大学英语 unit+6+for+2009students 复习提纲

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1、1Unit 6 Animal Intelligence学习目标核心词汇:extend intelligent controversy explore encounter reveal convince dominant negotiate maintain relieve undertake expand envy cooperate assess thrive slide evidence deceive gaze survive cautious display purchase nevertheless indicate alarm reject重要短语:make a deal figu

2、re out in sbs interest at first go wrong throw up size up give in wipe out pull oneself together take to shed light on经典句式:1. only to do 2. why do ?/ why not doing ?核心词汇1. extend用法:v. (1) (指空间,土地或时间的)延伸,继续:The meeting will extend two more hours.会议要延长两个小时。The wet weather extended into September. 潮湿阴雨

3、的天气延续到九月份。(2)扩大,延长:There are already 40 students in the class, we have to extend the classroom. 班里已有 40 个学生了,我们必须把教室扩大。to extend ones garden 扩大花园考点:extend 与介词 over, from, to 的搭配。 典型考题: Our ranch _ from the foot of that hill to that river in distance.A intends B extends C expands D expends答案为 B。译文:我们

4、的农场一直从那座山脚下延伸到远处的河边。记忆法: extensive a.大量的,辽阔的extensively adv. 大量地 辨析:extend 和 lengthen 的反义词为 shorten。这两个动词都可以表示时间和空间的“延长” ,但是 extend可以用于比喻意义上的“延长” ,或范围的“扩展” 。如:the extended meaning of a word ( 词汇的引伸意义2. intelligent用法:a. (1)有智力的: Gorilla is a kind of intelligent animal.猩猩是一种有智慧的动物。an intelligent being

5、 有智力的动物(2) 【计算机科学】 智能的: an intelligent terminal 智能终端intelligence用法:n. (1)智力;才智 :Use your intelligence, and youre sure to achieve something. 发挥你的聪明才智,你一定能取得成就。a boy who shows little intelligence 智力低下的男孩3. controversy用法:n. (1)争论,辩论:在持相反观点两方之间进行的(尤指公开的)争论或辩论, (尤指纸上的)2论争, 论战, 辩论:The use of nuclear power

6、 is the subject of widespread controversy. 使用核武力是一个会引起广泛争议的问题。4. explore用法:v. (1)钻研:系统地研究;调查:explore every possibility. 系统地研究每一个可能性We must explore all the possibilities for the solution of the problem. (喻)我们必须探讨解决这个问题的所有可能性。(2)勘探:为有所发现而进行的探测或旅行:Exploring outer space. 太空勘探典型考题: Columbus discovered Am

7、erica but did not _ the new continent.A expose B explode C explore D exploit答案为 C。译文:哥伦布发现了美洲 ,但他没有探索这个新大陆。5. design考点:be designed to do sth. / be designed for sb./ sth.。 典型考题:The new model will be _ to be both attractive and practical.A assigned B resigned C designed D plan答案为 C。译文:新的型号将被设计的及外观吸引人,

8、又实用。7. encounter用法:n. ( 1)相遇,碰见:相遇,尤指一次没有事先计划的、未料到的、短暂的相遇:a chance encounter in the park. 在公园里的偶然相遇。v. ( 1)不期而遇:相遇,尤指意外遇到;偶然遇见:encountered an old friend on the street. 在街上偶然遇见一位老友(2)遭遇:encounter numerous obstacles. 遭遇很多阻碍8. reveal用法:v. (1)揭露,泄露:使(某些隐藏的事或秘密)为人所知:revealed a confidence. 泄露机密(2)使显露;显示:T

9、he curtain opened and revealed the beautiful stage. 大幕拉开了,漂亮的舞台露了出来。考点:reveal + n., reveal + that 从句,it is revealed + that 从句. 。 典型考题: Please dont _ the answer of the riddle before I ask you to.A discover B reveal C revise D rewrite答案为 B。译文:请别在我问之前别说答案。记忆法:revealing adj.有启迪作用的9. convince用法:v. 使确信, 使

10、信服:He convinced me that I should study law.他劝我应该学法律。It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt.花费了许多个小时法庭才相信他有罪。考点:convince sb. of sth. 使相信;信服;说服convince sb. that 典型考题: He is _ that war would come.A convinced B convincing C converted D. conveyed答案为 A。译文:(人们)令他相信战争即将到来。 。记忆法: be convinced

11、of v. 确信, 认识到 convincing a.令人信服的, 有力的, 令人心悦诚服的 convincingly adv.信服地, 有说服力地10. dominant 用法:a. (1)支配的:最有影响的或支配的:the dominant partner in a business, 商店中最有势力的股东。(2)最有力的, 有权威的:a dominant person in the team. 队里最有权威的人。典型考题: He tried to maintain the partys _ position in the country.3A romantic B domestic C

12、successful D dominant答案为 D。译文:他努力维持该党在国家的统治地位。11. negotiate用法:v. (1) (常与 with 连用)谈判,协商,商谈:The president doesnt want to negotiate with the workers.董事长不愿意与工人谈判。(2)商定;达成协议:They negotiated a peace treaty. 他们通过谈判达成和平协议。negotiate a contract.协商合同考点:固定搭配:negotiate for peace 讲和 ,negotiate with someone about

13、something 与某人协商某事典型考题: Nobody knows whether they will _ with the government.A talk B neglect C speak D negotiate答案为 D。译文:每人知道他们是否愿意与政府谈判。记忆法:negotiation n.商议, 谈判, 流通 negotiator n.谈判代表 negotiable adj.可通过谈判解决的12. maintain 用法:v. (1)维持或保持;继续:maintain good relations. 维持良好的关系。(2)保养:使保持在良好的修缮和效率状态中:maintai

14、n two cars. 保养两辆小汽车。The car has always been properly maintained.这汽车一直保养得很好。典型考题: It is easy to start friendship but difficult to _.A remain B maintain C retain D attain答案为 B。译文:友谊开始容易维持难。13. relieve 用法:v. (1)减缓:relieved all his symptoms; relieved the tension. 减轻了他的所有症状;缓和紧张局面。(2)救济:They try to relie

15、ve those poor people in the country.他们尽量去帮助农村那些穷人。(3) (与 of 连用)免除;解除: Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel. 让我把你的重包裹解下来吧。考点:relieve oneself,relieve sb.s mind, relieve sb. of sth. 典型考题:This medicine will help to _ you from your pain.A disturb B exhaust C depress D relieve答案为 D。译文:这种药可以帮你缓解疼痛。记忆法:relieved a. 放心的 relief n. (痛苦等的) 减轻, (债务等的) 免除, 救济14. undertake 用法:v. (1)着手作;从事:承担 undertake a task. 开始进行一项任务。典型考题: The lawyer _ the case without a fee.A overtakes B undertakes C understate D understand答案为 B。译文:


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