail) was forced to be cut. / He h

11、ad to have his pigtail cut. 3.受事+被(叫/让/为)+施事+所+动词1)我们确信,一切困难将被全国人民的英勇奋斗所战胜。We are certain that all difficulties will be overcome by the heroic people of the whole country.We are certain that the heroic people of the whole country will overcome any difficulty.2)我深深地被他的话所感动,心理激动不已。I was deeply touched

12、 and inspired by his words (what he said).3)新官上任,必为众目所瞩。Peoples close attention (eyes) must be paid to the newly appointed official.The new appointed official will surely arouse peoples general concern.新官上任三把火。A new official applies strict measures; a new broom sweeps clean.4.受事+被(叫/让)+施事+给+动词1)过桥时我

13、的帽子叫风给吹跑了。My cap was blown off by the wind while I was crossing the bridge.2)地上的水让太阳给晒干了。The water on the ground dried in the sun.晒棉被 dry a quilt in the sun/ air a quilt晒衣服 dry clothes in the sun / air clothes晒谷子 dry grain in the sun(使爆晒 Insolate)晒太阳 sunbathe, bask in the sun, enjoy the sunshine除了以上

14、四种形式外,还有一种格式:5.受事 1+被(叫、给、让)+(施事)+动词+受事 2。这种被动句的翻译要仔细分析,受事 1 与受事 2 之间的语义关系,才能确定英语中用哪里一个受事作英语被动句的主语。汉语受事 1 与受事 2 之间的语义有如下几种:1) 受事 1 与受事 2 之间是领属关系 :到底如何翻译取决于在英语中所选用的动词的特点。领属有所属关系、整体与部分的关系、总数与分数的关系。试比较:1)他被敌人打死了爸爸。(他和爸爸是所属关系,两个受事合并在一起翻译。)His father was killed by the enemy.2)他被敌人打 (刺)伤了腿。(两个受事是整体与部分的关系,

15、人的受事作主语)He was wounded by the enemys shot (with a sword) in the leg.He was shot in the leg by the enemy.3)三只小猪被抓走了两只。(两个受事是总数与分数的关系) Two of the three pigs were snatched away.英语中有些动词要接两个动作的承受者;一个是人;一个是人的身体部位。人作动作的直接承受者,直接放在动词之后,身体部位作动词的间接承受者,用介词加以连接。在变成被动语态时,只能是直接承受者即人,作被动句的主语。具体句式如下:主动句:Agent + Verb

16、 +Receiver as a man + Prep. + Part of body.被动句:Receiver as a man+Be+Past-participle+ Prep.+ Part of body.如:hit sb 介词+身体部位He hit her on the head with a bottle.Slash sb 介词+身体部位Slash sb on the back 用鞭子抽打某人的背。因此,受事 1 与受事 2 的领属关系,要根据情况来翻译。2) 受事 2 表示句中动词的结果1)他被打得失去了知觉。He was beaten senseless.2) 不一会儿,他就被剃了一个大光头。Very soon, he has had his head fully shaven.3) 受事 2 表示接受事物对象,相当于主动句中的间接宾语。1)那本书叫我送给别人了。I have given that book t


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